File Naming Convention  |  Active Projects  |  Completed Projects 

WFLHD File Naming Convention

The WFLHD file naming convention consists of a project specific prefix followed by a short file type suffix.

<unique project designator>  +  <design or sheet file type>  +  .dgn

Note: Use the native extension for all files. Normally this is DGN for MicroStation; however this will vary for spreadsheets or other file types.

See File Name Prefixes for Active Projects to obtain the unique project prefix and to view some sample filenames. See below for the design and sheet type suffixes.

Design File Types

Most plan sheets reference other roadway design files containing the planimetrics (existing ground features), contours, and new work. Use the four-character suffixes shown below to describe these roadway design files. Use sequential numbers to make the length 4 characters (e.g. *plm1.dgn, *plm2.dgn, *xs01, *xs02.dgn, etc.).

Suffix Description
plm Planimetric files contain the existing physical features along the project corridor. Some WFLHD color pen tables are set to plot the existing features "gray".
con Contour files contain the surface lines representing points of equal elevation. WFLHD plotters (black/white and color) are set to "fade" the contours.
prw Property and R/W files contain the property lines and existing right-of-way information. After the proposed right-of-way is identified, this preliminary file is revised and returned to Project Development as a proposed right-of-way file (with the suffix "row").
row Proposed R/W files contain existing property lines and both the existing and proposed right-of-way information.
ha Contains horizontal alignments and other proposed roadway features.
va Contains vertical alignments and associated information.
shp Contains the superelevation shapes
pat Contains the cross-section pattern lines.
xs Contains the raw cross-sections. See below for cross-section sheets.
dsl Three-dimensional file containing the discontinuity and scan lines
dtm Three-dimensional file containing digital terrain models created from project triangulation (TIN) files.

Plan Sheet Types

Use the following two-character suffixes to indicate the plan sheet's function.

AA-AZ Title Sheets and Vicinity Maps NA-NZ Temporary Traffic Control
BA-BZ Summary of Quantities OA-OZ Landscaping
CA-CZ Typical Sections PA-PZ Permanent Traffic Control
DA-DZ Soil Erosion and Sediment Control QA-QZ
Miscellaneous Details
EA-EZ Drainage Tables and Details
Plan/Profile sheets
HA-HZ  < reserved >
IA-IZ  < unused > VA-VZ  < reserved >
Right-of-Way WA-WZ Walls
LA-LZ Line Graph XA-XZ
Cross Section Sheets
MA-MZ Material Source

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