Incirlik Airmen step up with AADD program

INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey -- The lights turn off, the parking lot is empty and suddenly the realization comes that the plan to get home has fallen through. After this realization, the thought of 'driving' may come to mind, but the Airmen of Incirlik Air Base have devised a solution - Airmen Against Drunk Driving.

On Jan. 1, 2015, eleven Airmen took the initiative to be that designated driver by introducing AADD to Team Incirlik.

The program, which is open to all U.S. military, dependents and Department of Defense civilians, is free and is designed to return individuals safely to their residence if they are unable to drive themselves due to consumption of alcohol.

"The main goal of AADD is to be there for someone to prevent them from making a mistake," said Staff Sgt. Daniel Esselstrom, AADD volunteer. "One mistake can ruin our whole career in the Air Force. We need our Airmen to accomplish the mission. They're our top priority."

The program, an all-volunteer force, is not a taxi cab replacement; however, the Airmen volunteering will not reject a person in need of assistance.

"The intent of this is not to be a free taxi ride for everyone," said Staff Sgt. Jeremy Duddles, AADD volunteer. "It's to provide safe transportation for those who have had too many drinks and were supposed to drive themselves or their wingmen home."

According to Esselstrom, the process of getting home safely with AADD is very simple.

"We aren't going to ask any unnecessary questions when it comes to providing a ride home," said Duddles. "We don't ask for last name, rank or squadron. We're there to help the person, not there to interrogate them."

For each call, the dispatcher will ask the gender of the passengers and pick up and drop off locations.

"We won't travel off base to pick you up, but we'll meet you at the gate," said Duddles.

AADD is operational during weekends and holidays from 10 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. and is located at the Connections, building number 884, across from the Club Complex. To contact AADD, call 676-AADD (2233).

To become a member of the AADD program, contact a squadron representative or email the 39th AADD workbox at 39thABW.AADD@US.AF.MIL.