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01/10/2007 - Updated 12:14 PM ET
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The heat was on in '06
El Nino, climate change gives USA its hottest year ever.
Population figures released
Shift means big gains for some smaller cities.
USA reaches 300M quietly
Nation uses little fanfare to mark population milestone.
Dropout rates rise
Study: Low graduation rates a national problem.
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Inmate population increases
WASHINGTON — Prisons and jails added more than 1,000 inmates each week for a year, putting almost 2.2 million people, or one in every 136 U.S. residents, behind bars by last summer.

U.S. Hispanics drive growth
Hispanics remain the USA's fastest-growing minority group, but most of their population increase comes from births here rather than immigration, according to Census Bureau estimates released Tuesday.

Mich. pulls out of slump
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Detroit, Michigan's most populous city, has shrunk by more than 50,000 people this decade to about 900,000. One of its largest employers, General Motors, lost $10.6 billion last year and has offered buyouts to more than 100,000 workers.

Study: Stay alert or crash
The highway death rate increased in 2005 for the first time in about 20 years, preliminary federal statistics out Thursday show. Despite increased usage of safety belts and attention to drunken driving, 43,200 people died in car crashes last year, up from 42,636 in 2004.

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