Action Line #90806 -- CDC Parking

INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey -- Complaint: 

The CDC driveway is very small and most of the time people just pull in however they seem fit which makes it an issue when we are all trying to pick up our children in the afternoons and there are backs of cars poking out in all different directions. I understand you need to be patient while waiting for people to leave and that is fine, but not everyone can be patient. Just yesterday a gentleman behind me was getting very flustered because I was waiting for someone to leave. They also closed off the back-side parking lot taking away all of those parking spaces and making it even harder and I don't think everyone knows it is there. There are not adequate numbers of parking spaces in place around the CDC, library, dining hall and bowling alley. And the ones that are there do not fit a small SUV very well either; then again you have the big CRASH RECOVERY trucks, and GOV trucks/vans pulling into the very small spaces leaving the beds of the trucks in the middle of the street and taking up at least two parking spaces because they are so narrow. I have a 1 year old and do not see it fit to park all the way down the street to then carry her and all of her belongings to the car. I don't know if there is anything you can do but I would appreciate some insight on this or a game plan to resolve it.


Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to explain about the parking area that is closed behind the CDC. The rear parking area you refer to remains closed to ensure the safety of our base population. If used, the parking is a force protection concern as undetected vehicles could potentially park there and not be seen by security personnel. Additionally, the exit onto E Street from that parking area does not provide adequate line of sight for the drivers to safely exit the area.

We understand the congestion that occurs in front of the CDC, and the security forces squadron works hard to maintain traffic flow. In fact, we recently re-designated previously reserved parking spaces near the CDC to help alleviate congestion in the circle. In addition to alleviating some congestion, this action also provides two additional parking spaces for CDC patrons. The large trucks you refer should not be parked along the street; security forces will monitor that closer.

As you mentioned in your note above ... patience is key! Everyone needs to understand that we must wait our turn and respect others to have their turn. That is the most effective way to ensure the safety of our Incirlik family members.