Recent ALCOASTs to know

All Hands selects several ALCOAST messages to publish in a weekly post to help raise awareness about specific messages and useful information. * NOTE: the series does not contain all of the ALCOAST messages, just select ones. In order to view all Coast Guard messages, click here.


ALCOAST 377/16: Promulgation of Waterways Management: Domestic Ice Management Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures; CGTTP 3-71.17

Effective immediately, CGTTP 3-71.17, provides districts, sectors and marine safety units (MSU) with TTP on how to safely, effectively, and efficiently manage domestic ice breaking within their areas of responsibility, including fundamental principles, considerations, processes and documentation. Successful management of domestic ice breaking is vital to facilitating maritime commerce and maintaining a safe and vibrant marine transportation system in the Great Lakes, Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions.

District commanders, sector commanders and commanding officers of MSUs are responsible for coordinating with international, federal, state, and local agencies, industry, and the public to ensure critical waterways remain open and safe for navigation. They are also responsible for maintaining capability to respond to search and rescue and port waterways and coastal security missions, requests for exigent community services, and facilitation of commerce.

Bravo Zulu to members of the Integrated Process Team (IPT) for their time, professionalism, and diligence, which contributed to improving both safety and facilitation of commerce in the nation’s waterways impacted by icing conditions. Key IPT members who went above and beyond to support this TTP effort include waterways representatives from: COMDT (CG-WWM-1, CG-WWM-3), CGD Nine, CGD One, CG Sector Sault Ste Marie, CG Sector Detroit, CG Sector Baltimore, and CG Sector N. New England.



ALCOAST 375/16: Selection of the Special Command Aide of the Year

A selection board convened on 27 September 2016 to review nominations for the 2016 Special Command Aide (SCA) of the Year.

I am pleased to announce that FSC Derek Johnson, SCA to Admiral Zukunft, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, is this year’s winner. FSC Johnson distinguished himself through noteworthy leadership, superior job performance, self improvement, community involvement and exemplary commitment to our core values.

FSC Johnson will participate in a three day competition against other enlisted aides from each of the services. The winner of this competitionwill be recognized as the Inter-Service Enlisted Aide of the Year at the annual USO “Salute to Military Chefs” Dinner in Washington D.C. on 15 November 2016. The annual USO Salute to Military Chefs is designed to showcase the culinary talents of today’s military chefs. A truly unique event, this dinner salutes the achievements of the participants and invariably impresses all attendees.

Also warranting special recognition are the following SCAs (listed below in alphabetical order) for their outstanding contributions to the Coast Guard, SCA program, and Food Service Specialist Rating:

  • FS1 Mason Champlin – RADM Ryan – CGD NINE
  • FS1 Brian Greatorex (runner up) – RADM Rendon – CG Academy
  • FSC Thomas Hunter – RADM Tomney – JIATF-SOUTH


A special thanks is also extended to the SCA of the Year selections panel.

FS2 Richard Stockman was selected to be one of the chefs that will combine their creative talents to prepare a six-course meal for the annual USO “Salute to Military Chefs” alongside the Ritz-Carlton’s Executive Chef. He was selected as the Coast Guard representative to participate with one member from the culinary teams of the President, Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, each member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Coast Guard Commandant.

Congratulations to all of the nominees for their exceptional professionalism as SCAs and Food Service Specialists. Each is commended for their extraordinary performance and expertise, and all continue to set the bar high for the next generation.


ALCOAST 374/16: Coast Guard Foundation Enlisted Reserve Scholarship Winners for 2016-2017

The Coast Guard Foundation, enabled by the generosity of the United States Automobile Association (USAA), sponsored eight $1,000 scholarships for Academic Year 2016 – 2017 to help offset the costs of higher education for enlisted Coast Guard reservists or their dependents. I am pleased to announce the following Coast Guard Foundation Enlisted Reserve Scholarship winners for 2016-2017 (alphabetical order):

  • Kaitlin M. Boyle, daughter of MKC William F. Boyle, CG Base Portsmouth, VA, has been accepted by Christopher Newport University. Ms. Boyle is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology.
  • Alexander I. Foglesong, son of DCC Derek K. Foglesong, Fourteenth CGDistrict, Honolulu, HI, is attending University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Engineering. Mr. Foglesong is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
  • MK1 Jason R. Genao, CG Station New York, NY, is attending Mount Saint Mary’sCollege in Newburg, NY. MK1 Genao is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing.
  • FSC Amanda Helton Gomes, CG Sector Long Island Sound, New Haven, CT, is attending University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT. FSC Helton Gomes is pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Naturopathic Medicine.
  • BM3 Luke T. Josey, CG Station Michigan City, IN, is attending Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL. BM3 Josey is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History Education.
  • Abigail K. LaBerge, spouse of MK3 Peder M. LaBerge, PSU 313, Everett, WA, is attending Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Mrs. LaBerge is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education/Special Education.
  • BM2 Benjamin J. Miller, PSU 313, Everett, WA, is attending Portland StateUniversity, Portland, OR. BM2 Miller is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Science with a Minor in Mathematics for Middle School Teachers.
  • MST3 Jane D. Saunders, CG Sector Maryland-Capitol Region, Baltimore, MD, is attending Washington College, Chestertown, MD. MST3 Saunders is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science.


Congratulations to all scholarship recipients. The quality of submissions this year was extremely high. Applicants not selected for a scholarship are commended for their initiative and pursuit of higher education.



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