Marine Corps Base Quantico


Marine Corps Base Quantico

"Crossroads of the Marine Corps"

Unit News
September, 2013

Dress regulations often less restrictive than Marines realize September 30, 2013
Corps leadership tells industry to help Marine Corps trim down September 27, 2013
Updated hazing policy reminds Marines of severity September 27, 2013
Yellowjackets swarm Butler Stadium, stinging football team September 27, 2013
Despite budget cuts, Corps and industry find value in Marine Expo September 26, 2013
Preliminary report outlines finds of archaeological dig September 26, 2013
With local help, Quantico student sent to space camp for visually impaired September 26, 2013
TBS students practice combat life saver techniques September 25, 2013
Car show shows more than shiny cars September 25, 2013
Cleaning house has a different meaning to these Marines September 25, 2013
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