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Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany


Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany

Enabling Logistics Excellence  •
Contracting Policy

Contract Priority    

Contracting interprets priorities IAW the Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS) (MCO 4400.16G)  The UMMIPS is lengthy and descriptive of what the designators are and what qualifies under each designator. 

  • Per the UMMIPS, garrison II MEF and subordinate units are either F/AD II or III.  MCB departments and units only qualify for F/AD IV. Combining the F/AD and the appropriate urgency designator derives the two-digit priority designator you would use on a PR. The options are:



Urgency of

Need Designator






01 04 11


02 05 12


03 06 13


07 09 14
  • Because of the impact priority PR’s have on the overall accomplishment of work, all priority PR’s must be accompanied by additional justification, either a brief letter or urgency form, signed by competent authority plainly indicating why the requirement justifies moving it to the head of the line.  What deadline or requirement must be met?  What mission fails if the requirement is not met immediately?  Is there a protracted manufacturing lead time justifying an urgent procurement?                                          
  • All PR’s are processed as timely as possible with urgent PR’s receiving the priority they deserve.  However, when everything become urgent, nothing is urgent. 

Interagency Transfer of Funds 

No funds may be transferred outside of the Marine Corps without a specific documented review by the Contracting Office, the requiring activity's Comptroller Office and Legal. 

Assisted Acquisition:  A contract awarded or a task or delivery order placed on behalf of the Marine Corps by an official outside of the Marine Corps. (Example: funds MIPR'd to the Department of Interior in order to provide environmental services.

The approval thresholds set forth in the Marine Acquisition Procedures Supplement are as follows:

Economy Act Orders


$ Amount

Assisting Agency

Approval Authority Reference
> Micro-purchase threshold - $5M DoD Agency Contracting Officer FAR 17.500; DFARS 217.500(b); NMCARS 5217.503(c)(i)(A) & (B)
> $5M  DoD Agency ADC, I&L (Contracts) SES NMCARS 5217.503(c)(i)(A) & (B)
> Micro-purchase threshold - $50M Non-DoD Agency ADC, I&L (Contracts) SES NMCARS 5217.503(c)(i)(B) & 5217.7802
 >$50M - $500M Non-DoD Agency DASN (ALM) NMCARS 5217.7802
>$500M Non-DoD Agency ASN (RDA) NMCARS 5217.7802

Non-Economy Act Orders


$ Amount

Assisting Agency

Approval Authority Reference
< SAT Non-DoD Agency Comptroller - MAPS Format N/A ASN (FM&C) memo of 31 Jan 07 
> SAT - $5M Non-DoD Agency Contracting Officer NMCARS 5217.7802
> $5M - $50M Non-DoD Agency ADC, I&L (Contracts) SES  NMCARS 5217.7802
> $50M - $500M Non-DoD Agency DASN (ALM) NMCARS 5217.7802
> $500M  Non-DoD Agency ASN (RDA) NMCARS 5217.7802


    A.   Requiring Activity.  Responsible for providing necessary information to their Comptroller, and coordination of specifics with the Contracting Department to process the transfer. Requiring Activity must complete and forward the following:


Item Remarks
Statement of Work Detailed description of the Supply/Service to be provided
Independent Government Estimate Detailed synopsis of all costs associated with the requirement
Draft Determination and Findings Provides a complete overview of the transfer requirement and benefit the Government receives
Rationale Statement for Fund Transfer Provides the justification for the use of inter-agency transfer to support the Requirement.


     B.   Comptroller and Contracting.  Responsible for determination as to applicability of statutes and regulations (Economy Act or National Defense Authorization Act, FY 2005, Section 854), with advice from the Eastern Area Counsel's Office (EACO).  As required, Contracting prepares the   Determinations and Findings. 

     C.    HQMC I&L (Contracts).  Approves those transfers of funds which exceed specified thresholds.