HomeResourcesMCLB Offices & StaffDistribution Management Office (TMO)
Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany


Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany

Enabling Logistics Excellence  •
Distribution Management Office (formerly TMO)

Distribution Management Office (DMO)

The DMO Office is located in Building 3500, Wing 500, Rooms 501 and 503.  

 Hours:    Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

 (Closed on holidays and for occasional training; please call to confirm.)

Personal Property Services, Room 503

For outbound and inbound personal property information and questions

Phone:  229-639-5823/5824   Dsn: 567-5823

To start or submit an application to move your personal property in the Defense Personal Property System (DPS) upon receipt of orders, go to www.move.mil.

To check on finalization of your Dity-PPM Claim and additional information, go to

http://www.logcom.marines.mil/Capabilities/DITYMoves.aspx as the DMO cannot provide this information.

Remember to contact our office for any questions you may have concerning your move, input of information on the move.mil website, or entitlements.

Passenger Services, Room 501

For airline ticket information, passports, visas, international driver’s licenses

(Passports, international driver’s licenses and visas are done by appointment only.)

Phone:   229-639-5817/5932   DSN:   567-5817

Commercial Travel Office (CTO) is Carlson Sato Wagonlit Travel, Room 501-1
