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Reliable Business Process for Management of Rental Facilities Information

The Rental Facilities Management Information System (RFMIS) is an automated information system that provides a uniform method of recording, storing, retrieving, and reporting information related to leased property

Reduced System Complexity

RFMIS provides reduced information system complexity and maximized workforce capabilities through the discovery and elimination of redundancy. By adhering to standards for physically sharing data, RFMIS achieves enterprise-wide integration through information and data sharing. RFMIS provides:

  • Financial audit trails for customer management
  • Increased reporting accuracy and consistency
  • Historic data/trend analysis
  • Budget projection capability  


RFMIS is developed around a set of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products to include the following features:

  • The latest Oracle database which meets all security requirements
  • Geographic information system (GIS) component
  • Document management system
  • Interfaces with CEFMS and UPASS
  • Web-based platform
  • Internal and external reporting capabilities
  • Accessibility from desktop browsers

All real estate automated information systems are managed by the Real Estate Systems National Center (RESNC), who partnered with the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) to reengineer the system to take advantage of the latest technologies.

ERDC Points of Contact

Questions about RFMIS?
Contact: Renee Mullinax
Email: Renee.R. Mullinax@usace.army.mil
Phone: (601) 634-4386

property management rental facilities information management