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Defense Federal Regulation Supplement

Part 207--Acquisition Planning



207.102 Policy.

207.103 Agency-head responsibilities.

207.104 General procedures.

207.105 Contents of written acquisition plans.

207.106 Additional requirements for major systems.


207.401 Acquisition considerations.

207.470 Statutory requirement.

DAC 91-9

Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

Part 207--Acquisition Planning



207.102 Policy.

When a class justification for other than full and open competition has been approved, planning for competition shall be accomplished consistent with the terms of that approval.

207.103 Agency-head responsibilities.

(c)(i)Military departments and agencies shall prepare written acquisition plans for--

(A)Acquisitions for development, as defined in FAR 35.001, when the total cost of all contracts for the acquisition program is estimated at $5 million or more;

(B)Acquisitions for production or services when the total cost of all contracts for the acquisition program is estimated at $30 million or more for all years or $15 million or more for any fiscal year; and

(C)Any other acquisition considered appropriate by the department or agency.

(ii)Written plans are not required in acquisitions for a final buy out or one-time buy. The terms "final buy out" and "one-time buy" refer to a single contract which covers all known present and future requirements. This exception does not apply to a multiyear contract or a contract with options or phases.

(d)Prepare written acquisition plans for acquisition programs meeting the thresholds of paragraphs (c)(i)(A) and (B) of this section on a program basis. Other acquisition plans may be written on either a program or an individual contract basis.

(f)The program manager, or other official responsible for the program, has overall responsibility for acquisition planning.

(h)(i) Apply design-to-cost principles--

(A)In all major defense acquisition programs (DoDD 5000.1, Defense Acquisition), unless exempted by the Secretary of Defense; and

(B)To the acquisition of systems, subsystems, and components below the thresholds for major defense acquisition programs, to the extent prescribed by DoDD 5000.1.

(ii)Consider life-cycle-cost in all acquisitions of systems and equipment.

207.104 General procedures.

(b)The planner should forward the requirements information to the contract administration organization when assistance in identification of potential sources of supply is necessary, when an existing contract is being modified or resolicited, or when contract administration resource requirements will be affected.

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Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

Part 207--Acquisition Planning

207.105 Contents of written acquisition plans.

For acquisitions covered by 207.103(c)(i) (A) and (B), correlate the plan to the DoD Future Years Defense Program, applicable budget submissions, and the decision coordinating paper/program memorandum, as appropriate. It is incumbent upon the planner to coordinate the plan with all those who have a responsibility for the development, management, or administration of the acquisition. The acquisition plan should be provided to the contract administration organization to facilitate resource allocation and planning for the evaluation, identification, and management of contractor performance risk.

(a) Acquisition background and objectives.

(1) Statement of need.


(A)Applicability of a decision coordinating paper (DCP), acquisition decision memorandum, Defense Acquisition Board (DAB), and/or internal service reviews. Describe the options in the DCP/acquisition decision memorandum and delineate which option the acquisition plan supports.

(B)The date approval for operational use has been or will be obtained. If waivers are requested, describe the need for the waivers.

(C)A milestone chart depicting the acquisition objectives.

(D)Milestones for updating the acquisition plan. Indicate when the plan will be updated. Program managers should schedule updates to coincide with DAB reviews and the transition from one phase to another (e.g., engineering and manufacturing development to production and deployment).

(8) Acquisition streamlining.

DoDD 5000.1, Defense Acquisition, and DoD 5000.2-R, Manditory Procedures for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Acquisition Programs, contain policy direction on acquisition streamlining. See MIL-HDBK 248, Acquisition Streamlining, for guidance on streamlining performance requirements, the technical package, and the contract strategy.

(b) Plan of action.

(5) Budgeting and funding.

Include specific references to budget line items and program elements, where applicable, estimated production unit cost, and the total cost for remaining production.

(6) Product descriptions.

For development acquisitions, describe the market research undertaken to identify commercial items, commercial items with modifications, or nondevelopmental items (see FAR part 10) that could satisfy the acquisition objectives.

(13) Logistics considerations.

(i)Describe the extent of integrated logistics support planning to date, including references to approved plans.

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Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

Part 207--Acquisition Planning

(ii)Discuss the mission profile, reliability, and maintainability (R&M) program plan, R&M predictions, redundancy, qualified parts lists, parts and material qualification, R&M requirements imposed on vendors, failure analysis, corrective action and feedback, and R&M design reviews and trade-off studies.

(iv)See DoDD 5000.1, Defense Acquisition, and DoD 5000.2-R, Manditory Procedures for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Acquisition Programs, for procedures on standardization and on the DoD Parts Control Program. See MIL-STD-965, Parts Control Program, for procedures on the Standardized Military Drawing Program.

(S-70)Describe the extent of Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (CALS) implementation (see MIL-HDBK 59, Department of Defense Computer-Aided Logistics Support (CALS) Program Guide, and MIL-STD-1840A, Automated Interchange of Technical Information.

(16) Environmental and energy conservation objectives.

Discuss actions taken to ensure either elimination of or authorization to use class I ozone-depleting chemicals and substances (see 211.271).

(18)Other considerations.

(A) National Technology and Industrial Base.

For major defense acquisition programs, address the following (Pub. L. 102-484, Section 4220)--

(1)An analysis of the capabilities of the national technology and industrial base to develop, produce, maintain, and support such program, including consideration of the following factors related to foreign dependency (Pub. L. 102-484, Section 4219(h))--

(i)The availability of essential raw materials, special alloys, composite materials, components, tooling, and production test equipment for the sustained production of systems fully capable of meeting the performance objectives established for those systems; the uninterrupted maintenance and repair of such systems; and the sustained operation of such systems.

(ii)The identification of items specified in paragraph (b)(18)(A)(1)(i) of this section that are available only from sources outside the national technology and industrial base.

(iii)The availability of alternatives for obtaining such items from within the national technology and industrial base if such items become unavailable from sources outside the national technology industrial base; and an analysis of any military vulnerability that could result from the lack of reasonable alternatives.

(iv)The effects on the national technology and industrial base that result from foreign acquisition of firms in the United States.

(2)Consideration of requirements for efficient manufacture during the design and production of the systems to be procured under the program.

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Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

Part 207--Acquisition Planning

(3)The use of advanced manufacturing technology, processes, and systems during the research and development phase and the production phase of the program.

(4)To the maximum extent practicable, the use of contract solicitations that encourage competing offerors to acquire, for use in the performance of the contract, modern technology, production equipment, and production systems (including hardware and software) that increase the productivity of the offerors and reduce the life-cycle costs.

(5)Methods to encourage investment by U.S. domestic sources in advanced manufacturing technology production equipment and processes through--

(i)Recognition of the contractor's investment in advanced manufacturing technology production equipment, processes, and organization of work systems that build on workers' skill and experience, and work force skill development in the development of the contract objective; and

(ii)Increased emphasis in source selection on the efficiency of production.

(6)Expanded use of commercial manufacturing processes rather than processes specified by DoD.

(7)Elimination of barriers to, and facilitation of, the integrated manufacture of commercial items and items being produced under DoD contracts.

(8)Expanded use of commercial items, commercial items with modifications, or to the extent commercial items are not available, nondevelopmental items (see FAR part 10).

(B)Industrial Preparedness (IP).

(1)Provide the program's IP strategy that assesses the capability of the U.S. industrial base to achieve identified surge and mobilization goals. If no IP strategy has been developed, provide supporting rationale for this position.

(2)If in the IP strategy, the development of a detailed IP plan was determined to be applicable, include the plan by text or by reference. If the development of the IP plan was determined not to be applicable, summarize the details of the analysis forming the basis of this decision.

(3)If the program involves peacetime and wartime hardware configurations which are supported by logistics support plans, identify their impact on the IP plan.

(C)Ensure compliance with DoDD 4210.15, Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention.

(D) Contract Administration.

Discuss the level of Government administration anticipated or currently performed and any change proposed by the contract administration office.

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Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

Part 207--Acquisition Planning

207.106 Additional requirements for major systems.

(b)(1)(A)The contracting officer is prohibited by 10 U.S.C. 2305(d)(4)(A) from requiring offers for development or production of major systems that would enable the Government to use technical data to competitively reprocure identical items or components of the system if the item or component were developed exclusively at private expense, unless the contracting officer determines that--

(1)The original supplier of the item or component will be unable to satisfy program schedule or delivery requirements;

(2)Proposals by the original supplier of the item or component to meet mobilization requirements are insufficient to meet the agency's mobilization needs; or

(3)The Government is otherwise entitled to unlimited rights in technical data.

(B)If the contracting officer makes a determination, under paragraphs (b)(1)(A)(1) and (2) of this section, for a competitive solicitation, 10 U.S.C. 2305(d)(4)(B) requires that the evaluation of items developed at private expense be based on an analysis of the total value, in terms of innovative design, life-cycle costs, and other pertinent factors, of incorporating such items in the system.

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Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

Part 207--Acquisition Planning


207.401 Acquisition considerations.

If the equipment will be leased for more than 60 days, the requiring activity must prepare and provide the contracting officer with the justification supporting the decision to lease or purchase.

207.470 Statutory requirements.

(a)Limitations on contracts with terms of 18 months or more.

As required by U.S.C. 2401a, the contracting officer shall not enter into any contract for any vessel, aircraft, or vehicle through a lease, charter, or similar agreement with a term of 18 months or more, or extend or renew any such contract for a term of 18 months or more, unless the head of the contracting activity has--

(1)Considered all costs of such a contract (including estimated termination liability); and

(2)Determined in writing that the contract is in the best interest of the Government.

(b)Leasing of commercial vehicles and equipment.

Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, the contracting officer may use leasing in the acquisition of commercial vehicles and associated equipment whenever the contracting officer determines that leasing of such vehicles is practicable and efficient (10 U.S.C. 2401a).

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