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Code Capability Report and Appendices (1992) (3)

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This collection contains FEMA 296, 297, and 298 which comprises the Code Capability Report and its appendices. This report provides a comparison between the NFIP technical guidelines and standards and the model code and standards in place in 1992. The report's recommendations provide a basis for coordinating NFIP documents with model code and standards.
Collection Created:
December 4, 2015
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  • Code Capability Report (Without Appendices)

    This publication is just the code capability report, for the appendecies see FEMA numbers 297, and 298. This report provides a comparison between the NFIP technical guidelines and standards and the model code and standards. The report's recommendations provide a basis for coordinating NFIP documents with model code and standards. This report is a resource document.

  • Code Capability Report Appendices A and B

    This publicaion is just appendecies A and B for the code capability report, for the report or other appendecies see FEMA 296 and 298. This report provides a comparison between the NFIP technical guidelines and standards and the model code and standards. The report's recommendations provide a basis for coordinating NFIP documents with model code and standards. This report is a resource document.

  • Code Capability Report Appendices C - F

    This publicaion is just appendecies C through F for the code capability report, for the report or other appendecies see FEMA 296 and 297. This report provides a comparison between the NFIP technical guidelines and standards and the model code and standards. The report's recommendations provide a basis for coordinating NFIP documents with model code and standards. This report is a resource document.