Joint Base Charleston

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Everyone wants your money – recognizing and combating cyber crime October 28, 2016 — Winning the lottery or owning our own prosperous business is a dream most of us share. Every day through e-mails, text messages, websites and social media, people are promised opportunities to make a lot of money and become financially independent. Many times, these are false promises. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.  One of the MORE

Pikachu and why you need to be aware of using mobile apps October 28, 2016 — There are over 2,000,000 apps available for download on Google Play and the Apple App Store. One very popular app, Pokemon GO has opened its users up to criminals.  The Better Business Bureau warns of scammers leveraging the app by sending phishing emails to deceive victims into thinking they need to pay for the game. Another app released this MORE

Hurricanes and domestic violence, two disasters October 19, 2016 — As we recover from Hurricane Matthew, I can’t help but recognize the similarities between such a natural disaster and the unfortunate man-made disaster of domestic violence. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).  Domestic violence is a topic few people enjoy discussing. However, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic MORE

Navy Corrections - A History October 19, 2016 — Over the last century, the U.S. Navy corrections system has evolved to mirror corrections practice and philosophy used by civilian institutions around the nation.  By replacing the “Articles for the Government of the Navy (Rocks and Shoals)” with the Uniform Code of Military Justice in 1951, progressive improvements in the treatment of naval MORE

Making cyber security a cultural norm October 18, 2016 — Making cyber security a cultural norm follows the same path as learning about societal cultural norms. We learn acceptable society norms at a young age and, as circumstances change, society’s culture evolves.  By being aware of situational information security awareness, people can become instinctive about cyber security. Once cyber security is MORE

Mindset Matters Most October 18, 2016 — “Words matter, actions matter more and mindset matters most,” defines my command philosophy for the U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Academy (MLEA). As leaders the words we choose are crucial to communicating the right message. Furthermore, we must model and practice what we preach because our actions will certainly communicate an even MORE

Crossing the Digital Street - everyday steps to online safety October 12, 2016 — In today’s ever expanding cyber world, internet safety is increasingly important. With safety always being the number one concern in the real world, we should treat the cyber world accordingly. Using smart tips will go a long way toward protecting you on the internet:·         Personal InformationThe internet provides numerous opportunities for MORE

My professionalism top 10 list October 12, 2016 — As members of the military profession of arms, we have the responsibility and obligation to conduct ourselves accordingly. Below is my list of the top 10 behaviors to ensure professionalism in the workplace: 1) Respect other people and yourself:  Conduct yourself respectfully and in a manner that you would be proud for someone outside of the MORE

Authority, accountability impact organizational standards October 4, 2016 — As an organization, the military reflects every aspect of society.  Collectively we are Sailors, Soldiers, Guardsmen and Airmen from all walks of life.  Our societal cross section and diversity are what makes us the World Class organization we are.  The fact that we mimic societal norms was made crystal clear to me recently during a conversation MORE

Series: Definition of Navy Chief Part III September 14, 2016 — Looking back at the heritage of Navy Chief Petty Officers, their service, sacrifice and leadership: in peace, war and in times of national crisis, I recognize I have an enormous obligation to serve anyone with the title of “Sailor.” As a Chief, I must strive for excellence. Being a Chief means you are the leader, all day, every day, on duty and MORE

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