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DHS Launches Known Employer Pilot Program

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced the launch of a Known Employer pilot to assess a new process for employers seeking to hire certain workers through employment-based visa categories.

Statement By Secretary Jeh C. Johnson On The Trade Promotion Authority

The Department of Homeland Security plays a critical role in enforcing trade laws that protect the public health and safety of American consumers. Every day, DHS personnel serving at our nation’s border facilitate billions of dollars in imports and exports and help ensure that American businesses get the benefit of all the economic opportunities the United States has negotiated over the years. From this unique vantage point, we recognize the importance of comprehensive, enforceable trade agreements to global trade and national economic competitiveness.

Strong International Partnerships -- Securing our Communities and our Economies

Today, I had the opportunity to meet with business representatives at the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Paris.  We discussed security challenges impacting companies in the U.S. and France, and ways that the public and private sectors in both of our countries can continue to work together to address shared threats.

A Bargain for a Better Border

As the global security and economic pictures have evolved in the post-9/11 world, so has our approach to border security.


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