DoD Logistics Human Capital Strategy (HCS) describes the vision for the Logistics functional community, enabling pillars, outcomes, benefits, the implementation approach and a timeline of key actions and tasks. It was written in a collaborative effort with the Logistics functional community across the Services, Joint Staff, DLA, and USTRANSCOM. The HCS supports the goals and fulfills the requirements and objectives of the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), the Under Secretary of Defense (P&R) Civilian Human Capital Strategic Plan, and the AT&L Human Capital Strategic Plan.
 It has been developed to serve as a valuable resource for the Services' and Agencies' logistics human capital efforts. Click the image to view the May 12, 2008 Human Capital Strategy.

The DoD Logistics HCS was launched in 2006 with a broad assessment of key trends driving future logistics requirements through 2020.

During 2007 and 2008, the effort grew in scope and participation — the Executive Steering Group (ESG) and Working Group (WG) were established, comprising senior leaders and logisticians from across the Services, agencies, and CCMDs.
The major accomplishments are: Since 2009 the emphasis shifted to implementation. The Logistics Functional community has worked closely with OSD (Personnel & Readiness) on an enterprise competency management program.

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