There’s NO Excuse for Intimate Partner Abuse


Across the nation and within the Department of Defense, October is designated as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  The theme at Moody Air Force Base is “There’s NO Excuse for Intimate Partner Abuse.” 


The term "intimate partner abuse" describes abuse by a current or former intimate partner.  Partner abuse occurs in heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender intimate relationships.  Partners can be dating, married, separated, or divorced.  The abuse can occur regardless of military rank, religion, or racial, ethnic, cultural, disability and age groups. 


According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in three women and one in four men will be victims of intimate partner abuse at some point in their lives. Also, 1.3 million women are assaulted by their partner every year and 85 percent of domestic violence cases reported are against women.


Intimate partner abuse is a serious crime that is against the core values of the United States Air Force. It violates an individual’s privacy, dignity, security, and humanity due to the systematic use of physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, and economic control. Intimate partner abuse cases are complex and often impacted by the stress of deployments, alcohol and poor coping skills.  


The hardest step in seeking help is to admit there is a problem. Mitigating factors could include a victim being fearful of repercussions and not wanting to jeopardize an active-duty member’s military career. The Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate can provide information about Restricted Reporting 24/7 by calling 1-912-217-6661.  Reports are held confidential as long as the victim is not in imminent danger, and there are no children involved.  Safety planning, advocacy and resources are available to everyone in need.


Moody places a high emphasis on prevention programs and encourages active-duty members and family members to seek help early. If your relationship is struggling with adapting to pre and post deployment, adjusting to military life, approaching separation or retirement, communication, intimacy or video gaming, call to schedule an appointment for Family Advocacy Strength-Based Services (FAST).  These therapy sessions are free. There is no documentation in the medical record.


Other prevention services include the New Parent Support Program, Breastfeeding Classes, Dads: The Basics, Anger Management, Fearless Marriage: Couple’s Communication Training, 1-2-3 Magic, Love and Logic Parenting and How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk(ette). To report partner or child abuse, schedule an appoint for FAST and receive information on prevention services, please contact the Family Advocacy Program at 229-257-4805.       


 Please remember, “There’s NO Excuse for Intimate Partner Abuse.”