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FHWA Resource Center


Courses, Seminars, and Workshops offered by Resource Center specialists

We also offer training in:

  • Implications of Air Quality Planning for Transportation - NHI
  • Estimating Regional Mobile Source Emissions - NHI
  • Highway Traffic Noise - NHI
  • MySQL Webinar

Please visit the NHI website for more detailed information.

MOVES User's Group

The MOVES User’s Group is not meeting at this time.
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FHWA conducts MOVES User Group Meetings periodically to familiarize those using the MOVES models with information about the model. Meetings generally include an overall status of the model, such as updates to changes with the model or new versions being developed, and presentations from those using the model to provide other MOVES users with the experience of other users have had using the MOVES model. The User Group conducts two separate meetings, one for those who use MOVES for analysis at regional levels, such as MPOs, and a second meeting for those that use MOVES for local project analysis such as State DOT who use MOVES for analyzing the impact of a highway or transit project. Attendance is open to anyone although registration for each meeting is often requested.

The MOVES User Group Meetings are typically held on Tuesday and Thursdays on a quarterly basis. Those interested in attending these meetings should request being added to the MOVES User Group List for notifications about future meetings. Those interested in presenting their experience at a User Group Meeting are welcomed and encouraged. Further information about the User Group is available by contacting Kevin.Black@dot.gov or Paul.Heisman@dot.gov

Climate Change Workshop

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Introduction To Climate Change Provides an overview of the topic of climate change, including the basics of climate science, the potential impacts of climate change on transportation systems, transportation’s role in greenhouse gas emissions, transportation emissions reduction and adaptation strategies, greenhouse gas assessment methodologies strategies, and incorporating climate change in the planning process. Length: 2-2½ hour Webinar. For more information, contact jeff.houk@dot.gov.

Climate Change In The Planning Process Provides information on incorporating climate change considerations into transportation the planning process. This training explores links between climate change-related issues and elements of the planning process and greenhouse gas reduction and adaptation strategies. Length: 2-2½ hour Webinar or 1 day Workshop. The workshop includes more detail on mitigation and adaptation and interactive sessions. Level: Basic. For more information, contact jim.thorne@dot.gov.

NEPA Air Quality Analysis for Highway Projects

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Course Length: 2-Day
This course covers the theory and practice of using the CAL3QHC or CALINE4 (in California) dispersion model to predict pollutant concentrations adjacent to highway facilities (project level hot spots) and includes “hands-on” computer lab work.  Participants will be instructed on the use of CAL3QHC or CALINE4 (in California) as required for air quality analyses in accordance with NEPA and for the requirements of the SIP/Conformity processes.  Traffic movement and queuing theory required for modeling inputs will be covered. Participants will be instructed on data collection, intersection/interchange/link analysis, signal timing, regulatory guidance and the interpretation of modeling results.  In addition, the CALINE dispersion model will also be covered.

To schedule, phone:

  • Joon Byun, Air Quality Modeling Specialist, 410.962.0069, joon.byun@dot.gov
  • Michael Claggett, Air Quality Modeling Specialist, 505.820.2047, michael.claggett@dot.gov

Transportation Air Quality Fundamentals (AQ 101)

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Course Length: 2 Days

This course is provided in two basic formats tailored to the needs of the participants. One format focuses on regulations, policy and procedural methodologies, while the other format centers on a more technical and analytical agenda. The workshop can be tailored to provide a mix of both formats to meet the requestor’s needs. Each format provides a comprehensive overview for the technical practitioner as well as managers and policy makers. The material can be also used as references and guides for the practicing professional.

To schedule, contact:
  • Joon Byun, Air Quality Modeling Specialist, 410.962.0069, joon.byun@dot.gov,
  • Jeff Houk, Air Quality Specialist, 720.963.3203, jeff.houk@dot.gov
  • Mike Roberts, Air Quality Specialist, 404.562.3928, michael.roberts@dot.gov

Air Quality Benefit Estimation For Transportation/Air Quality Projects

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Course Length: Instructor-led, 2 days. Web Conference, 3 days (3 hours each day)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This one-day workshop consists of two different components. In the morning session (3 hours), materials covering available methods for virtually all eight major CMAQ project categories are offered. All methods are transparent and do not involve the "Black Box" travel modeling. The easy to follow step-by-step manual computation procedure for a given project is not only comprehensive and more importantly comprehensible. The annualized cost/benefit analysis method for all projects is also covered. The afternoon session is devoted to issues and particular projects participants have. Participants are encouraged to bring their CMAQ projects and issues associated with the air quality benefit analysis to the class.

To schedule, contact:

MOVES2014 2-Day Training

Click here for the MOVES training schedule

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have developed a new two-day training course for MOVES2014. This is a detailed, two-day, hands-on course geared toward state and local agency staff who will use MOVES2014 for developing SIPs and conformity analyses. Space is limited. If you are looking for more general information on MOVES, and will not be a regular user of MOVES, please attend the Introduction to MOVES web conference listed above, as it will better meet your needs and help us to accommodate the maximum number of MOVES users in the two-day course.

The first day of the training, and part of the second day, provides a detailed look at using MOVES2014 at the county scale for SIPs and regional conformity analyses based on the MOVES2014 Technical Guidance. The training covers various options for using MOVES, depending on the type of analysis and size of the area being modeled. The training also demonstrates how to create a county-level run specification file, how to use the County Data Manager to enter local data, how to use spreadsheet tools to convert MOBILE6-based input data to MOVES2014 format, and how to generate emissions results in both Inventory and Emission Rate modes. The county–level portion of the training also addresses other features of MOVES2014, such as the custom domain, alternative vehicle and fuel technology, and retrofit input options. The final part of the training focuses on the use of MOVES at the project level. The course includes numerous hands-on exercises.

Project-Level Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) Workshop

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This Workshop provides background information on MSATs, including a description of these pollutants and some discussion of how they became an issue for highway projects. On February 3, 2006, FHWA issued its Interim Guidance on Air Toxics Analysis in NEPA Documents. The Workshop presents a discussion of two principals built into the guidance: analyze projects that are located in areas where they might impact human health and match the level of analysis to the scope of the project. Even before the FHWA interim guidance was issued, quantitative and qualitative MSAT analyses had been conducted for several projects around the country. The results of a “white paper” analysis of a hypothetical highway widening project are given along with examples of MSAT analysis in four recent NEPA documents. The Workshop also offers a session on the uncertainties associated with MSAT analyses. FHWA’s view is that the limitations and inherent uncertainties in the available tools preclude advanced analysis that would be meaningful in evaluating project alternatives for decision-making purposes. Currently, FHWA does not plan to issue formal technical guidance for MSAT analysis; however, a session describing FHWA’s recommended technical approach, including traffic analysis and the use of the Environmental Protection Agency’s MOBILE6.2 model is provided. The resources that FHWA offers or is planning to offer to assist with MSAT analysis is described. These include research papers on various aspects of MSAT analysis; an FHWA review of roadside health studies; an MSAT analysis handbook; and an MSAT “quick-start” guide, which includes all the workshop and class exercise materials, and walks the reader through each of the steps of an example MSAT analysis.

To Schedule Contact:

Michael Claggett, Air Quality Modeling Specialist, 505.820.2047, michael.claggett@dot.gov

Transportation Conformity 101

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Resource Center is pleased to announce the availability of a short training course in Transportation Conformity.

The course is designed to provide the participant with the fundamentals of transportation conformity while offering the flexibility to satisfy the particular needs given the uniqueness of each area. The one-day course is available to cover the basics of transportation conformity. Advanced modules may be added or substituted on a limited basis in specific topic areas based on need and degree of expertise of participants.

To Schedule Contact:

Mike Roberts, Air Quality Specialist, 404.562-3928, michael.roberts@dot.gov
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