HomeResourcesMCLB Offices & StaffAdjutant
Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany


Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany

Enabling Logistics Excellence  •
The adjutant is a special staff officer for the commanding officer, Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany. The adjutant provides administrative support to the CO, MCLB Albany and the installation's tenant commands.

The adjutant is responsible for:

*  Coordinating internal and external administrative requirements;
*  Tracking and monitoring urgent administrative support requested by higher headquarters and/or subordinate commands;
*  Preparing and publishishing duty roster assignments;
*  Publishing staff regulations, preparing, reviewing and staffing command correspondence;
*  Managing the commands’ performance evaluations program;
*  Processing personal, unit, and special awards;
*  Managing the Casualty Assistance Program;
*  Maintaining command correspondence files;
*  Managing the acquisition, distribution control, and accountability of the command’s publications and manages the Directives Control Point;
*  Managing the command’s Forms, Records and Reports Management programs; and
*  Managing the Voter Registration Program. 

For a complete list of the programs that fall under the adjutant's cognizance, see the programs tab on the right.

Contact Us
Captain Sean P. Fitzgibbons
(229) 639-5105

Administration Chief
Staff Sergeant Richard E. Shedd
(229) 639-6994

Senior Administration Clerk
Corporal Brian E. Harrington
(229) 639-8776

Building 3600, Room 122
Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany
814 Radford Boulevard, Suite 20302
Albany, GA 31704