Action line 81010 - Cleaning

INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey -- Complaint: 

We recently moved into our assigned house here at Incirlik and immediately noticed the concrete patio out back had what looked like 40 years of dirt and mold on it.

In an effort to make our house more presentable, we attempted to borrow a power washer from the self-help store. We were politely told that the ONE power washer they had was broken and parts had been ordered some time ago. In any event, it is possible we will have to wait months before we can borrow this machine, which is unfortunate because we must look at this eyesore every day. It is also disheartening because the newly built homes are lovely AND clean. While we were not assigned one of those nice, new houses, at least I held the hope I could properly clean the one I have.

At our last base, these things were taken care of routinely, usually once a year, like the maintenance checks of the heating/cooling systems. Although it is not probable, couldn't the base purchase more than one power washer?

Additionally, there are other things which could use a good cleaning: The gazebos at Arkadas park are used quite often and are very beautiful, from a distance. Upon closer inspection, however, it is obvious they could benefit from a routinely scheduled cleaning. Dust and dirt from frequent use, and bird droppings cover them. The nearby picnic tables could use a little help as well. A power washer would make quick work of this task if one were available. These are just some thoughts for your consideration.


Your initiative is admirable! Your attitude is that of an 'owner' versus a 'renter', for which I heartily applaud. Please stop back by the Self-Help Center to borrow the power washer. After replacing a damaged part, the center staff put the unit back in service on 8 Oct 08.

Great question regarding the purchase of a second power washer. After researching the use of our existing system we found there is not enough demand to justify a second power washer, it was only checked out twice in the last year. However, we will provide better instructions to personnel who borrow the unit to minimize future damage.

Additionally, because of your input, we are currently looking into possibly adding power washing of the patio areas to the change of occupancy maintenance contract.

The gazebos at Arkadas Park are a great asset to the community. We currently do not have routine cleaning in our base maintenance contract. We are working to change this. This is going to take a combined effort our CE, FSS and CONS squadrons to solve this shortfall. Thank you again for your comments!!