Table 10a. Ton-miles of Commodity Flows for Selected Mode of Transportation by State of Destination: 2002

Table 10a. Ton-miles of Commodity Flows for Selected Mode of Transportation by State of Destination: 2002

(Millions of ton-miles)

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State of destination Total1 Truck Rail Water Air (including truck and air)
Alabama 73,913 23,443 43,950 3,395 S
Alaska 7,344 1,531 3,739 200 89
Arizona 49,613 24,354 21,987 S 70
Arkansas 43,646 18,552 18,779 S 8
California 302,128 152,402 112,359 4,191 1,462
Colorado 39,711 24,759 13,408 67
Connecticut 11,267 7,734 2,114 362 S
Delaware 9,944 2,770 S S 4
District of Columbia 749 621 S S 19
Florida 130,303 58,835 33,482 26,132 576
Georgia 95,515 43,967 48,323 168 68
Hawaii 8,710 127 426 216
Idaho 10,491 7,488 2,502 6
Illinois 160,724 55,234 83,074 6,989 213
Indiana 93,351 28,674 43,013 1,852 29
Iowa 43,043 17,832 23,507 S 11
Kansas 39,809 19,769 18,082 S
Kentucky 63,269 25,203 18,423 14,568 71
Louisiana 253,014 21,366 36,063 132,906 24
Maine 6,791 5,006 1,450 S 5
Maryland 33,254 16,257 13,181 222 S
Massachusetts 23,025 15,950 4,570 S S
Michigan 96,589 41,558 39,658 2,811 106
Minnesota 65,075 24,815 35,488 1,761 59
Mississippi 33,118 12,400 15,698 1,816 14
Missouri 74,033 28,226 42,149 1,548 S
Montana 8,888 6,751 1,371 10
Nebraska 23,903 11,708 11,075 S 6
Nevada 16,978 10,625 4,036 38
New Hampshire 6,871 4,437 2,196 S 14
New Jersey 89,852 48,184 23,115 5,554 145
New Mexico 12,262 7,898 2,278 S S
New York 84,088 42,582 23,146 S 330
North Carolina 72,134 33,030 34,822 S 33
North Dakota 17,319 5,735 10,994 S 8
Ohio 144,749 53,592 47,938 22,598 142
Oklahoma 38,224 17,133 18,585 S 23
Oregon 53,270 22,331 22,488 4,516 58
Pennsylvania 100,557 43,220 37,608 2,742 94
Rhode Island 2,711 1,665 682 S 3
South Carolina 44,310 18,713 22,343 S 46
South Dakota 6,367 3,968 2,177 S
Tennessee 62,107 30,347 18,959 5,913 S
Texas 325,331 110,470 163,998 14,854 326
Utah 20,439 12,719 6,522 24
Vermont 2,513 1,907 275 S
Virginia 53,122 24,243 24,068 184 31
Washington 65,229 26,038 30,728 S 208
West Virginia 17,606 5,983 8,869 2,356 S
Wisconsin 88,921 27,929 56,520 S 25
Wyoming 11,717 5,824 S S

– Represents data cell equal to zero or less than 1 unit of measure.
S Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality.

1 "Total" include shipments by other modes not separately listed on this table, such as pipeline and multimodal shipments such as parcel, postal and courier; truck and rail; truck and water; rail and water; other multiple combinations, and unknown modes. Hence the sum of the four modes shown here will not equal the total.

NOTES: The appendices provide information on confidentially protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, sample design, and definitions. Links to this information on the Internet may be found at
Coverage for the 2002 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) differs from the previous surveys due to a change from the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification System to the 1997 North American Industry Classification System and other survey improvements. Therefore, data users are urged to use caution when comparing 2002 CFS estimates with estimates from prior years.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Commodity Flow Survey, Individual States Data, May 2005.