HomeUnitsJPEO-CBD Enterprise Fielding & Surveillance
Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany


Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany

Enabling Logistics Excellence  •
JPEO - Chemical, Biological Defense Enterprise Fielding & Surveillance Directorate

On June 1, 2012, the Joint Program Executive Office expanded its current surveillance mission by integrating the JPEO-CBD Enterprise Fielding and Surveillance team, formerly known as the Joint Equipment Assessment Program and their proven surveillance processes into fielding events.

Surveillance is a process that has been used to effectively gather data which, with appropriate analysis and interpretation, can provide an accurate, real-time evaluation of the performance condition of a CBD acquisition system. The JEFS team is working closely with JPM’s to execute this new responsibility in support of JPEO’s goal to deliver a more efficient and cost effective total package fielding process to the warfighter.

JEFS is also responsible for accountability and disposal of chemical, biological defense equipment and test management services throughout the Department of Defense.

Mission Areas

Fielding and Surveillance Teams:

Conduct on-site Base Line Surveillance of Wholesale assets in conjunction with fielding events of newly procured items and material. Assist the Joint Project Managers and JPEO-CBD by identifying, reporting and analyzing production issues and deficiencies in an effort to improve product quality.

The FST also provides support to the overall fielding event. By request, the FSTs will schedule and conduct CBD equipment surveillance site visits for the services. Surveillance site visits provide unit commanders with invaluable feedback on their CBD equipment readiness and also provide training to CBD personnel on proper care, maintenance and storage procedures for CBD equipment.

Test Management Services:

Develop and maintain technical expertise in support of DoD requirements for Production Lot, Fielding and Sustainment Testing as necessary to accomplish Total Life Cycle Management of CBRN-D Equipment.

Defense Accountability, Reutilization and Disposal:

Maintains accountability and proper disposal of all CBRN-D assets identified as controlled items. Maintains accurate records of receipt, inventory, disposal, training, recycle and serviceable assets. JEFS, DARD project will utilize better business practices for process improvement and cost efficiencies and ensure proper demilitarization or recycling of unserviceable CBRN-D equipment under its control.

MCLB Albany