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Information for New ACQuipedia Users

ACQuipedia is a knowledge gateway to commonly used defense acquisition topics. This brief tutorial provides a quick overview of ACQuipedia for the first-time user.

Global Controls and Functions

ACQuipedia left banner

In the upper-left corner of every page within the ACQuipedia, clicking the icon or title in the banner is one of way to return to the Home page of this site.

ACQuipedia global controls

Just below the banner is a row of buttons and other controls, available from every page.

  • Home — links to the Home page of the ACQuipedia site.
  • About — provides information on what is the ACQuipedia, how to browse the articles, and how to participate by suggesting an article.
  • Help — the button you clicked to launch this tutorial.
  • Feedback — links to a form for providing general comments on the ACQuipedia site, or to describe technical problems.
  • DAU Quick Links — opens a small, interactive directory of defense acquisition knowledge services and systems.
ACQuipedia search controls

Located at the top of each page is a control to search within ACQuipedia. The search results are restricted to just ACQuipedia articles..

ACQuipedia global functions

On the far right of the button bar are several smaller buttons:

  • Print — sends the current page to a printer.
  • Mail — opens an email program, to send a link to the current page.
  • Feed — opens an RSS reader, to add a link to the current page to the feed.
  • Bookmark — saves a link to the current page to the browser's list of favorites.

Local Navigation Controls

ACQuipedia volume menu

The ACQuipedia Home page includes an image of a shelf full of books. The image is an interactive menu of the “volumes” of the ACQuipedia, in alphabetical order. To browse the ACQuipedia like a traditional encyclopedia, select a volume to open an index of all articles with titles that begin with that letter.

ACQuipedia left menu

On the left side of the page, appears a menu of local navigation options.

Clicking one of the functional areas will display a list of all articles under that particular domain: Business, Contracting, Engineering and Technology, Life Cycle Logistics, or Program Management.

Clicking the A-to-Z Index link will display a list of ALL articles currently in ACQuipedia, in alphabetical order.

ACQuipedia article breadcrumb menu

On some pages, the left menu does not appear; instead, a “breadcrumb trail” appears at the top of the page. The links at the top of the page trace back from the current page, to the relevant index, and all the way to the home page.

Within the links is a drop-down menu that includes all the options available in the left menu. To make the menu appear, move the cursor over the middle link in the breadcrumb trail.

ACQuipedia article Contents menu

On the left side of each article is a menu of options that allows you to navigate easily to a specific content area of the article. ACQuipedia articles use a standard layout:

  • Definition — the definition of the topic described by the article.
  • General Information/Narrative — context and background for the topic.
  • Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Policies, Directives, Regulations, Laws — a list of links to related policy.
  • Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Stories, Guides, Handbooks, Templates, Examples, Tools — a list of links to related references.
  • Communities of Practice — a list of links to related ACC communities.
  • Training Resources — a list of links to related DAU training assets.
  • Related Articles — a list of links to related ACQuipedia articles.

Other Features and Functions

At the bottom of the Home page, a window displays of a series of featured articles. The window displays each article in the series automatically. Controls at the bottom of the window include a pause button, buttons to step from one article to another, and a link that opens the A-to-Z Index of all articles.

Suggest an ACQuipedia Article button

Users may suggest a new article by clicking the Suggest an ACQuipedia Article button. The button links to a form, which (when filled-in) is then reviewed for consideration and, perhaps, eventual approval and publication.

font-size button

While viewing an article, ACQuipeida users may increase the size of the font in the text of the article by clicking the button in the upper-right corner of the page. Each of the first four clicks increases the font size slightly. A fifth click resets the font to its original size.

Additional Tutorials, Guides, and Notes for Article Owners (Only)

Note on Editing Articles:

As a best practice we recommend that all articles be edited using the Google Chrome browser to avoid an identified error in which articles enter into a locked un-editable state.