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Mitigation Best Practices Portfolio

In the wake of disasters, people often wonder whether there is a way to protect both people and property from such devastating losses. Mitigation is the way to provide that protection. Hazard mitigation means taking action to reduce or prevent future damage, preferably before a disaster strikes.

There are three important elements to help reduce the impact of disasters on our nation's citizens and communities:

  • Hazard identification and assessment of risks and vulnerabilities;
  • Taking action to mitigate (reduce or prevent disaster effects); and
  • Telling the Best Practice story of how to mitigate.

Learn about Mitigation Best Practices and how the stories in this portfolio offer ideas for you to use in reducing or preventing damage from disasters.

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Best Practices Stories

A sampling of Best Practices have been compiled for viewing. The current topics are Assistance, Flood, Grants, and Wind. Each topic currently contains seven stories. More topics and stories will be added as needed.

These Best Practices, and all new stories, can be found by visiting Best Practices Stories. Previously submitted stories can also be located at the Homeland Security Digital Library (

Case Studies

To see how others are protecting their lives and property, see our Case Studies. These contain in-depth, analytical information about innovative projects throughout the United States that deal with all types of hazards.

Share your Success

If you have taken measures to prevent losses from disasters at home, at work, or in your community, help us tell YOUR story. By sharing you help spread the word of how important, effective, and life-saving mitigation can be.

Your submission will help us meet our goal of finding Best Practice stories that highlight a variety of hazards, mitigation actions, funding sources and subjects (i.e., individuals, businesses, communities, governmental entities, non-profits, educational institutions, etc.) so we can share this important information with the rest of the nation.

In the past, stories have covered various hazards such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, fire, and drought. The measures taken have included such things as raising electrical outlets; elevating appliances, furnaces/air conditioners, washers and dryers, landscaping, etc.; to more complex measures such as major retrofitting; elevating structures, acquisition (buyouts); stormwater management projects; community mitigation planning; legislation; and building codes.

If you or your community were creative, or took exceptional steps in implementing planning and prevention measures, executing sound floodplain management practices, providing mitigation training or conducting outreach and public awareness activities, let other communities read about it.

If you need guidance on writing your Best Practice you can visit Mitigation Best Practice Guided Format. If you would like information on hazard types visit Hazard Type Associations.

To submit your story, follow the instructions below:

  1. Tell us your story prepared in a Microsoft® Word file. Please keep your submittal to one to two pages.
  2. Submit any photos, maps, graphics, and/or PDF files which may enhance your Best Practice.
  3. Supply us with your phone number and/or email address.
  4. Email your information to

Once you submit your Best Practice or Case Study, we will review your information and possibly include your story in our nationwide collection of Best Practices. If we have questions concerning any of the information you have submitted, we will contact you by phone or email that you provided (your contact info will be visible to FEMA staff only).

Last Updated: 
06/14/2016 - 08:24