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U.S. Africa Command's testimony as submitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee
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Through multinational exercises and military-to-military engagements, U.S. Africa Command strengthens relationships with African partner nations to help build the defense capability and capacity of their security forces.

U.S. Africa Command embraces a holistic approach to security challenges by working closely with U.S. Government interagency counterparts and partner nation militaries from around the world.

Along with regional partners, U.S. Africa command conducts military operations to disrupt, degrade and neutralize violent extremist organizations that present a transnational threat.

Operations set conditions for continued partnering to help African partner nations build the capacity they need to secure the region.

U.S. Africa Command stands ready to protect U.S. personnel and facilities within the region.

By forging relationships with regional partners, U.S. Africa Command ensures U.S. and partner nation security forces will have what they need, where and when they need it to respond to crisis.

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Eastern Accord 2016 Daily Operations
Eastern Accord 2016 is a two-week exercise that brings 9 partner nations together in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Every morning the participants arrive at the Tanzanian Peacekeeping Training Center and participate in a series of academic classes and planning sessions in preparation for the culminating command post exercise. They represent military staffs from each participating nation and they live and work side-by-side not only to share their best military practices but also to strengthen cross-cultural relationships. Participants are organized into a multinational headquarters staff that works together in a notional peacekeeping operation scenario. The annual, combined, joint Eastern Accord exercise brings these multiple partner nations together to practice and demonstrate proficiency in conducting peacekeeping operations together.
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Our Mission

U.S. Africa Command — with partners — disrupts and neutralizes transnational threats, protects U.S. personnel and facilities, prevents and mitigates conflict, and builds African partner defense capability and capacity in order to promote regional security, stability, and prosperity.

"A safe, stable, and prosperous Africa is an enduring American interest."