
December 5th
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What’s Next for Dakota Pipeline

While the Obama administration's decision not to approve a key permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline is a victory for those gathered in North Dakota by the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, the long struggle to block the pipeline remains far from over

Judge Declares Mistrial in Walter Scott Case

A judge declared a mistrial in the murder case of Michael Slager, the South Carolina officer who killed Walter Scott, an unarmed black man who was shot in the back multiple times following a routine traffic stop

French PM Manuel Valls Is Running for President

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has announced his candidacy for next year's presidential election and said he will step down from his current role. "I want to give everything for France," the 54-year-old said in a speech

Jimmy Kimmel to Host 2017 Oscars

Jimmy Kimmel will host the 2017 Academy Awards in February. It's the first time Kimmel will host the Oscars, although the Late Night With Jimmy Kimmel star has previously hosted several award shows, most notably the 2012 and 2016 Emmys

Oakland Warehouse Fire Death Toll Rises to 36
Dad Sentenced to Life in Prison for Toddler's Hot Car Death
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory Concedes
Donald Trump Meets With Al Gore
Trump Taps Carson as Housing Secretary
Abe Will Be First Japanese Leader to Visit Pearl Harbor
Why Italy's Referendum Vote Isn't All Good News for Populists
Charleston Families Brace for Dylann Roof’s Trial