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3d Marine Logistics Group


3d Marine Logistics Group

Sustaining The Pacific

Okinawa, Japan
3rd MLG Commanding General
Brigadier General Daniel B. Conley

A native of Falmouth, Massachusetts, BGen Conley was commissioned in 1988 following graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy. After completing The Basic School and the Logistics Officers’ Course, he reported for duty with 1st Landing Support Battalion, 1st Force Service Support Group, serving from May ’89 to May ’93 as a platoon commander, company XO, S3A, S4A and B Company CO. He deployed to Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm in August ’91 with MCSSD 171 supporting Task Force Papa Bear.
In May ’93, BGen Conley transferred to Ft Eustis, VA for duty as a student at the US Army Transportation Officers’ Advanced Course. Following graduation in November, he was assigned to the US Naval Academy for duty as a Naval Science Instructor and 14th Company Officer.
BGen Conley served as the S4 for MWSS 171 at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan from August ’97 to August ’98, before returning to Camp Pendleton to serve as a G4 Plans Officer with the 1st Marine Division. In May ’99, he reported for duty as the S4, 5th Marine Regiment where he served two years before transferring to the I MEF staff as the G4 Plans Officer. In November ’01 he joined the Task Force 58 staff as the N4A in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
In August ’02, BGen Conley reported for duty as a student at the US Marine Corps Command and Staff College. He detached in February ’03 to join the 1st MARDIV G4 staff for Operation Iraqi Freedom. He returned to Quantico in June ’03 for duty as the Logistics Integration Officer at EFDC, MCCDC.
In April ’05, BGen Conley assumed command of Marine Wing Support Squadron 274 at MCAS Cherry Point, NC. He deployed to Al Asad Airbase with the IRONMEN in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 5-7. After relinquishing command, he remained on the MWSG 27 staff until transferring to the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in July ’07. Following graduation from ICAF, BGen Conley served his joint tour at the NATO SHAPE HQ in Mons, Belgium from July ’08 to July ’10. During the tour, he deployed to Baghdad as a member of the NATO Training Mission-Iraq staff supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Returning to CONUS, BGen Conley assumed command of Marine Wing Support Group 27 in September 2010. In 2012, he realigned the Group’s MWSS to Marine Air Groups at Cherry Point, New River and Beaufort before casing and colors and deactivating MWSG 27. BGen Conley reported for duty as the MARCENT G4 in June 2012. The Marine Corps concluded operations in Afghanistan supporting Operating Enduring Freedom, deployed Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Central Command to the CENTCOM AOR, and initiated operations in support of Operation Inherent Resolve during this tour.
BGen Conley assumed his current duties as Commanding General, 3d Marine Logistics Group in July 2016.