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Antiterrorism/Force Protection Guidance - Deployed Force Protection at Forward Operations Bases & Fixed Installations

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Developed by the ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) in Vicksburg, Miss., the Small-Base Leader Entry Control Point (ECP) Guide and the Joint Forward Operations Base (JFOB) Protection Handbook v.6 provide guidance for the protection of deployed forces at forward operations bases (FOBs). The Joint Antiterrorism (JAT) Guide provides guidance for the protection of forces at fixed installations. Every officer and non-commissioned officer responsible for FOB security or force protection should add these resources to their Deployment Tool Kits.

Improve Capability of Small-Base ECPs

The ECP Guide provides interactive ECP planning, design and operational guidance for the small-base ECP, as well as technology solutions available for use when building a new, or upgrading an existing, ECP. The guide supplies:

  • checklists for ECP site selection, vulnerability assessment, design and construction sequence;
  • a worksheet for risk assessment and various TTPs and best practices;
  • pertinent reference documents such as the JFOB Handbook v.6 (GTA 90-01-011); and
  • ECP technology and materiel solutions.

The planning section of the ECP Guide provides guidance on the development of an ECP mission statement and assessment of threats, vulnerabilities and risks. The design section concentrates on basic ECP functional objectives, general design concepts and ECP functional zones. The operations section provides personnel and vehicle access control procedures. The technology section provides information about more than 100 items of materiel and equipment for enhancing access control and force protection.

Reduce Casualty Rates during Combat Operations

The JFOB handbook is a quick-look reference to reduce the casualty rate during combat operations and to implement tactics, techniques, procedures and best practices suited to counter rocket, artillery, mortar and improvised explosive device threats. The JFOB Protection Handbook v.6 provides simplified tools for implementing a systematic approach to planning, developing and improving JFOB defensive capabilities, as well as courses of action, best practices and lessons learned to allow Warfighters to make informed decisions regarding FOB protection . The handbook is broken into major subject areas to facilitate use.

Develop an Antiterrorism Program

The current Joint Antiterrorism Guide (JAT Guide) v4.05, 04 Dec 2013  is an electronic program management and decision aid tool that assists installation commanders with developing an antiterrorism program. The JAT Guide contains planning tools to evaluate terrorist threat scenarios, tactics, weapons systems, security upgrades, building retrofits, explosive standoff distances and potential bomb damage, and even possible threats for incoming or departing aircraft. The JAT Guide provides the requirements, processes, tools and templates to produce a comprehensive and effective antiterrorism plan for an entire military installation of any size.

The JAT Guide incorporates the new Fixed-Site Risk Management Tool v1.00 (FS-RMT), a replacement for and major upgrade to the popular Risk Management Assessment tool that is in wide use. The FS-RMT package contains a copy of the FS-RMT tool, a step-by-step training briefing, and other items that assist in getting started. You download the FS-RMT by Clicking the “TOOLS” Icon. Alternatively, click on “PRODUCTS” at the bottom of the Portal Home Page and follow directions to download the items you want, or request a CD having a copy of the full FS-RMT package mailed to you (see below).


Antiterrorism officers will find the FS-RMT to be a valuable tool for use in preparing and updating fixed installation AT Plans, providing the following benefits:

  • Offers a systematic, rational, and defendable process for identifying, prioritizing, reducing, and controlling risks based on DoDI 2000.16
  • Assists the user in selecting a trade-off between risk reduction and resource requirements
  • Provides  risk scores based on analysis of threat likelihood, vulnerability and consequence,
  • Provides a set of risks and mitigation recommendations and costs to key decision makers.

Advantages of the new FS-RMT include:

  •  An “All-Hazards” approach to risk management
  • Improved navigation by presenting the user with tips, pop-up information, “How to Proceed” instructions
  • Enhanced question sets for conducting criticality, threat, vulnerability and consequence assessments
  • A quantified numeric risk score that is color-coded to ease in interpreting the significance of the score
  • A streamlined Course of Action (COA) assessment process.

The JAT Guide provides DOD with a comprehensive and consistent planning capability to protect personnel and their families, installations, information and other resources from a broad range of terrorist acts. The JAT Guide has been field tested at Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force installations. The JAT Guide also has potential for use by cities, states and other government agencies. It is one of the many ERDC tools developed for the military that should also see widespread use in future Homeland Security applications

Distribution - Restricted to U.S. government agencies and their contractors


JAT Guide

The JAT Guide is available in two formats:

  • The interactive internet version is available on the ERDC Force Protection Portal - select RELATED.
    • A CAC Card is required to access this FOUO site, and a simple one-time registration is required to enter the Force Protection Portal.
    • At the Portal Homepage, Click on the “Fixed Site Protection” Tab to launch the online JAT Guide.
    • The CD version may be obtained free of charge.

Small-Base Leader ECP Guide

The ECP Guide is available in three formats:

  1. Printed, spiral-bound ECP Handbooks (GTA 90-01-034) are available at no charge - use contact info below OR by clicking the “Products” Tab on the Portal Homepage and using the email order form.
  2. Digital copies of the ECP Guide may be downloaded directly from the ERDC Force Protection Portal link  - and Click on the “Products” Tab
  3. An interactive CD version is also available at no charge - use contact info below.

JFOB Handbook v.6

The JFOB v.6 Handbook is available in two formats:

  • Printed, spiral-bound JFOB v.6 Handbooks (GTA 90-01-011) are available at no charge:
    • use Contact info below
    • by clicking the “Products” Tab on the Portal Homepage and using the email order for
  • Digital copies of JFOB v.6 (GTA 90-01-011) can be obtained from these four sources:


Earl.W.LeMasters@usace.army.mil, 601-634-4237

Joint Survivability and Protective Construction Office
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center | Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory