Current MCB Quantico Weather and Forecast
The Meteorological Section at MCAF (station KNYG) aboard MCB Quantico is an official forecasting/observation station for the National Weather Service. Their observations are made 24/7 and serve as a valuable component of our national weather network. For the latest forecast please visit the NOAA website.

Base Operating Code Procedures

Normally used during the Winter months to ensure the safety of all aboard MCB Quantico, the base commander has established procedures for evaluating weather conditions to determine a delayed base opening or early base closure and how to publicize those decisions to all affected personnel. However not all commands and activities follow the base operating status, so employees need to confirm reporting instructions with their chain of command.

Upon first indication of possible inclement weather, command personnel begin monitoring weather conditions regularly to determine potential impact upon base operations. As inclement weather nears or begins, the command monitors weather reports more frequently and begins to receive regular road condition reports from aboard base and in the surrounding community. Command personnel also communicate with local civilian authorities and the federal government concerning their assessments of the weather conditions.

Based upon the type and volume of expected precipitation, other conditions and the capabilities of base equipment and personnel to keep the roads clear and safe for travel, the commander will make the decision to keep the base open, delay base opening, or close the base.

If inclement weather occurs during non-working hours, every attempt will be made to make the decision on the base’s operational status prior to 4 a.m. Notification of the Base Weather Code is broadcast via the Quantico Weather Hotline (703-784-3638), the Quantico Mass Notification System, the base Website, base Facebook page, and local TV and radio stations.

Any operational adaptation will be announced via a Base Operational Code as follows:

Code Green

CODE GREEN (Condition Normal)
- The base is open on time. Employees are expected to report to work on time. Will not be announced on local radio and television stations.
Code Yellow

(Open With Reasonable Delays) - The base is open on time. Reasonable delays for reporting to work are excused. Unscheduled leave may be authorized. Will be announced on local radio and television stations.
Code Blue

(Open At Specified Time) - The base opens at a specified time. Unscheduled leave may be authorized. Will be announced on local radio and television stations.
Code Red

(Closed For Non-Essential Personnel) - Weather conditions are severe and the base is closed for normal operation, only emergency and essential personnel are expected to report to work. Will be announced on local radio and television stations.
  Note: These conditions are a guideline for MCB Quantico. They will not necessarily reflect the conditions and challenges in our neighboring communities. These codes will also serve as guidance for operational irregularities other than those dictated by inclement weather. Please use common sense and sound judgment in your decision to get on the roads. Your safety is the most important factor.

During inclement weather, families with special needs (EFMs, handicap, etc.) that may need special ⁄ additional assistance should call the MCB Command Duty Officer at (703) 784-2707 or MCBQ emergency maintenance at (703) 784-2072 / 2073 ⁄ 2227 for assistance. For urgent emergencies dial 911. For other non-urgent emergencies, call the PMO Desk Sergeant at (703) 784-2251 ⁄ 2252 ⁄ 2253.

Heat Index* Conditions

As the heat index rises, everyone needs to pay attention to the flag conditions here on MCB Quantico and understand what they mean.

There are five conditions listed for the heat flag warnings from least to most severe. 

They are:  no flag under 80º F; green for 80 to 84.9º F; yellow for 85 to 87.9º F; red for 88 to 89º F and black for 90º F and above.

It is important to note that some of these flag conditions have extremely narrow 2-3 degree ranges.  That means that temperatures can rise from yellow to black more quickly than the flag station operator's observation interval. It is also essential to always keep in mind that extreme conditions can lead to serious health problems such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even death.

* Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature Index (WBGTI)

There are ten flag stations aboard MCB Quantico that indicate the current heat conditions:

                (1) Lejeune Hall:  Front, near Command flagpole.         
                (2) MCAF:  Opposite sentry booth.     
                (3) OCS:  Brown Field, front of reviewing stand.
                (4) SNCOA:  NE corner of the parade deck at street intersection.
                (5) AWS:  Southwest end of Geiger Hall.
                (6) Hq&SvcBn:  Between Bldgs. 2006 and 2000.
                (7) TBS:  The parade deck in front of Ramer Hall.
                (8) WTBn:  600 yard firing line, Range 3.
                (9) Camp Upshur:  Beside the water tower, Bldg. 26147.
                (10) Range Control:  Front of Range Control building.

Personnel who are interested in receiving heat index and destructive weather reports can sign up for email and/or voice notification.

For Mainside heat index and destructive weather reports, the POC can be reached at (703) 784-2468.

For Westside heat index reports, the POC can be reached at (703) 784-5502.

Green Flag

(Green Flag): Heavy exercises, for activities of unacclimatized personnel will be conducted with caution and under constant supervision.

Yellow Flag

(Yellow Flag): Strenuous exercises, such as marching at standard cadence, will be suspended for unacclimatized troops in their first 2 or 3 weeks.  Outdoor classes in the sun are to be avoided.

red flag

(Red Flag): All physical training will be halted for those troops who have not become thoroughly acclimatized by at least 12 weeks of living and working in the area.  Those troops who are thoroughly acclimatized may carry on limited activity not to exceed 6 hours per day.

black flag

(Black Flag): All strenuous non-essential outdoor physical activity will be halted for all units. Essential activities are defined as those activities associated with scheduled exercises or other major training evolutions where the disruption would cause undue burden on personnel or resources, be excessively expensive, or significantly reduce a unit's combat readiness. Essential outdoor physical activity will be conducted at a level that is commensurate with personnel acclimatization as determined by the unit's commanding officer in coordination with the unit's medical officer or medical personnel. All efforts should be made to reschedule activities during cooler periods of the day.

Wearing of body armor or NBC warfare protective gear in effect adds 10º F to the measured WBGTI.  Heat condition activities should be adjusted accordingly.

The above activity limitations are recommendations only.




Base and Local Area School

Base Operating Condition color codes giving Base closure and personnel reporting status are announced as determined by Base Operations.

Official updates to the Base Operating Condition and Base school closure and delay announcements (normally during the winter months) are disseminated via:


Changes in Base operating codes and subsequent school closings / delays are passed to the following TV and radio stations:

Cable TV Channels

  • TV 4 - WRC - (NBC) Washington
  • TV 5 - WTTG - (FOX) Washington
  • TV 7 - WJLA - (ABC) Washington
  • TV 9 - WUSA - (CBS) Washington
  • NEWS CH 8 - Washington

FM Radio Stations

  • FM 93.3 - WFLS - Fredericksburg
  • FM 95.5 - WPGC - Washington
  • FM 99.3 - WYSK - Fredericksburg
  • FM 101.5 - WBQB - Fredericksbg
  • FM 107.3 - WRQX - Washington

AM Radio Stations

  • AM 630 - WMAL - Washington
  • AM 1230 - WFVA - Fredericksburg
  • AM 1350 - WYSK - Fredericksburg
        (en español)
  • AM 1500 - Federal News Radio

Additional Base sources of information are:

  • MCB Quantico Facebook page
  • MCB Quantico TV Channel 23
  • MCB Quantico Radio 1610 AM