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DARPA's FY2016 enacted budget is $2.87 billion. The President's FY2017 budget request for DARPA is $2.97 billion.

Click here to see budget-related Congressional testimony by DARPA leadership. The Defense Department also maintains a searchable database for budget information:

The mission of the Legislative Affairs (LA) Office is to facilitate a cooperative and productive relationship between DARPA and Congress. With backgrounds in defense policy and governmental affairs, our staff supports DARPA leadership and program managers by coordinating budgetary and programmatic briefings as well as congressional testimony.
Congress has played a vital role in DARPA's success over many years. DARPA could not fulfill its mission of developing breakthrough technologies for national security without consistent bipartisan support from Congress. DARPA's congressional authorizers and appropriators sit on the Senate and House Armed Services Committees and the Appropriations Committees. Transcripts of testimony provided to these and other committees and subcommittees appear below.
Recent Testimony
During a recent media briefing, the DARPA Director, Arati Prabhakar, elucidated what the Agency does for our nation, how it does it, how it thinks about its mission in the context of today's realities and the future that it's building by creating the next generation of technology to give Defense leaders more options for tomorrow’s missions.