Welcome to Military Life: Support Resources for Military Families

Group of children at Disney World.

If you've recently married into the military or you or your spouse has just joined, you may feel both nervous and excited about the future. If you have children, there may be extra challenges and considerations as well as new opportunities for you and your family.

During the adjustment period, family members often have to form new roles, adapt to new schedules, learn new ways of doing things and develop ways to compromise. Dealing with challenges related to military family life may be easier if you know about the resources that are available to help families through these challenges. Your installation Military and Family Support Center is a good place to start, for anything from local recreational opportunities to a personalized introduction to installation services including spouse career and employment opportunities, personal financial management classes, activities for children and families, and more.


You can ease some of the stress of deployment by preparing for separations. These resources can teach you strategies to help your family adjust during deployment:

For spouses:

For young children:

  • "I'm Here for You Now" is a board book designed to support and reassure younger children who are experiencing a parent's deployment or a particularly challenging time.
  • Sesame Street's "Talk, Listen, Connect: Deployments, Homecomings, Changes" is a multimedia program that helps children between the ages of 2 and 5 communicate feelings and concerns that they may have during different phases of deployment. 

For youth and teens:


Military families move every two to three years. If you aren’t used to it, relocation may be a new, and perhaps, unnerving experience for you. These resources can help you manage the move:

  • "What the Relocation Assistance Program Can Do for You" is an article that describes relocation support services to help you plan your move.
  • MilitaryINSTALLATIONS provides you with information about services and programs available to you on your new installation.
  • Plan My Move is a web-based relocation tool that lets you estimate moving expenses, keep a calendar of events, find forms that you need and use other planning tools to make your move go smoothly.

Changing careers

Family members may have to place their careers on hold or change careers completely when they relocate to a new area. These resources can help you manage career change challenges:

Use the resources and tools that your installation and Military OneSource offer to help make your family’s transition into military life as smooth as possible and to help them face challenges successfully.


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