Coronavirus (COVID-19): Relief options and Additional Resources

Easy Energy Efficiency Improvements


  • Turn off lights when not in use.

  • Remove or disconnect unnecessary light fixtures.

  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs.

  • Replace or retrofit non-energy efficient light fixtures.

  • Install "occupant sensors" to automatically turn lights off and on.

  • Take advantage of "day lighting".

  • Lower light levels where appropriate such as around computer monitors.

  • Install LED (light-emitting diode) exit signs.

  • Install timers or photocells on outside lights.

Water Heating

  • Use hot water wisely.

  • Insulate hot water holding tanks and hot and cold water pipes.

  • Set your water heater at the lowest required temperature.

  • Use less. Install faucet aerators and efficient showerheads.

  • Find and fix leaks.


  • Perform routine maintenance, such as vacuuming, to remove dust.

  • Turn off the lights in walk-in refrigerators.

  • Add strip curtains to refrigerated spaces without doors.

  • Defrost regularly.

  • Retrofit or replace old refrigerators and freezers.


  • Turn off office equipment when not in use.

  • Maintain your equipment to ensure efficient performance.

  • Use energy efficient computers and office equipment.

  • Make sure your motors and motor systems are running at optimum efficiency.

  • Buy Energy Star Qualified Products: Locate a Store; Find Special Offers.

Heating and Cooling (HVAC) Systems

  • Make sure your HVAC system is operating efficiently.

  • Inspect and clean or replace air filters on a regular basis.

  • Repair leaks in system components such as pipes, steam traps or couplings.

  • Adjust the thermostat during unoccupied times or install a programmable thermostat.

  • Reduce air conditioning hours.

  • Make sure radiators, air intake vents, etc., are not obstructed so that air can flow freely.

  • Use the Energy Star Building Checklist to cut down on winter heating costs.

  • Use the Energy Star Building Checklist to cut down on summer cooling costs.


  • Block direct sunlight shining through windows in the summer.

  • Let the sun in during the day in the winter, but cover the windows at night.

  • Keep external doors closed.

  • Use fans to help delay or reduce the need for air-conditioning in the summer.

  • Use fans to pull warm air down from the ceiling in the winter.

  • Improve the insulation in the climate-controlled portions of your facility.

  • Plug leaks around windows, doors, outlets, etc., with weather-stripping or caulk.


Produced in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration, Business Gateway and ENERGY STAR®