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Chapter 12

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Chapter 12, Humanitarian Assistance and Mine Action Programs, provides policy and program guidance on planning and carrying out humanitarian assistance, mine action and foreign disaster relief programs.

Section Title
C12.1. Purpose
C12.2. Policy And Program Guidance
C12.3. Strategy And Budget Submissions, Program Administration, and Funding Allocation
C12.4. OHDACA-Funded Project Elements And Requirements
C12.5. Humanitarian Assistance (HA) Program
C12.6. Excess Property (EP) Program
C12.7. Transportation Programs
C12.8. Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA)
C12.9 Foreign Disaster Relief (FDR)

C12.1.1. Humanitarian assistance (HA), foreign disaster relief (FDR), and humanitarian mine action (HMA) are security cooperation (SC) programs designed to improve Department of Defense (DoD) access, visibility, and influence in a host nation (HN) or region, and build the capacity of the HN government while addressing a humanitarian need. Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid (OHDACA)-funded activities are executed across the combatant commands (CCMDs), offering DoD the ability to promote regional stability and security to achieve Theater Campaign Plan (TCP) objectives to reach theater strategic end states, in accordance with the Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF), and national security and foreign policy objectives. The OHDACA appropriation is the fiscal cornerstone for the legislative authorities identified in Table C12.T1. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide guidance and implement policy specifically related to OHDACA-funded activities, to include:

  • Humanitarian Assistance (HA)

  • Excess Property (EP)

  • Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA)

  • Denton (Space Available) and Funded Transportation

  • Foreign Disaster Relief (FDR)

C12.1.2. Specific implementation guidance for other legal authorities addressing HA (e.g., 10 USC 401, Humanitarian and Civic Assistance (HCA)) will be issued separately by the proprietor of the specific program (e.g., Joint Staff).

C12.1.3. DoD OHDACA-funded activities are intended to directly address humanitarian needs, augment Combatant Commander (CCDR) capabilities to respond to humanitarian crises, help generate long-term positive perceptions and goodwill for DoD, and promote cooperation with foreign military and civilian counterparts. Concurrently, OHDACA-funded activities provide direct benefits to the HN by improving the basic living conditions of the civilian populace in a country susceptible to extremism, enhancing the legitimacy of the HN government by improving or building its capacity to provide essential services (such as health care or education) to its populace, and promoting stability in the HN or region. OHDACA-funded activities are also designed to complement but not duplicate the efforts of HN civil authorities or U.S. Government (USG) agencies that have primary responsibility for providing such support.

Table C12.T1. OHDACA-funded Legislation Summary

Legislation Subject

10 USC 402

10 USC 402 Transportation of humanitarian relief supplies to foreign countries

10 USC 404

Foreign Disaster Assistance

10 USC 407

Humanitarian Demining Assistance

10 USC 2557

Excess non-lethal supplies for humanitarian relief purposes

10 USC 2561

Transportation of humanitarian relief and for other humanitarian purposes.

C12.2.1. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSD(P)) Special Operations & Low Intensity Conflict (SOLIC) provides policy guidance for Department of Defense (DoD) Humanitarian Assistance activities, which includes the OHDACA-funded programs and activities. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) maintains programmatic oversight of all OHDACA-funded activities and advises OUSD(P) in all program management and funding execution matters relating to administration of the programs at the Combatant Commands (CCMDs).

C12.2.2. CCMDs will issue additional guidance to their components to assist with implementation and management of all OHDACA-funded program elements, and to tailor OHDACA-funded activities to meet unique challenges of their commands.

C12.3.1. Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid (OHDACA) is a two-year appropriation utilized to support the U.S. National Security Strategy and Department of Defense (DoD) Security Cooperation (SC) programs through DoD funded humanitarian-focused programs. The appropriation allows DoD the opportunity to maintain a robust overseas presence in order to help shape the international security environment in a manner which assures partners of U.S. commitment, while furthering U.S. national security interests. OHDACA supports national security interests by promoting peace and stability through the establishment of relationships, by building the capacity of partner nations (PN), and improving DoD access, visibility, and influence in a PN or region, while addressing a humanitarian need. Consistent with applicable legal authorities, projects may be conducted as stand-alone projects, as part of broader stability operations, or as DoD-unique contributions to larger whole-of-government efforts. The OHDACA appropriation is managed by DSCA.

C12.3.2. OHDACA funds are allocated to CCMD Program Offices responsible for managing those activities executed under the authorities identified in Table C12.T1. Additionally, DSCA maintains funds for Foreign Disaster Relief (FDR) activities, procurement of Humanitarian Daily Rations (HDRs), development and maintenance of the Overseas Humanitarian Assistance Shared Information System (OHASIS), the Humanitarian Demining Training Center (HDTC), transportation, and the DSCA Excess Property (EP) Warehouses’ activities.

C12.3.3. DSCA submits the Program Objective Memorandum (POM), Budget Estimate Submission (BES), and President’s Budget (PB) for several appropriations, including OHDACA. The POM is submitted to the Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) office, and the BES and PB are submitted to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)). The POM and BES are submitted during the summer and the PB is submitted in January. The OHDACA budget is broken out among the HA, EP, HMA, and FDR programs, with justifications and estimated dollar values included for each program for the upcoming fiscal year (FY). This is a top-level view of the OHDACA appropriation.

C12.3.4. During the BES cycle, each CCMD Program Office responsible for HA, HMA, EP, and FDR program activities must submit a project plan summary for the budget year. The project summary is a list of planned projects that states the estimated cost and the number and types of projects by country. The CCMD project summary is submitted to OUSD(C) during the BES and PB. The CCMD has the option of revising its summary for submission during the PB.

C12.3.5. CCMD Strategy and Budget Planning and Execution Cycle.

C12.3.5.1. Each CCMD Program Office will submit an annual strategy and budget request in OHASIS (see description of OHASIS in Section C12.3.6.2.) to DSCA no later than (NLT) July 1 each year. To facilitate the submission and review of the strategy and budget submissions and the formulation of the OHDACA allocation plan, the cycle depicted in Figure C12.F1. will be followed annually.

Figure C12.F1. Annual OHDACA Planning and Execution Cycle

C12.3.5.2. References.

  1. Sections 402, 404, 407, 2557, and 2561 of Title 10, United States Code

  2. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Manual 5105.38-M, Chapter 12

  3. Department of Defense Cable, “Policy Guidance for DoD Humanitarian Assistance Funded by the Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid Appropriation,” June 5, 2012 (or latest release)

  4. 2010 National Security Strategy (or latest release)

  5. 2012 National Defense Strategy (or latest release)

  6. 2011 National Military Strategy (or latest release)

  7. 2012 Guidance for the Employment of the Force (GEF) (or latest release)

  8. Pertinent Theater Strategy formally issued by OUSD(P) or the CCMD

C12.3.5.3. New Guidance Released (1 October – Beginning of the Fiscal Year). OUSD(P) and DSCA will develop, coordinate, and publish pertinent policy and/or program management guidance according to officially established processes, on a timeline that ensures the guidance is as current as practical.

C12.3.5.4. Data Call for President’s Budget Request (December). DSCA is required to submit an OHDACA budget estimate, through the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), in support of the President’s Budget Request in December of each year. The data provided by DSCA for the BES in August of the previous fiscal year, as collected from the CCMDs, generally satisfies this requirement. However, DSCA may conduct a separate data call for this requirement in situations where events of significance (e.g. major disaster, shift in strategic priorities) may have altered CCMD plans.

C12.3.5.5. Pre-Submission “Question & Answer” Roundtable (March or as Agreed Upon). Prior to the annual budget submission each year, DSCA will facilitate an informal “question and answer” roundtable with each individual CCMD and the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Stability and Humanitarian Affairs (SHA), if required. The forum will provide an opportunity to discuss policy and/or program related concerns as the CCMDs formulate their budget submissions, with the primary purpose of resolving concerns or issues prior to the formal review of the CCMD budget submission. DSCA will invite each CCMD to submit agenda items for discussion, compile same, and then distribute a consolidated agenda prior to the meeting. The participants will identify and coordinate on how best to accomplish the roundtable. Meetings in person, teleconferences, and video-teleconferences, are examples of how the roundtable might be conducted. The Joint Staff J5 Humanitarian Engagement Branch (hereafter referred to as “JS J5”) will be invited to observe and represent the equities of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). As appropriate, SHA may invite OUSD Policy regional desks to participate in this event.

C12.3.5.6. Humanitarian Assistance Guidance Review Working Group (April or as Agreed Upon). DSCA will host an annual Guidance Review Working Group to discuss issues of relevance to OHDACA-funded programs, current guidance, and the need to issue updated guidance for future fiscal years. In general, guidance for the OHDACA-funded humanitarian assistance programs should have enduring applicability, providing the CCMDs stability for longer term planning. However, it is important to provide the necessary flexibility to adjust for emerging programmatic, strategic, and political concerns. The core of the Working Group will include DSCA, SHA, and representatives from the CCMDs. The OUSD(P) regional offices will be invited to attend, and JS J5 will be invited to represent the equities of the CJCS.

C12.3.5.7. CCMD Strategy and Budget Submissions due (July 1). CCMDs will submit their annual strategy and budget submission via OHASIS no later than 1 July each year. Unclassified supporting information will be uploaded to OHASIS as part of the submission. Classified supporting information will be submitted to DSCA via Secured Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPR). All submissions must be approved by the CCMD at the Directorate level (e.g. Director, J5).

C12. All submissions will follow the prescribed template in OHASIS and will address:

  • What the CCMD seeks to accomplish with its OHDACA funded programs (i.e., countries/regions of focus, how HA/HMA programs support theater strategy, risks incurred if these programs are not funded at the requested levels);

  • How each HA sector will be used in the CCMD’s Area of Responsibility;

  • HA and HMA conferences/workshops to be held;

  • Costs related to contracting and/or contingencies; and,

  • Costs for the completion of One Year After Action Reports (AAR).

C12. Additionally, each submission will include a list of the HA, Excess Property (EP), and Minimal Cost HA and HMA projects, the CCMD expects to execute using the fiscal year of funding being applied for. The CCMD will ensure the following sections, as found in the OHASIS project nomination template, are completed for all projects included in the annual budget submission:

  • HA BASIC INFO: 1. Project, Name, Summary

  • HA BASIC INFO: 3. Date Range, Cost

  • HA BASIC INFO: 4. Project Location

  • HA DETAILS: 1. Goals

  • HA DETAILS: 2. Goals (continued)

  • HA DETAILS: 3. Objectives

C12.3.5.8. Review of CCMD Program, Strategy, and Budget Submissions (July). DSCA will staff the CCMD submissions for coordination via OHASIS to facilitate a coordinated review that considers program management, functional policy, and regional policy interests. For coordination purposes, the budget submissions will be staffed to DSCA’s Office of General Counsel (OGC); the Director, Humanitarian Demining Training Center (HDTC); and, the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Stability and Humanitarian Affairs (SHA). The submissions will also be provided to JS J5 for informational purposes.

C12. DSCA will focus on program management using information derived from OHASIS and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) to serve as indicators of CCMD program management practices. Emphasis will be placed on the following program management areas: obligation and commitment rates for expiring and current year funds, After Action Report (AAR) completion rate, and data management in OHASIS (e.g. the currency of project updates).

C12. DSCA’s Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief, and Mine Action Division (HDM) program managers, as well as OGC, will review each strategy and budget submission for conformity with applicable authorities and guidance (References (a) through (c)), in addition to reviewing each individual project upon submission to DSCA for approval.

C12. OUSD(P) will review and evaluate each CCMD’s budget submission based on its conformity with existing policy guidance for the HA program (references (c) through (h)), as well as emergent or high visibility situations that warrant additional consideration in the budget allocation process. OUSD(P) will also consider whether and how the CCMD executed the previous fiscal year’s funds in accordance with that previous year’s approved budget strategy.

C12. SHA will facilitate the regionally-focused review by providing each CCMD’s strategy and budget submission to the appropriate regional offices within OUSD(P) for review. Regionally-focused offices will review the submissions to ensure their conformity with regional interests and existing DoD strategic guidance (e.g. references (d) through (h)), and inform SHA and DSCA of their feedback and concurrence/non-concurrence with the submission.

C12.3.5.9. BES Forecast (August). DSCA is required to submit an OHDACA budget forecast in support of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) BES in August each year. DSCA will submit a data call with instructions to the CCMDs each year to fulfill that request. CCMDs will provide a forecast for the fiscal year identified in the BES request, in accordance with Chapter 12.3 of the SAMM.

C12.3.5.10. Congressional Notification (August). DSCA will coordinate the annual notice to Congress of “Department Plans to Transfer Defense Articles and Services to Another Nation or an International Organization for use in International Peacekeeping, Peace Enforcement, or Humanitarian Assistance,” which must be completed prior to the expenditure of OHDACA funds each fiscal year.

C12.3.5.11. OHDACA Allocation Plan Working Group (September). DSCA, in partnership with SHA, will develop an OHDACA allocation plan, based on input garnered from the coordinated review of the CCMD strategy and budget submissions. JS J5 will be invited to observe and represent the equities of CJCS. The Working Group will consider all information provided with each CCMD submission, focusing on the areas of review identified above. The allocation plan will be based on the CCMD submissions with consideration of the following criteria:

C12. Department of Defense (DoD) Priorities. DoD humanitarian assistance programs must align with evolving DoD priorities.

C12. Budget Submissions. Budget submissions must clearly illustrate the CCMD strategy for its OHDACA funded programs relative to the National Security Strategy, National Defense and National Military Strategies, Guidance for Employment of the Force, pertinent theater-based strategy, the Theater Campaign Plan, and various supporting plans, directives, or CCMD initiatives.

C12. Disaster Relief. DSCA and SHA will collectively determine the amount of disaster relief funding projected in the President’s Budget Submission and set aside by DSCA for disaster response purposes. The amount set aside will directly impact the amount of OHDACA available for other humanitarian programs.

C12. Program Execution. OHASIS is the system of record for OHDACA-funded activities and is the data source for reports to Congress, the U.S. Department of State Foreign Assistance Dashboard, DoD Inspector General (IG) studies, U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) audits, and various other U.S. Government reporting requirements. CCMDs should nominate programs within their capabilities to resource from cradle to grave, vice submitting large numbers of projects and receiving commensurate funding that cannot be fully executed. Updating this system throughout the entire life cycle of a project is of paramount importance, therefore funding is tied to CCMD performance in this area.

C12. Ability to Obligate Funds. A CCMD’s ability to commit and obligate funds by September 30 of the final fiscal year of availability is paramount. Obligation rates of prior year funds are considered when determining the amount of new funding to be made available for the upcoming fiscal year. Discussions will be held with CCMDs regarding the rationale behind low obligation/commitment rates and associated shortfalls.

C12. Cross-Cutting Activities. OHASIS maintenance, excess property warehouse operations, Funded Transportation (covering shipments of excess property, disaster relief, and private donations), the Denton Transportation Program, the cargo inspection contract, HDTC operations, and Humanitarian Daily Rations (HDR) support all CCMDs and are funded by DSCA headquarters (HQ) from the OHDACA appropriation. This cost is subtracted from the overall appropriation prior to determining CCMD allocations.

C12.3.5.12. Allocation Plan Approval. The draft budget allocation plan will be submitted to SHA for review and formal coordination, after which it will be submitted to the Director, DSCA, for final approval. A copy will also be provided to JS J5 for informational purposes.

C12.3.5.13. OHDACA Distribution Decision Issued (September). Upon completion of formal coordination with SHA, the Director, DSCA, will issue the final allocation memo to the CCMDs. JS J5 will be included in the distribution of the allocation memo. Funds will be distributed to the CCMDs upon receipt by DSCA.

Note: As multiple factors impact the execution of the cycle described above, it is important to recognize the dates and timeframes identified are tentative and may shift, based on mission requirements.

C12.3.6. Program Administration.

C12.3.6.1. Congressional Notification Requirements Prior to OHDACA Funds Allocation. DoD may not obligate or expend funds to transfer defense articles or services to other nations, or international organizations for international peacekeeping and peace-enforcement, or humanitarian assistance operations, unless DoD provides notification to Congress of such potential transfers fifteen days prior to doing so. An annual notification, executed by SOLIC, provides the blanket notification to fulfill the advance notification requirements in both the continuing appropriations act and annual appropriations and authorization acts for the DoD. OHDACA funding for a given FY may not be obligated until this fifteen-day notification is complete.

C12.3.6.2. Overseas Humanitarian Assistance Shared Information System (OHASIS). OHASIS is the system of record for all OHDACA-funded humanitarian activities, as well as certain other Service Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funded activities (e.g. HCA, the Asia Pacific Regional Initiative (APRI)), and will be used during all stages of the project lifecycle. As such, OHASIS is the primary means for providing and receiving information, as well as producing reports, including those prepared in response to Congressional inquiry, Congressional reporting requirements, Government Accounting Office requests for information, and other data calls. CCMDs are required to use OHASIS for all OHDACA-funded projects.

C12.3.6.3. OHASIS serves as a comprehensive program management tool. The system is designed as a collaboration tool to develop, coordinate, and manage, OHDACA-funded projects at different organizations, including project officers, SCOs, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), CCMD and DSCA Program Managers (PMs), and OSD(P) representatives. Projects are nominated, staffed, approved and tracked through implementation and closeout via the OHASIS website. New accounts may be requested through the website.

C12.3.6.4. Project Nomination Process. All OHDACA-funded projects will be introduced and managed in OHASIS throughout the lifecycle of the project. Prior to project review by DSCA, OHDACA-funded projects will be coordinated with the corresponding Country Team, including the SCO Chief and USAID Mission representative, and documented in OHASIS. Interagency coordination should occur early and often at all phases of the project cycle.

C12.3.6.5. Individual projects must describe how DoD, program, and project goals and objectives will be met in terms of the activities, and the specific goods and services that will be delivered. The OHASIS project nomination wizard provides the framework to assist in project formulation and additional supporting information can be uploaded as required. Nominations are reviewed by the CCMD, and a nomination may be approved, disapproved, or returned for further development and information at any time during the review process. Upon CCMD Program Office approval, nominations are submitted to DSCA to ensure fiscal, legal, and DoD policy guidance requirements are met prior to approval. Nominations may be approved, disapproved, or returned for further development and information during the DSCA review process.

C12.3.6.6. Out-of-cycle nominations over $15,000 will be reviewed and approved or disapproved by DSCA, with an intermediate opportunity for SOLIC to review the projects for consistency with strategic guidance and interests. Regardless of the approval level, a CCMD may fund all approved projects at its discretion.

C12.3.7. Funding Allocation. Upon completion of the strategy and budget submission review process, DSCA will allocate OHDACA funds based on the strength of the CCMDs' budget submissions and ties to DoD and CCMD guidance, program history and execution rates, the availability of funds for that FY, and other pertinent factors. Additionally, DSCA will ensure its funding distribution maintains appropriate reserves for FDR activities as stipulated in the PB submission to Congress, as well as the crosscutting programs (e.g. transportation, HDTC & EP warehouse operations, HDRs, etc.).

OHDACA-funded projects, other than Foreign Disaster Relief (FDR), must meet minimum requirements as described below. These requirements provide the framework for evaluation of OHDACA-funded projects.

C12.4.1. Strategic Linkage to Strategic Goals and End States. All projects and activities will support the Combatant Command (CCMD) Theater Campaign Plan (TCP) objectives and strategic end states and should be consistent with the relevant embassy’s Mission Strategic Resource Plan (MSRP) and USAID’s Country Development Plan.

C12.4.2. Partnering and Coordination. OHDACA-funded projects will be coordinated with appropriate partner U.S. Government (USG) Agencies, and when appropriate with non-governmental organizations/international organizations (NGO/IOs) and the host nation (HN), to identify HN humanitarian needs, synchronize and integrate efforts, improve efficiency and leverage opportunities for partnering on projects, and to promote long term sustainability. How the proposed project helps fill a HN humanitarian need should be clearly expressed in the project justification. This approach will also promote, as appropriate, consistency with a country-specific MSRP and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) development activities.

C12.4.2.1. External Coordination. All OHDACA-funded projects will be coordinated with the corresponding Country Team, including the Security Cooperation Office (SCO) Chief and USAID Mission representative. This helps ensure projects are designed and implemented efficiently with regard to the use of USG resources and that no duplication of effort with other USG Agencies occurs. Project coordination, including concur/non-concur statements and associated comments, will usually be addressed in the Humanitarian Assistance Shared Information System (OHASIS), and by the organization conducting the coordination action. Where this is not feasible, supporting documentation (or appropriate electronic files, such as emails) may be uploaded and attached to the project page by the project manager. In situations where there is no USAID presence in the HN, the USAID Regional Office or the USAID advisor to the CCMD may accomplish the USAID coordination. Any non-concurrence or lack of support for a project by USAID or other USG Agency must be noted in OHASIS.

C12.4.2.2. Internal Coordination. Projects are usually nominated to the CCMD from a Service Component, SCO, or other CCMD activity, but may also be presented by other Department of Defense (DoD) components as appropriate. At the CCMD level of project review, coordination must be accomplished with the Command’s Staff Judge Advocate or Legal Counsel and across other pertinent functions (e.g. the Command Surgeon’s office for health support related projects, the Command Engineer for basic infrastructure and construction projects, and the Logistics or Contracting Officer when contracts will be required). Coordination by a Command security cooperation (SC) function cannot be implied, as all program offices managing OHDACA-funded projects may not have oversight of, or be under the oversight of, Command SC functions. Command SC coordination must be documented due to potential conflicts with SC objectives within the TCP, or requirements for the SC function to be aware of all BPC activities in the AOR. All Staff Judge Advocate or Legal Counsel and applicable function coordination will be completed and documented in OHASIS prior to submitting the project to Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) for review.

C12.4.3. Duplication. OHDACA-funded projects may complement, but not duplicate or replace, the work of other USG Agencies that provide foreign assistance (e.g., USAID, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NGO/IOs, etc.).

C12.4.4. Ownership. OHDACA-funded activities involving construction or renovation of a facility will not be approved unless both the facility and the land on which it sits are wholly owned or controlled by a HN government entity. Project nominations that involve construction or renovation of facilities will contain documentation provided by the HN (that includes English translation) that the facility and land are HN government owned.

C12.4.5. Maintenance and Sustainability. HN governments must demonstrate government support of the project, to include government willingness and ability to maintain and sustain the project. Projects that require sustained USG efforts after completion will not be approved. Accordingly, project nominations will include a description of the sustainment plan for HN maintenance and sustainment. The most effective OHDACA-funded projects should emphasize knowledge or skills transfer to build sustainable local capacity rather than simply perform an action for the HN, or offer donations of supplies or equipment. Once projects are approved by DSCA and funded by the CCMD, a statement of agreement to sustain the particular effort should be obtained from the HN.

C12.4.6. Construction Standards. Construction projects must meet relevant local, national, international standards, and/or building codes. In examining the construction aspects of a project and standards/materials of affected facilities, consideration should also be given for the ability of the HN to maintain and sustain facilities.

C12.4.7. Accountability. CCMD Program Managers (PM) will work with SCO and/or in-country project managers to determine the most efficient and effective means to verify appropriate end-use of materials, to include, when necessary, an end-use agreement. This information should be included in project nominations.

C12.4.8. Accessibility. Infrastructure projects involving facilities (e.g. schools, clinics, other buildings) must be accessible by USG personnel throughout the project lifecycle (to include after-action reports) to accomplish necessary verifications and inspections. This includes regular site visits to ensure work is being performed to proper specifications and is within contract requirements.

C12.4.9. Equitable Access. OHDACA-funded projects are intended to benefit the civilian population of the HN, and assistance must be distributed based on objective assessment of humanitarian needs, not on ethnic, racial, gender, or religious considerations. Therefore, project nominations must include confirmation that all segments of the local population will have equitable benefit.

C12.4.10. Foreign Military Involvement. OHDACA-funded projects should not directly benefit foreign militaries or paramilitary groups. However, on a case-by-case basis, foreign militaries may be involved so long as the ultimate beneficiary is the civilian populace and the military unit has a HA or disaster first-responder mission. All such project nominations will clearly spell out the rationale for and scope of such projects, to include the direct benefit to the civilian populace. Human rights vetting, per the requirements of the Leahy amendment, must occur before conducting OHDACA-funded training activities with HN military elements.

C12.4.11. Strategic Communication. Projects should be designed to have specific, well-identified target audiences and should include themes, products, images, and actions that send appropriate, consistent messages to target audiences. Project nominations will include sufficient detail on specific methods of intended DoD messaging to facilitate thorough review by the Country Team. DoD messaging for OHDACA-funded projects should: convey that the assistance was provided with the HN government in the lead; convey to the HN populace that their government is capable of and willing to provide essential services and/or respond to crises; enhance the HN population’s perception of their government’s legitimacy; and, convey within the HN, regionally and globally, that DoD, as part of the USG, responds to humanitarian crises and has an interest in the well-being of those in need.

C12.4.11.1. Public Affairs (PA). Project Managers will coordinate with PA personnel to ensure the best possible outreach strategies are crafted, disseminated, received, and understood. Working with PA from the initial stages of project development can enable a significant return on investment, and even help identify which projects may be most successful. Messages/markers should not contain acronyms and/or colloquial language on substantive markers, as they may not be understood by target HN audiences.

C12.4.11.2. Branding. A visible and substantive marker, such as a cornerstone, plaque, or sign should be included with OHDACA-funded projects. A visible marker is not recommended, however, if its display, as determined by the Chief of Mission or SCO Chief, may undermine the benefits of a project (e.g., could lead to acts of violence against the local populace or destruction of the project).

C12.4.12. Out-of-Cycle Projects. Projects included in the CCMD’s annual strategy and budget submission are considered in-cycle projects; whereas projects nominated for DSCA approval after the preceding FY’s July 1 strategy and budget request submission deadline, are considered out-of-cycle. Out-of-cycle project nominations should be kept to a minimum. DSCA will approve/disapprove, and forward to SOLIC for the opportunity to review, all out-of-cycle projects not identified in the budget requests, to ensure compliance with strategic guidance.

C12.4.13. Contract Support. The preparation and oversight of any contract used for an OHDACA-funded project requires use of a warranted U.S. contracting officer. This capability must be coordinated and determined prior to submission of any project nomination. Whenever practical, goods and services should be procured from the local economy. Cost for contracting services, as applicable, must be included in the project nomination’s cost estimate. Orders for goods or services, such as contracting or construction services, placed with DoD or non-DoD federal activities pursuant to the Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 1535) must comply with the DoD Financial Management Regulation (DoD FMR), DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 11A, Chapter 3.

C12.4.14. Engineer Support. Infrastructure projects that involve facilities development or improvements require the use of a U.S. engineer qualified to make all necessary quality assurance/ quality control inspections. Cost for engineering support, as applicable, must be included in the project nomination’s cost estimate.

C12.4.15. Estimating Costs. There are several cost considerations that must be accounted for in planning projects.

C12.4.15.1. Service Cost Considerations. Applicable costs for services rendered in support of projects (e.g. contracting, engineering, and associated support costs) must be included in project proposal cost estimates as part of the project nomination. Projects should be developed and nominated in a manner that balances individual projects and overall program costs with attaining the level of HN benefit that supports TCP objectives. To meet this goal, thorough research and careful planning is required.

C12.4.15.2. Construction Cost Considerations. Project Mangers should design and implement measures to ensure applicable construction costs are included in project proposal cost estimates. Construction costs include: surveys and site preparation; acquisition, conversion, rehabilitation, and installation of facilities; acquisition and installation of equipment and accessories integral to the project; acquisition and installation of supporting facilities (including utilities), and accessories and supplies incident to the project; planning, supervision, administration, and overhead incident to the project. Construction cost considerations should be applied when additional work for the same or similar humanitarian provisions is conducted on the same structure, even at a later date.

C12.4.15.3. Minimal Cost Projects. Projects costing less than or equal to $15,000 are referred to as minimal cost projects and may be approved at the CCMD level. Separating a larger effort that would ordinarily exceed $15,000 into distinct minimal cost projects to avoid DSCA-level review is not acceptable. Minimal cost projects are subject to the same criteria for policy compliance and planning guidelines as other OHDACA-funded projects and must be entered and managed in OHASIS.

C12.4.16. Funding Priorities. CCMDs will establish funding priorities. Limited resources and changing CCMD priorities may result in a corresponding change in the priority of projects. Additionally, projects may be subject to changing HN priorities, coordination delays, or other challenges. A project that is "approved" by DSCA should not be funded by the CCMD if the CCMD deems the project is not ready for execution, particularly if there is a risk that funds available for the project cannot be obligated before they expire. Project managers and other DoD stakeholders should not make firm commitments to a HN on any OHDACA-funded project until funding is assured.

C12.4.17. Priority Ranking. Each CCMD must maintain a rank-ordered listing of all projects in OHASIS and update this list as required. The prioritized list should reflect each project’s relative importance in support CCMD TCPs.

C12.4.18. After-Action Reporting. Project Managers should conduct timely and accurate after-action reporting, which ensures future HA project development can build on successful outcomes and avoid project planning and execution pitfalls. Project managers will complete an After-Action Report (AAR) in OHASIS within 30 days of project turnover to the recipient. The CCMDs will ensure a follow-up AAR that documents outcomes is completed within one-year following project completion. At a minimum, the follow-up AAR will confirm the project is still operating as intended, verify the HN or other partners are sustaining it, and identify to what degree the intended results have been achieved. Other pertinent information may be included in the AAR, as deemed appropriate by the CCMD. AARs will also enable project managers to reengage with project stakeholders in support of long-term relationship-building and SC objectives. Costs associated with conducting site visits and other research for AARs should be included in project nomination cost estimates. OHDACA funding is authorized for use of completing AARs and all costs associated with such efforts must be captured as part of the project. Each required AAR will follow the prescribed format in OHASIS; however, additional documentation may be uploaded as needed.

C12.4.19. Development Assistance Projects. Projects with the primary purpose of promoting economic growth and employment generation will be considered development assistance and are not authorized. Longer-term development activities are distinctly under the purview of other USG Agencies, principally USAID. DoD OHDACA-funded projects should supplement or complement, rather than duplicate or replace, the efforts of HN civil authorities or other USG Agencies that may have the primary responsibility for providing HA.

C12.4.20. Project Fiscal Year (FY) Rollover. Projects planned but not completed under a particular FY funding source may be rolled over and executed under a different FY funding source. CCDMs should confirm that the identified project is still valid and has the commitment of the HN.

C12.5.1. Definition. Programs conducted to relieve or reduce the results of natural or manmade disasters or other endemic conditions such as human pain, disease, hunger, or privation that might present a serious threat to life or that can result in great damage to or loss of property.

C12.5.2. Authority. 10 USC 2561 states that "funds authorized to be appropriated to the DoD for a fiscal year for HA (i.e., Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid (OHDACA)) shall be used for the purpose of providing transportation of humanitarian relief and for other humanitarian purposes worldwide."

C12.5.3. Program Description. The HA Program is a security cooperation (SC) tool that can improve visibility, access and influence, as well as promote regional stability with foreign military and civilian counterparts. Such activities assure host nations (HNs) of U.S. Government commitment to ensure HA for populations in need. Direct outcomes of DoD HA projects include advancing the legitimacy of the host nation (HN) government by augmenting its capacity to provide essential services.

C12.5.3.1. Department of Defense (DoD) HA activities are divided across the four sectors for nomination in Overseas Humanitarian Assistance Shared Information System (OHASIS): education support, health support, disaster preparedness (DP), and basic infrastructure. As a function of OHASIS, projects are organized, aggregated, and analyzed within and across these sectors and their relevant sub-sets to enable project comparison across countries, regions, and Combatant Commands (CCMDs).

C12.5.3.2. HA Program Project Examples. All HA projects and activities must advance DoD goals and objectives and address humanitarian needs to qualify for OHDACA funding. HA program activities include but are not limited to construction, renovation, and repair of public buildings such as medical clinics, schools, disaster response facilities and warehouses; development and construction of rudimentary roads and bridges for humanitarian purposes; excavation for water wells and boreholes; repair and installation of water sanitation, waste treatment, or solid waste management systems; subject matter expert exchanges; disaster planning and preparedness activities; and the provision of DoD non-lethal EP.

C12. Education Support. Education support activities target vulnerable populations by establishing the foundation for continuous learning and development, and promoting an understanding of basic human rights. These activities empower the civilian populace as a whole by eliminating the dependence on others for information, thereby mitigating the influence of extremist group propaganda. Further, education activities foster the survival capabilities of the populace by providing the tools necessary for self-reliance in addressing issues with limited support and resources. School-based education support projects support equitable benefit, with consideration of cultural norms. Education support activities will be integrated into the national education agenda of the HN Ministry of Education (or relevant government institution), and involve the full participation of local stakeholders and other pertinent organizations (e.g. NGO/IOs and other USG Agencies). CCDM PMs will ensure site ownership, equal access, maintenance and sustainability guidelines are considered during project nomination. Project examples include:

C12. Construction or Rehabilitation of Schools and Orphanages. Construction, expansion, or improvement of primary and secondary education facilities and orphanages fall under the education support sector, as they are a specific and delineated type of basic infrastructure and construction.

C12. School Furniture and Supplies. Projects supplying school furniture and supplies, including donation, will reflect items that the recipient school has identified as needed, as well as the maintenance and sustainability requirements for these items.

C12. Health Support. Health-focused projects, such as disease mitigation and prevention initiatives, address the basic survival needs of the population and promote stability by enhancing the standard of care established by the HN. These activities expand the HN’s ability to maintain a level of healthcare conducive to a robust population, resulting in increased confidence in HN governance and potentially lowering the civilian population’s susceptibility to extremist influences. Health-related projects and activities should emphasize public health capacity building (e.g. improving HN disease surveillance systems, education, prevention, and training), without significantly exceeding the standards of care already provided by the HN. HA Program implementing units must avoid providing care or medications that exceed local standards because of the negative effects such care could have on the local community. The results of which could contribute to a decline in the HN public’s positive perception of the U.S. military or of the HN government and local infrastructure. All health focused projects, especially those emphasizing public health capacity building, must be closely coordinated with USAID. COCOM PMs will ensure partnering, coordination, site ownership, equal access, and maintenance and sustainability guidelines are considered during project nomination. Project examples include:

C12. Public Health Surveys and Assessments. These projects assess medical needs and requirements of indigenous populations in order to determine required programs to provide medical care to those in dire need.

C12. Medical Support and Supplies. Medical HA projects will focus on public health and broader capacity-building to address significant health risks in the HN population. Opportunities to stock public health facilities with EP medical supplies will be explored prior to expending funds to purchase new items. As a matter of lessons learned, medical supplies, specifically medications, will be approved only by exception in those situations that clearly identify a plan for immediate distribution, such as in disaster response. Medical equipment and consumables may be requested following the standard EP process; however, the DSCA warehouses will ensure the items are in good condition and proper working order and the country team must ensure the items can be sustained by the HN. Provision of medical equipment will be carefully evaluated in advance to ensure the equipment is provided to public facilities and can be properly maintained and operated by the local personnel.

C12. Disaster Preparedness (DP). DP projects build the capacity of the HN government to meet the humanitarian needs of the civilian population in an emergency response. DP is recognized as a fundamental HN requirement, and such projects provide an easily implemented tool for engaging bilaterally and multilaterally. DP projects offer a neutral forum, potentially involving stakeholders at all levels and across all segments of society, that can be used for establishing or strengthening inter/intra-regional relationships. Site ownership, partnering, maintenance and sustainability, and training guidelines must be addressed in DP project nominations. Projects that include construction components may also consider multi-use functionality for buildings in the project design-phase (e.g. emergency operations center (EOC) also serves as a community center). Project examples include:

C12. Construction/Repair of EOCs, Disaster Relief Warehouses. Construction, expansion, and improvement of DP facilities fall under the DP sector, as they are a specific and delineated type of basic infrastructure and construction.

C12. Disaster Preparedness Activities. These activities will enhance the HN’s ability to respond to and recover from disasters, and may include (but are not limited to) assistance with planning for disaster response and recovery; assistance with exercise design and development, conduct, and evaluation; and the training of emergency responders (e.g. command and control, logistics).

C12. Basic Infrastructure. Infrastructure projects will develop or enhance HN ability to provide those services essential for survival and meeting basic human needs (e.g. clean drinking water, sanitation) and longer term stability. Construction projects must meet relevant local, national, international standards, and/or building codes. Projects will be built in a way that accounts for HN maintenance and sustainability requirements. Project examples include:

C12. Construction and Repair of Rudimentary Surface Transportation Systems and Public Facilities. These types of projects are evaluated on a case-by-case basis with several principles in mind, such as cost, road length, type of construction, HA impact on benefitting population, and the vulnerability of that population to disasters. Promoting economic development is not an acceptable justification for an HA construction project.

C12. Water Supply, Sanitation and Distribution, and Well Drilling. These projects include drilling wells or rudimentary repairs of water supply, distribution and sanitation and sewage systems.

C12. Repair of Electrical Production and Distribution Systems. Repairs and improvements to these systems are authorized to the extent they may enhance a service providing for the basic needs of the population (e.g. repairing the electrical system at a primary school or medical clinic), but may not provide a capability that does not already exist and/or cannot be maintained by the local populace.

C12.5.4. Program Process. HA project managers work in coordination with SCOs, as well as other DoD HA component implementing units, to coordinate with other USG Agencies and when appropriate with NGO/IOs and the HN, to jointly identify the humanitarian needs of the civilian population and develop projects and activities that directly address those needs while furthering the goals and objectives of the DoD and HN government. Early and regular coordination with USAID can ensure that projects avoid unintended negative consequences and do not impede the effectiveness of USAID’s development activities.

C12.5.4.1. The process for nominating HA projects is addressed in Section C12.3.6.4., Project Nomination Process.

C12.5.5. Reporting Requirements. DSCA will submit an annual report to Congress, providing information on the provision of HA pursuant to 10 USC 2561 for the prior fiscal year. The report is due at the time of the PB submission for the next fiscal year, which usually occurs on or before February 10. The report must include the total amount of funds obligated for humanitarian relief; the number of scheduled and completed HA transportation missions; and a description of any EP items made available for humanitarian assistance purposes under 10 USC 2557, to include the date of each transfer, the entity to whom the individual transfers were made, and the quantity of items transferred. The report is submitted to the Senate Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Relations and the House Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Affairs.

C12.6.1. Definition. EP is that quantity of non-lethal property in possession of a Department of Defense (DoD) component that exceeds the quantity required or authorized for retention by that component.

C12.6.2. Authority. Per 10 USC 2557, DoD is authorized provision of nonlethal, excess supplies for humanitarian relief purposes.

C12.6.3. Program Description. The DoD EP Program is managed by DSCA and refers to non-lethal EP made available to donate for Humanitarian Assistance (HA) and disaster relief purposes. EP donations typically include furniture, medical and school equipment and supplies, vehicles (e.g. fire trucks, ambulances), tools, and construction equipment. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has one continental U.S. (CONUS) EP warehouse in Albany, Georgia and two outside the continental U.S. (OCONUS) warehouses located in Livorno, Italy and Okinawa, Japan, respectively. Oversight of warehouse operations is executed by the DSCA Warehouse Manager located in the CONUS warehouse. Warehouse personnel process, refurbish, store, arrange, and track transportation of the property.

C12.6.3.1. DoD EP provided pursuant to the authority of 10 USC 2557 must be transferred to the Secretary of State, typically via the U.S. Embassy (or the Ambassador’s designated representative), which is responsible for distribution to the intended recipient, normally through a host nation (HN) government ministry, charitable organization, or an NGO/IO that supports the population on behalf of the HN government. The DoD EP Program enables the transfer of such property in a manner that ensures quality control and proper coordination, and that is consistent with legal and policy requirements.

C12.6.3.2. Acquiring EP. In order for property to be declared in excess, DoD components must turn over unneeded property to a Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Disposition Services (formerly known as DRMS/DRMO) for screening and processing prior to EP designation. For specific information on the DLA Disposition Services process refer to DOD 4160.21-M, "Defense Materiel Disposition Manual."

C12. A DD Form 1348-1A, DoD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document, generated (manually or electronically) by the component effectively turns property in to DLA Disposition Services and removes items from the books of the organization to those of DLA, after which it can undergo the EP declaration process. Declaration is accomplished when the requesting DSCA EP Warehouse completes required actions to verify the subject EP is authorized and available for donation. The warehouse coordinates with the DLA Disposition Services office accountable for the subject EP and generates duplicate DD Forms 1348-1A that contain DSCA’s DoD Activity Address Code (DODAAC), a distinctive code assigned to identify specific units/organizations. This action transfers the property to DSCA’s EP account, which may then be shipped and transferred to the receiver via a transfer document prepared by the Combatant Command (CCMD) or subordinate project manager.

C12. Items are not required to be physically moved for the DD Form 1348-1A to take effect. Property will be processed as "receipt in place" when DLA Disposition Services is physically unable to accept the property (due to regulation or other restrictions). However, a DD Form 1348-1A is still generated on the property even though it is not physically moved.

C12. Authorized non-lethal DoD EP (established on DLA Disposition Services accountability records) must be acquired by the DoD EP Warehouses prior to the property’s transfer as a relief donation. The requesting DSCA EP Warehouse ensures verification of EP item availability and coordinates with DLA Disposition Services for transfer of asset accountability and transport to the appropriate warehouse. EP transfer from DLA Disposition Services to DSCA will occur via DD Form 1348-1A. Once property accountability is assumed by DSCA, the property will be shipped and transferred to the appropriate DSCA warehouse for inspection, maintenance, and storage.

C12. When an asset is identified as part of a HA project, the asset will be transferred to the Department of State (DoS) at the time of execution before being donated to the HN (or other receiving entity), as required by statute. The CCMD EP Program Manager, or identified project manager, will monitor and coordinate all transfer requirements, to include the completion of appropriate documentation. Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid (OHDACA) funds may be used for transportation expenses associated with the movement of EP to the final destination within the recipient country. EP may be donated using a "wash post" method, in which the requesting DSCA EP Warehouse assumes accountability for items at the location where they were declared EP, such as an overseas DLA Disposition Services office, and releases the items to the DoS representative through whom the EP will be transferred. This method gives the EP Warehouse flexibility in acquiring and transporting EP for donation because it does not require the physical transport of EP items to warehouse. Instead, the requesting EP Warehouse can generate duplicate DD Form 1348-1As and coordinate with DLA Disposition Services to ship the property from the EP’s location to the intended recipient. The EP Warehouse may submit a letter of authorization for a CCMD EP project manager (or designated representative), to withdraw the property from DLA Disposition Services, on the requesting DSCA EP Warehouse’s behalf, for shipment to a recipient country. This "wash post" method of acquiring EP is particularly useful when EP is needed to fulfill an emergency requisition such as for a disaster relief operation, or is already located in the AOR, enabling shipment to be expedited. However, the "wash post" method does not eliminate the requirement for proper record keeping of all transactions surrounding the transfer, to include filling all associated documentation in OHASIS. "Wash post" items must be examined and verified that they are in good, useable condition.

C12.6.4. Program Process. Major program and project elements of EP Program include the selection, screening, pre-positioning, storage, refurbishment, and shipment of EP.

C12.6.4.1. EP project nomination, coordination, and approval are conducted in the same manner as addressed in Section C12.3.6.4., Project Nomination, with a few noted exceptions. All EP projects must be approved by DSCA. Approval is subject to the availability of requested EP as identified in the pick list generated by the warehouse as well as development and review of transportation costs. The pick list identifies which items, of those requested in an EP project, are available for donation. The DSCA EP Warehouses will not take any action on a project nomination until the CCMD has concurred with and submitted the project to DSCA. No items will be shipped until DSCA has approved the project in OHASIS. Actual shipping dates will be coordinated between the CCMD and the warehouse, and notated in OHASIS.

C12.6.4.2. The SCO or designated DoD implementing project manager should still seek and document concurrence from the USAID Mission Director or his/her designee in OHASIS prior to EP project approval. Interagency coordination should occur early in the EP project identification process.

C12.6.4.3. EP projects can be stand-alone or conducted in conjunction with HA and Humanitarian and Civic Assistance (HCA) projects. For example, a school building may be repaired or renovated via an HA or HCA project, and then stocked with furniture and supplies via an EP project. Regardless of implementation, EP project nominations must describe how DoD goals and objectives will be met and the humanitarian need being addressed.

C12.6.4.4. EP item quantities and availability vary depending on EP Warehouse ability to identify and acquire EP. It is important that SCO representatives or DoD EP implementing project managers coordinate with the DSCA EP Warehouse Manager via the CCMD EP PMs regarding EP supply prior to making commitments to a HN.

C12.6.4.5. The recipient of donated EP items must be an authorized DoS representative who will take control of the EP and be responsible for its distribution to the HN recipient. The CCMD EP Program Manager (PM) coordinates with this representative, the EP Warehouse, and DSCA to provide oversight of EP item transfer. All costs associated with the transfer of EP are covered by OHDACA and funding for EP shipment is executed by DSCA. DSCA’s Transportation Programs that may be used for the shipment of EP are addressed in Section C12.7.

C12.6.4.6. The CCMD EP PM must provide the EP shipment address of the Embassy along with the final destination address. The property transfer document (accessed via OHASIS) must be signed by DoS and maintained as part of the project record in OHASIS.

C12.6.4.7. EP items are donated with no warranties, guarantees, or post-donation support, and are not intended for resale by the recipient. EP can be donated to the military only if it will be used by a military unity with a mission, such as search and rescue, that directly benefits the civilian population.

C12.6.4.8. Guidance for EP during FDR is addressed in Section C12.9.

C12.6.5. Reporting Requirements. DSCA is responsible for the Congressional reporting requirement for the EP Program as described in Section C12.5.5., pursuant to 10 USC 2561. EP transportation costs must be closely tracked.

C12.7.1. Definition. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) manages two DoD Humanitarian Assistance (HA) transportation programs: The Funded Transportation Program (FTP) and the Denton (Space-Available) Program.

C12.7.2. Authority. 10 USC Section 402 and Section 2561 authorize the DoD to provide transportation of cargo for humanitarian assistance purposes. Specifically, funds appropriated to Department of Defense (DoD) for HA may be used to provide for humanitarian purposes worldwide and transportation of humanitarian relief pursuant to the authority of 10 USC 2561. FTP is program which carries out 10 USC 2561 authorized transportation. Supplies furnished by a nongovernmental source may be transported to a foreign country without charge as authorized under 10 USC 402. The Denton Program fulfills transportation authorized under 10 USC 402.

C12.7.3. Program Descriptions. The Funded Transportation Program (FTP) may be used to ship DoD EP, privately donated HA cargo, and DR supplies and generally uses surface transportation. Denton Program transportation is restricted to transportation of humanitarian relief supplies furnished by a NGO/IO source and is accomplished on a space-available basis using military assets. Transportation provided to non-governmental sources is inspected by DSCA-contracted cargo inspectors to ensure the suitability of the donated goods.

C12.7.4. Program Processes.

C12.7.4.1. Funded Transportation Program (FTP).

C12. Transportation of Private and NGO/IO Donated Goods. DSCA administers the application process and works with the donor, DoD contracted commercial carriers (through Transportation Command’s Surface Deployment and Distribution Command) and the DoD/DSCA contracted cargo inspector to facilitate the transportation process. Cargo must be humanitarian in nature and may not include any hazardous, political, or religious material. Interested donors submit requests for transportation of humanitarian supplies using the Humanitarian Assistance Transportation website. Additional guidance may also be found at this website.

C12. After an application is approved, the contracted commercial carrier arranges transportation requirements from the cargo’s point of origin to its final destination. DSCA tracks the shipment and provides updates with regard to HA transportation related activities. The DSCA (Programs Directorate) Transportation Specialist, in coordination with the DSCA Comptroller’s office, validates the transportation costs billed by the contracted commercial carrier. Donations are transported primarily via surface transportation; exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

C12. Excess Property Transportation. EP warehouse personnel arrange contracted transportation in accordance with parameters set by the CCMD EP PM and implementing project managers as per DSCA-approved EP project submissions. In most cases, mode(s) of transportation will be selected based on the best interests of the USG, usually surface transport. However, exceptions will be granted when the occasion warrants a faster mode of shipping, such as during foreign disaster relief efforts.

C12. Foreign Disaster Relief Transportation. When OHDACA is determined to be the appropriate funding source for relief efforts, the FTP is used to transport personnel and relief materials and can be via air, surface, or both. Upon notification of a disaster, DSCA will establish contact with U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), the appropriate CCMD Deployment and Distribution Operations Center (DDOC), and Joint Staff J4 (Logistics) to ensure information sharing and coordination concerning potential or actual OHDACA funded transportation missions. The DSCA (Program Directorate) Transportation Specialist will coordinate the establishment of Transportation Account Codes (TAC) with the DSCA Comptroller’s office. Under FDR operations, a Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) waiver is required for DoD to transport non-DoD personnel and supplies on DoD assets. Language requesting SECDEF waiver is included in each disaster response Executive Secretary (EXECSEC) package that is ultimately approved by SECDEF.

C12.7.4.2. Denton (Space Available Transportation) Program. The Denton Program employs USTRANSCOM resources to provide space available transportation, primarily by air, for the HA supplies furnished by non-governmental sources. Denton Program transportation is coordinated from port to port, at no cost to the donor. Cargo must be humanitarian in nature and may not include any hazardous, political, or religious material. Cargo cannot be sent to military or paramilitary organizations, unless the organization provides a specific service to the civilian population.

C12. DSCA coordinates with the donor, Department of State (DoS), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and USTRANSCOM to facilitate the process. USAID and the DoS review and submit valid requests to DSCA for action. Applicant requests must be formally submitted through USAID for clearance and forwarded to DSCA. DSCA provides final approval, establishing a transportation control number for each shipment and tasks USTRANSCOM to conduct the transportation mission.

C12. During FDR operations, transportation under the Denton Program to countries affected by a disaster may be suspended until after response operations have ceased.

C12.7.5. Reporting Requirements. The Congressional reporting requirement for transportation conducted under the FTP is described in Section C12.5.5.

C12.7.5.1. The Congressional reporting requirement for the Denton Program is described in 10 USC 402. The report must identify the origin, contents, destination, and disposition of humanitarian assistance supplies transported on a space-available basis during the 12-month period ending on the preceding June 30 is due not later than July 31 of each year. DSCA tracks this information via the HA Transportation website and provides it to DoS annually. DoS compiles the annual report for submission to Congress.

C12. Reporting Requirements for Relief for Unauthorized Countries. When DoD intends to transport humanitarian relief to a country not specifically authorized by law, 10 USC 2561 requires that Congress be notified not less than 15 days prior to commencing such transportation. Committees requiring notification include the Senate Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Relations, the House Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Affairs, as well as the Senate and House Appropriations Committees.

C12.8.1. Definition. HMA includes activities related to the furnishing of education, training, and technical assistance with respect to detection, clearance, physical security, and stockpile management of land mines and other explosive remnants of war (ERW). ERW includes landmines, unexploded ordnance (UXO) (mortar rounds, artillery shells, bomblets, rockets, submunitions, rocket motors and fuel, grenades, small arms ammunition, etc.), and abandoned ammunition storage and cache sites.

C12.8.2. Authority. 10 USC Section 407 provides the authority for conducting HMA within DoD.

C12.8.3. Program Description. The goal of the DoD HMA program is to relieve human suffering and the adverse affects of landmines and ERW on noncombatants while advancing theater strategy, Theater Campaign Plan and U.S. national security objectives. DoD performs HMA activities in a country to help foreign governments in detection, clearance physical security, and stockpile management of landmines to include activities relating to the furnishing of education, training, and technical assistance with respect to landmines and other ERW.

C12.8.3.1. HMA provided by Department of Defense (DoD) shall complement and may not duplicate any other form of social or economic assistance that may be provided to the country concerned by any other department or agency of the United States. By law, DoD personnel may not engage in the physical detection, lifting or destroying of landmines or other ERW (unless the member does so for the concurrent purpose of supporting U.S. military operations). To a limited degree, supplies, services, and equipment are provided to assist in the conduct of training. Total cost of supplies, services, and equipment provided to foreign governments may not exceed $10M per fiscal year (all participating countries).

C12.8.3.2. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 3207.01B, 17 March 2011, defines the responsibilities and provides guidance for supporting HMA.

C12.8.4. Program Process. Any country experiencing the adverse affects of uncleared landmines and other ERW may request U.S. assistance. The country must formally request help from the DoS through the U.S. Embassy and the Country Team will provide a copy of the request to the regional Combatant Commander (CCDR). The Department of State (DoS) forwards the request to the Interagency Policy Coordination Committee Subgroup on HMA, referred to as the PCC, chaired by the National Security Council (NSC) staff, and the PCC determines if assistance is warranted.

C12.8.4.1. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) manages, coordinates, and monitors execution of DoD HMA training operations and related program activities. DSCA also assists the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Combatant Command (CCMD) HQs, host nations, and other organizations in planning for, establishing, and executing mine action programs. DSCA reviews budget proposals for all demining-related activities in coordination with Special Operations & Low Intensity Conflict (SOLIC).

C12.8.4.2. Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) Project Nomination. When countries are accepted into the USG HMA program, the CCMD HMA Program Manager (PM), and members of other U.S. Government (USG) organizations, will conduct a program development visit (PDV), and other pre-deployment site surveys (PDSSs), to ascertain the affects of landmines or other ERW affecting the HN populace and infrastructure. The data collected during the survey is used to prioritize capability development requirements to facilitate HMA training and operations sustainment activities, and develop the HMA project for submission to the PCC. Projects are approved by the PCC and executed by the CCMD. The CCMD HMA PM, Security Cooperation Office (SCO), and/or DoD HMA implementing partner submit HMA projects into OHASIS indentifying the country for which assistance is needed, estimated assistance costs and source of funding, an executive summary describing the nature of the HMA problem, relevant background information, and a concise analysis and main conclusions to mitigate the HMA problem. The detailed elements of the project are the project justification, which is derived from the CCMD TCP and a detailed work description describing the type of supplies, equipment, and services (SE&S) for which project funding is used. Supporting elements of the project include the HMA mission-training plan supporting the HN two year training campaign, and a mission end state. Project completion occurs when all recommendations in the after action report (AAR) are complete. The AAR is a critical component of the project detailing what education and training activities were conducted, and milestones for future HMA engagement activities. It is critical that project AARs are submitted to the PCC, DSCA, and Humanitarian Demining Training Center (HDTC) independently, or included in project documents in OHASIS.

C12.8.4.3. Humanitarian Mine Action Restrictions. HDTC DoD civilians may deploy on a limited basis with the HMA training team to conduct "train the trainer" events, PDVs, and subsequent PDSSs. However, the primary means to qualify DoD personnel to conduct such events is for them to attend training at HDTC prior to deployment. U.S. GPF will be the force of choice for conducting HMA training with HNs, as defined by CJCSI 3207.01B. GPF can consist of any military specialty, but explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) (priority force), combat engineers, and light infantry lend themselves best for conducting "Train-the-Trainer" type HMA missions. EOD forces are the priority trained personnel, and are the only DoD personnel trained in the detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering safe, recovery, and final disposal of unexploded ordnance. EOD personnel are also trained to identify, recover, and evaluate new or modified first-seen explosive ordnance (EO), make technical assessments of such EO, and provide technical intelligence reports to appropriate EOD and intelligence agencies. EOD personnel can also develop new EOD procedure (including disposal procedures) for first-seen EO. EOD personnel have the training and skills necessary to identify safety, ammunition storage, and ammunition compatibility issues associated with safe stockpile management practices. Both GPF and Special Operations personnel conduct mine action training in the areas of operational mission planning, organization and execution of demining training. Military Information Support to Operations (MISO) personnel are trained to conduct mine risk education training programs with the HN and civil affairs personnel are best suited to assist the HN in establishing a national mine action management organization to build management, administration, logistics, equipment maintenance, communications, and information management capabilities. The HMA process is depicted in Figure C12.F2.

C12.8.4.4. HMA Program Activities. The DoD HDTC is located at Fort Lee, Virginia, and is the training and information center for the U.S. HMA program. Established in 1996, the mission of HDTC is to train and prepare U.S. Forces for overseas deployment supporting USG HMA strategy in landmine and ERW affected countries. HDTC collects, analyzes, and disseminates HMA-related information to USG and international organizations in support of program and instructional course development, which is performed in accordance with USG policy, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS), and other open-source documentation. Training focuses on the deploying force mission, and the operational procedures and practices of the host-nation HMA program. Students, upon completion of the two-week Conventional Weapons Clearance Course (CWCC), are required to demonstrate proficiency in subjects ranging from 10 Section 407 and USG policy governing the U.S. HMA program to technical skill sets such as deminer training tasks in minefield clearance lanes and battle area clearance operations. HDTC curriculum also includes comprehensive strategies and methods to conduct battle-area clearance, provide HNs with EOD Level 1 training per IMAS, teach basic and advanced combat lifesaver individual and collective tasks, and provide Information Management Systems for Mine Action (IMSMA) instruction. U.S. forces attending HDTC use Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid (OHDACA) funding to attend HMA resident courses, conduct requirements and pre-deployment surveys, and HMA training operations.

C12.8.5. Reporting Requirements. DSCA will submit an annual report to Congress that is due no later than March 1 of each fiscal year, detailing the expenses incurred as a direct result of providing humanitarian demining assistance under 10 Section 407. Information reported includes travel, transportation, and subsistence expenses of DoD personnel, equipment, services, or supplies acquired for the purpose of carrying out or supporting humanitarian demining activities, including any nonlethal, individual, or small-team equipment or supplies for clearing landmines or other explosive remnants of war that are to be transferred or otherwise furnished to a foreign country in furtherance of the provision of assistance under this section.

C12.8.5.1. The Secretary of Defense must include in the annual report under 10 USC 401, a separate discussion of activities carried out under Section 407 during the preceding fiscal year, including a list of the countries in which humanitarian demining assistance was carried out during the preceding fiscal year; the type and description of humanitarian demining assistance carried out in each country during the preceding fiscal year; a list of countries in which humanitarian demining assistance could not be carried out during the preceding fiscal year due to insufficient numbers of DoD personnel to carry out such activities; and the amount expended in carrying out such assistance in each such country during the preceding fiscal year.

Figure C12.F2. Humanitarian Mine Action Flow

C12.9.1. Definition. FDR is prompt aid that can be used to alleviate the suffering of foreign disaster victims.

C12.9.2. Authority. The principle authority for DoD to conduct FDR is 10 USC 404. DODD 5100.46 provides DoD policy for employment of its resources in FDR operations; and assigns responsibilities for carrying out this policy. DOD 7000.14-R, Financial Management Regulation, Volume 12, Chapter 23 provides financial policy and procedures for military contingency operations related to the DoD, including foreign disaster relief efforts.

C12.9.3. Description. DoD FDR missions are performed in accordance with DODD 5100.46. DoD FDR activities should support requirements validated by Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and typically include the provision of transportation logistics and/or the provision of humanitarian daily rations (HDRs), EP, or other humanitarian relief supplies, services, or personnel. When the U.S. military provides FDR support, the military mission should be clearly defined as military assets are provided primarily to supplement or complement the relief efforts of the affected country’s civil authorities or humanitarian relief community. FDR operations conducted by the DoD typically include unique DoD capabilities pertaining to logistics support, transportation, airfield management, communications, distribution of relief commodities, or security. Additionally, factors considered by DoD when evaluating requests for assistance include: legality (compliance with laws), risk (safety of DoD forces), cost (who pays, impact on DoD budget), appropriateness (whether the requested mission is in the interest of DoD to conduct) and readiness (impact on the DoD’s ability to perform its primary mission).

C12.9.3.1. FDR activities to be funded by OHDACA may only benefit civilians or non-combatants and typically include the provision of transportation, non-lethal EP, and/or HDRs, as well as funding for services and/or products that meet humanitarian needs. As early as possible, CCMDs planning to engage in FDR activities that fall under OHDACA-funded authorities should coordinate with DSCA to discuss planned (and potential) support activities, funding and other pertinent information.

C12.9.3.2. Foreign Disaster Relief Program Activities.

C12. FDR Transportation Programs. Transportation provided during disaster relief is primarily conducted using military airlift. DSCA establishes a Transportation Account Codes (TAC) to cover the costs of transportation for each disaster in which OHDACA funding is the resource for relief efforts. Detailed descriptions of the transportation activities during FDR are described in Section C12.

C12. Humanitarian Daily Rations (HDRs). OHDACA funds are used to procure and provide low cost, nutritional, daily rations for use in foreign countries to alleviate hunger after manmade or natural disasters. HDRs are stored at DSCA’s EP Warehouse in Albany, Georgia in a climate-controlled bay. HDRs maintained at the DSCA warehouse at Albany, Georgia, are available for use in support of FDR efforts and may be requested from DSCA via the CCMD. HDRs are a temporary feeding measure are designed to be easily transported to meet requirements of mobile populations until conventional, longer term relief programs can resume. HDRs are designed to be suitable for consumption by all cultures and have no less than 2,200 calories, contain no animal byproducts, are meatless, fortified with vitamins, and provide a single day’s worth of nutrition per unit. Use of HDRs should be coordinated with, and validated by, the appropriate USAID/OFDA representative to ensure the accomplishment of desired effects and to avoid unintended consequences.

C12. Excess Property (EP) during FDR. OFDA-validated EP items may be transported from DSCA EP Warehouse stocks during FDR, as available. Such requests will be granted priority in processing; however, all such requests should still be initiated by the SCO in OHASIS and follow normal coordinating requirements. Items requested may include tents, cots, water purification units, and other humanitarian relief supplies. If a request for EP items is approved during an FDR, DSCA will fund and coordinate the transportation with the EP Warehouse, USTRANSCOM, and OFDA.

C12.9.4. Process. Upon declaration of a disaster by the U.S. Ambassador to the affected country, and transmission of a Disaster Declaration cable, OFDA and DoS commence determination of the level of USG assistance required. OFDA assesses the needs and priorities of the affected country, validating requirements, and determining what, if any, requirements can be most effectively met by DoD.

C12.9.4.1. In coordination with USAID, DoS will transmit a memorandum to the DoD EXECSEC formally requesting DoD assistance on a reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis. Non-reimbursable requests will typically be funded with OHDACA. The CCMD will provide anticipated requirements, including cost estimates and timelines to DSCA, and continue such coordination throughout the response. SOLIC will prepare the appropriate package for SECDEF approval that includes a memorandum to the appropriate CCMD authorizing FDR operations in the affected country and establishing the funding limit for the operation, and a response to the DoS EXECSEC indicating DoD will support the response. The package is coordinated with DSCA, JS, relevant OSD(P) regional offices, DoD Office of General Counsel (OGC), and OSD Comptroller (OSD(C)), to ensure appropriate funding sources are both authorized and utilized. Once the package is approved by the SECDEF, the DoD Joint Operation Planning Execution System (JOPES) processes will be used to conduct directed FDR operations, including issuance of a DoD Execute Order (EXORD) to the affected CCDR. Concurrent with SECDEF approval, and in support of OFDA-validated requirements, DSCA may work to identify and source requirements such as HDRs and commodities available via the DSCA EP warehouse. DSCA may also coordinate transportation of these commodities with the JS Logistics Directorate (J4) and USTRANSCOM. Depending on the scope of the disaster, DSCA will coordinate with SOLIC, OSD(C), the JS, the relevant CCMD, the interagency, and Congressional committees to manage the availability of OHDACA funds and determine if additional resourcing actions are required. Additional resourcing options include the Presidential Drawdown authority, reprogramming, or a supplemental. Data reporting requirements will vary according to specific DR characteristics. Figure C12.F3. depicts the general DoD FDR process.

C12.9.4.2. Presidential Drawdown Authority. Pursuant to Sec 506(a)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, the President may direct the drawdown of defense articles or services of the DoD for various activities including international disaster assistance. This provides authority to make available materials and services from existing stock up to a $75M aggregate value (see Chapter 11 on Drawdowns).
Note: Drawdowns are not actual funds, and the organization providing the material or service may or may not be reimbursed at a later date. DSCA is the DoD entity responsible for processing drawdowns in conjunction with DoS.

Figure C12.F3. DoD FDR Process

C12.9.4.3. Reprogramming. If there are insufficient OHDACA funds to cover the additional costs of an FDR, OSD(C) may direct a reprogramming action to pull unobligated funds from the other funding sources within DoD. The four congressional committees with OHDACA oversight consulted on reprogramming actions are the House Armed Services Committee, House Appropriations Committee, Senate Armed Services Committee, and Senate Appropriations Committee. Timing may require that DSCA request the CCMDs return all unobligated funds from OHDACA already allocated under the HA Program; the returned funds will be redirected to the FDR effort. If a formal reprogramming action is executed, OSD(C) may later seek a supplemental to restore OHDACA funds, and any other affected accounts.

C12.9.4.4. Foreign Consequence Management (FCM) and Foreign Disaster Relief (FDR). DoD activities following overseas disasters may include conducting foreign consequence management (FCM) operations concurrently with FDR (reference CJCSI 3214.01). In such circumstances, OHDACA funds may be used only to the extent such use can be defined as FDR. The support and reimbursement processes follow the same guidelines as other FDR missions DoD supports.

C12.9.5. Reporting Requirements. Per 10 USC 404, not later than 48 hours after the commencement of disaster assistance activities, SECDEF is required to notify Congress of DoD FDR assistance, proposed or provided, and a description of the following, as is available: the manmade or natural disaster for which disaster assistance is necessary; the threat to human lives presented by the disaster; the U.S. military personnel and material resources involved; the disaster assistance provided by other nations or public or private relief organizations; and the anticipated duration of the disaster assistance activities. DSCA prepares this SECDEF Congressional notification for coordination with SOLIC, the JS, and relevant OSD regional offices. DSCA will deliver the notification to the appropriate Congressional committees.