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Navy Non-Resident Training Courses Library FAQs

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What are Non-Resident Training Courses?

Non-Resident Training Courses (NRTCs) are self-study packages (Classified or Unclassified) designed to help a student acquire Navy professional or military knowledge. The package normally consists of a course text and a set of course assignments and may be delivered in print or digital form, or both. Some NRTCs require the member to obtain separate manuals, instructions, or reference materials, or a commercial textbook.

Who is eligible to participate in Non-Resident Training Courses?

Non-Resident Training Courses are available to Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel who are active duty, reserve, IRR, or Department of Defense.

What are the benefits of completing Non-Resident Training Courses?

Completion of Non-Resident Training Courses fulfill local command eligibility requirements for advancement and may provide retirement points for reservists.

How many Non-Resident Training Courses can I take?

You can be enrolled in up to four courses at any one time.

How long do I have to finish a Non-Resident Training Course?

You are expected to complete the course within 12 months.

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Can I take a course for a rate other than my own?

You may enroll in courses for any rate even if it is not your own.

Can I enroll in the same course twice?

No, unless the course has undergone a revision.

How can I obtain a course description for a particular course?

Course descriptions are included in the course list on the NRTC website home page. View additional course information by clicking on the course title in the list.

How long will it take to receive course materials?

Typically, the Navy Logistics Library ships courses within a week of an enrollment. The time to receive a course may vary depending on your location.

What if I want to enroll in a course but I already have the course materials?

You can enroll in any of the courses listed. When you register, you will be asked if you need course materials.

I found a mistake in a course. Who do I notify?

Contact the group personnel found on the front cover for the book you are using to report any errors.

Grades and Assignments
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Can I view my grades online?

Yes, grades are posted under the Grades link on the Student Services page ( Note this page requires a CAC.

How long do I have to wait to get results from submitted assignments?

Assignments are scored upon online submission.

I submitted an assignment by accident, what should I do?

Please submit a VOLED Assistance Center Help Request small square with diagonal arrow extending from it, and select "NRTC" as the catagory.

Course Completion
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How do I get credit for completing a Non-Resident Training Course?

Completion of Non-Resident Training Courses are electronically provided to the Navy Training Management and Planning System and to Electronic Training Jackets.

Will Non-Resident Training Courses be listed on my Joint Service Transcript?

Completed Non-Resident Training Courses are not documented on your Joint Service Transcript, but are recorded on your Electronic Training Jacket.

Can I get college credit for completing a Non-Resident Training Course?

Non-Resident Training Courses do not have associated ACE recommended credit; however, you may take your completion letter to your college of choice and they may offer credits on a case-by-case basis.

When does Non-Resident Training Course Central Enrollment notify the Naval Reserve Personnel Center of earned retirement points? *

*Applies only to Selected Reserves and Individual Ready Reserves.

The Naval Reserve Personnel Center discontinued the automated point award system 01 OCT 2014.

For issues or questions about retirement points contact the Naval Reserve Personnel Command, Customer Service at 1-866-827-5672.

Site Issues
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Who is authorized to use this system?

Student services are available only to members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard with the status of Active Duty, Reserves, or DON civilians.

What can I access here?

You can enroll in courses, check course load, submit assignments, make personal data corrections or view grades all online.

Why must I log out after each session?

You should log out to keep your personal information private. If you are on a shared computer, the person using the computer after you can call up your information if you do not log out.

Why do I have to log in more than once per session?

To keep your records away from others, our server employs a timeout mechanism that logs you out after a set amount of time. For most pages, you will timeout after 15 minutes of inactivity.

I get a message telling me the page has expired. What do I do now?

To maintain your privacy, we expire some pages immediately after loading them. That way, if you log out, no one can see these pages by reviewing your internet history. Just hit your browser "reload" or "refresh" button and continue normally.

Why isn't my browser "Back" button functioning properly?

You should always use the "Back" button icon on the web page itself, when available. If the "Back" button is not on the web page you may use the browser "Back" button.