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Education & Human Resources (EHR) Active Funding Opportunities

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Key: Crosscutting Crosscutting | NSF Wide Flag NSF-wide | submission required submission required
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Academic Research Infrastructure Program: Recovery and Reinvestment (ARI-R²) Crosscutting 09-562 Current but no longer receiving proposals
ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers NSF Wide Flag 16-594 Full Proposal:
March 15, 2017

Preliminary Proposal:
April 12, 2017

Letter of Intent:
August 9, 2017

Full Proposal:
September 13, 2017

Full Proposal:
January 17, 2018
Advanced Technological Education (ATE) 14-577
Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) 15-593
Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) 16-552
Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs: Establishing Spokes to Advance Big Data Applications (BD Spokes) 16-510
Building Community and Capacity in Data Intensive Research in Education (BCC-EHR) 17-532 Full Proposal:
March 15, 2017
Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) and HBCU Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (RISE) 16-525 Supplement:
Accepted Anytime

Full Proposal:
February 10, 2017

February 13, 2017
Computer Science for All (CSforAll:RPP) Crosscutting 17-525 Full Proposal:
February 28, 2017
Critical Techniques, Technologies and Methodologies for Advancing Foundations and Applications of Big Data Sciences and Engineering (BIGDATA) 17-534 Full Proposal:
March 22, 2017
Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM) 15-528 Full Proposal:
February 15, 2017
Cyber-Innovation for Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES) 15-524
CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS) 15-584
Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring for Our 21st Century Workforce NSF Wide Flag 11-515 Current but no longer receiving proposals
Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies Crosscutting 17-520 Full Proposal:
February 10, 2017

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