Action Line #90403 – Starbuck’s Coffee

INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey -- Complaint: 

I am concerned with the outdoor patio section for Starbucks being used as a smoking patio. I thought the policy is that within 50 feet of all entrances to AF buildings remain a smoke free zone. The Starbucks patio is directly outside their patio door and they currently have ashtrays on all patio tables. To get in and out of Starbucks you must either suffer the stench and haze or use the club's front door. Also, when you are inside Starbucks and anyone uses the patio door, the stench and haze drift into Starbucks. It is impossible, with the current set up, to enjoy a cup of coffee without suffering from others addiction. While I am very grateful for the Starbucks, I dread going there and smelling the smoke. Please help out those of us that would like to enjoy all the amenities of Incirlik without being exposed to second hand smoke.


We too are pleased that Starbucks is now a part of our community. Smoking is a sensitive issue to all, but we would like to offer Starbucks amenities to the entire community.

Based on your concerns and our desire to ensure all members of the community can enjoy Starbucks, we have designated the back portion of the outdoor patio (furthest area from the entrance) as the smoking permitted area. This area has been marked with "Smoking Area" signs and ashtrays. Just for the record, the 50 foot rule you mention is not in any AFI we could find, but a certain amount of distance is a good thing.

These tables are far enough from the entrance to prevent smoke from entering the facility. In addition, Starbucks employees have been instructed to utilize the club patio smoking area, rather than the Starbucks patio, ensuring that plenty of space is available for their customers. We appreciate your comments and are confident the entire community can continue to enjoy all that Starbucks has to offer.