Reporting Options

The Air Force has instituted avenues for reporting sexual assault in the form of Restricted and Unrestricted Reporting.

Restricted Reporting allows sexual assault victims to confidentially disclose the assault to specified individuals (i.e., SARC, SAPR VA, Chaplains or healthcare personnel), and receive medical treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC and SAPR VA, without triggering an investigation. It is intended to give the victim (survivor) time and control over the release of their information. Further, it also empowers the survivor to make an informed decision about participating in the criminal process.

Restricted Reporting is available for:
- All Service members and their Dependents over the age of 18

Unrestricted Reporting is any report of sexual assault made through normal reporting channels (for example: reports to chain of command, security forces, and/or Air Force Office of Investigation). This reporting option triggers an investigation, command notification, and allows a person who has been sexually assaulted to access medical treatment and counseling.

Unrestricted Reporting is available for:
- All Service members and their Dependents over the age of 18
- DoD Civilians and their Dependents over the age of 18 (MTF access and/or serving in an OS location)
- Contractors (if supporting in a contingency location outside the continental United States)

Independent Reporting is an assault reported by someone other than the victim.

Incirlik SARC Contact Info

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office
Building 3850

DSN: 676-7272
Commercial: 0322-316-7272

Message from CSAF & CMSAF

Special Victims' Counsel

Main Purposes of the SVC Program:

- Provide Advice => Develop victims' understanding of the investigatory and military justice processes

- Provide Advocacy => Protect the rights afforded to victims in the military justice system

- Empower Victims => Remove barriers to victims' full participation in the military justice process


SVC Program Objectives:

1) Provide Support Through Independent Representation

2) Build and Sustain Victim Resiliency

3) Empower Victims

4) Increase Level of Legal Assistance Provided to Victims 


Examples of Representation Offered to Victims:

Civil Legal Matters


Article 32 Pretrial Investigations

Interviews with Victims


Court of Inquiry

Post-Trial Matters

Clemency and Parole Boards


Article 138

Notaries and Administrative Oaths

Civilian Criminal Jurisdiction Advice

Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction Advice

Advocate  to the Media on Behalf of Victim

May Assist with Certain Collateral Misconduct


Contact Information

Capt Rick Hanrahan

Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC)

Work Address:


Area 2, Bldg 220, Rm 10

Aviano AB, Italy

Phone Numbers:

DSN: (314) 632-2430

Comm: 0434-30-2430

Comm from USAFE: (+39) 0434-30-2430

Comm from U.S.: 011-39-0434-30-2430

After Business Hours [Command Post]:

DSN: (314) 632-3100 or COMM 0434-30-3100

Email Addresses:

Email Address:
Alternative Email Address:

Mailing Address:

Attn: Capt Rick Hanrahan

Air Force Special Victims Unit (AFLOA/CLSV)

Unit 6112

APO AE 09604-6112


TSgt Anna Nakamoto

Special Victims’ Paralegal (SVP)


Building 408, Ramstein AB, Germany


Ramstein Air Base

DSN: (314) 478-4SVC (4782)

Comm: 06371-405-4SVC (4782)

Comm from USAFE: (+49) 6371-405-4SVC (4782)

Comm from U.S.:  011-49-6371-405-4SVC (4782)

Email Address:

SVC General Org Box:


- Work Address - the org box (preferred)

AFLOA/SVC, Building 408, Ramstein AB, Germany

- Mailing Address (if different than work address) - AFLOA/SVC, Unit 3172,

APO  AE 09094


SAPR Leadership Messages

Deborah Lee James, Secretary of the Air Force"During the last year, the Air Force has worked hard to combat sexual assault. We have invested in programmatic, educational, and resourcing efforts aimed at reinforcing a zero tolerance environment. The Air Force's mission depends on Airmen having complete trust and confidence in one another. Our core values of Integrity, Service and Excellence, define the standard. Sexual assault is absolutely inconsistent and incompatible with our core values, our mission, and our heritage. As such, our SAPR program is a priority both for ensuring readiness and taking care of our Airmen."

Deborah Lee James
Secretary of the Air Force


Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, Air Forced Chief of Staff"Sexual assault has no place in our Air Force. We live in a culture of respect. We cherish our core values of integrity, service and excellence. But in order to ensure all Airmen experience and benefit from those values, we must eliminate sexual assault in our ranks."

Mark A. Welsh III
General, USAF Chief of Staff


Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James A. Cody"Sexual assault has no place in our Air Force. We will continue to provide a balance of focused education, compassionate advocacy, and accountability in order to promote dignity and respect. We remain dedicated to eliminating sexual assault and instilling confidence and care in the reporting process.."

James A. Cody
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Forc