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Statement By Secretary Johnson On Additional Congressional Support For Airport Security

Today I thank Congress for approving our $28 million reprogramming request for TSA, which will allow us to more effectively and efficiently screen the increased number of travelers at U.S. airports. I would especially like to thank Chairman John Hoeven, Ranking Member Jeanne Shaheen, Chairman John Carter, and Ranking Member Lucille Roybal-Allard for their efforts to ensure the approval of this request.

Statement by Secretary Jeh C. Johnson on the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016

I congratulate Congress on passing the Consolidated Appropriations Act. It is a strong bill for homeland security. I am very pleased with the funding levels provided, and the number of other things the bill does to help us protect the Homeland. On behalf of the men and women of this Department, I thank Senators Hoeven and Shaheen, and Representatives Carter and Roybal-Allard for their strong support of our homeland security priorities.

TSA Workers Deserve More than an IOU

TSA OfficersIf by the end of the week the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not receive funding, the Department shuts down. A shutdown for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) means that most of our employees would still continue to come to work, without receiving a paycheck for that work until the shutdown ends.

Secretary Speaks on Need to Fund DHS

Yesterday, Secretary Johnson was joined by leadership and employees from across the Department of Homeland Security to discuss the consequences of a permitting a DHS shutdown. “I am also honored to stand here today with the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security, many of whom you see behind me. These are men and women who reflect a much larger workforce that is responsible for keeping our homeland safe,” Secretary Johnson said.

Statement by Secretary Jeh C Johnson on the Recent GAO High-Risk Series Report to Congress

This week, in the midst of our efforts to convince Congress to enact a clean, full-year appropriations bill for the Department of Homeland Security, I am pleased to report another huge step forward in our management reform efforts. As I stated in my January 29th speech at the Wilson Center, management reform is one of my New Year’s resolutions for this Department.

Remarks by Secretary Johnson at Employee Budget Media Availability

Good afternoon. I am pleased to be joined this afternoon by the Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the Commissioner of CBP Gil Kerlikowske, the Under Secretary for NPPD Suzanne Spaulding, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, the Assistant Secretary for Immigration Customs Enforcement Sarah Saldana, the Director of the Secret Service Joe Clancy, Director of USCIS Leon Rodriguez, the acting administrator of TSA Mel Carraway and our CFO Chip Fulghum.


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