Trust, Teamwork and Training central to USAFE success

AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy -- Trust, teamwork and training. These are the priorities expressed by the new U.S. Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa commander during his immersion visit to Aviano Air Base.

During their visit, Gen. Tod D. Wolters, USAFE-AFAFRICA commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Kaleth Wright, USAFE-AFAFRICA command chief, toured the base, met with Airmen and held a base wide all call at Aviano Air Base, Italy, on Oct. 13, 2016.

“During your time serving with me, think about trust in two ways,” said Wolters. “Empowering subordinates to kick butt and take names; and taking the time to communicate to folks outside of our enterprise about what it is that you do and why it is so significant.”

He also discussed the importance of teamwork, which is best exemplified by people taking personal responsibility for failure and giving away the credit for success. This is what he called using the language of champions.

“It’s pretty simple,” said Wolters. “If there are any failures to be had or blame to be cast, here is the safest way out: ‘That’s my fault. I’m responsible.’ … When there is success to be had, the best way to approach it is [by saying], ‘They did it.’”

Another key element to ensuring Aviano can successfully deter aggression is training.

“Training is that, which allows this thing called freedom to exist,” said Wolters. “This freedom that exists in the European and African regions is enjoyed only because great patriots are willing to train like there is no tomorrow.”

Another important topic to Wolters is that of wingmen coming together to support and care for one another. He discussed the importance of ending sexual assault in the Air Force and how being a good wingman can help prevent suicide.

In an interview with the 31st Fighter Wing public affairs team, Wolters reminded Team Aviano of the importance of being a good wingman.

“For all of us, as we approach the holiday season, I think it’s important for us to remember we’re human beings who enjoy each other’s company and if you see somebody who looks like they need a little bit of assistance, slow down and talk to them.”

Aviano was only one stop in Wolters’ tour in the USAFE-AFAFRICA theater. During his base visits, he will continue to speak to Airmen about the importance of trust, teamwork and training and how these priorities can enhance each base’s capabilities to accomplish the mission and support our coalition partners.