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Oklahoma Constitution 


§ Preamble.

Article 1 - Federal Relations

§ Article 1 section 1. Supreme law of land

§ Article 1 section 2. Religious liberty - Polygamous or plural marriages

§ Article 1 section 3. Unappropriated public lands - Indian lands - Jurisdiction of United States

§ Article 1 section 4. Territorial debts and liabilities

§ Article 1 section 5. Public schools

§ Article 1 section 6. Right of suffrage

§ Article 1 section 7. Repealed

Article 2 - Bill of Rights

§ Article 2 section 1. Political power - Purpose of government - Alteration or reformation

§ Article 2 section 2. Inherent rights

§ Article 2 section 3. Right of assembly and petition

§ Article 2 section 4. Interference with right of suffrage

§ Article 2 section 5. Public money or property - Use for sectarian purposes

§ Article 2 section 6. Courts of justice open - Remedies for wrongs - Sale, denial or delay

§ Article 2 section 7. Due process of law

§ Article 2 section 8. Right to bail - Exceptions

§ Article 2 section 9. Excessive bail or fines - Cruel or unusual punishment

§ Article 2 section 10. Habeas corpus - Suspension

§ Article 2 section 11. Officers - Personal attention to duties - Intoxication

§ Article 2 section 12. Officers of United States or other states - Ineligibility to office

§ Article 2 section 12A. Candidacy as United States Representative or Senator - Term limits - Write-ins

§ Article 2 section 13. Imprisonment for debt

§ Article 2 section 14. Military subordinate to civil authorities - Quartering without owner's consent

§ Article 2 section 15. Bills of attainder - Ex post facto laws - Obligation of contracts - Forfeitures

§ Article 2 section 16. Treason

§ Article 2 section 17. Indictment or information - Preliminary examination - Prosecutions in courts not of record

§ Article 2 section 18. Grand jury

§ Article 2 section 19. Trial by jury

§ Article 2 section 20. Rights of accused in criminal cases

§ Article 2 section 21. Self-incrimination - Double jeopardy

§ Article 2 section 22. Liberty of speech and press - Truth as evidence in prosecution for libel

§ Article 2 section 23. Private property - Taking or damaging for private use

§ Article 2 section 24. Private property - Public use - Character of use a judicial question

§ Article 2 section 25. Contempt - Definition - Jury trial - Hearing

§ Article 2 section 26. Bearing arms - Carrying weapons

§ Article 2 section 27. Witnesses not excused from testifying - Immunity from prosecution

§ Article 2 section 28. Corporate records, books and files

§ Article 2 section 29. Transportation out of State

§ Article 2 section 30. Unreasonable searches or seizures - Warrants, issuance of

§ Article 2 section 31. State - Engagement in occupation or business

§ Article 2 section 32. Perpetuities - Monopolies - Primogeniture - Entailments

§ Article 2 section 33. Effect of enumeration of rights

§ Article 2 section 34. Rights of victims

§ Article 2 section 35. Marriage Defined - Construction of law and Constitution - Recognition of out-of-state marriages - Penalty

§ Article 2 section 36. Right to hunt, fish, trap and harvest game and fish

§ Article 2 section 36A. Prohibition of special treatment or discrimination based on race or sex in public employment, education or contracts

§ Article 2 section 37. Health care systems - Payment and participation

Article 3 - Suffrage

§ Article 3 section 1. Qualifications of electors

§ Article 3 section 2. State Election Board - Creation - Membership

§ Article 3 section 3. Mandatory primary system - Nomination of candidates

§ Article 3 section 4. Manner of holding and conducting elections - Registration of electors

§ Article 3 section 5. Free and equal elections - Interference by civil or military power - Privilege from arrest

Article 4 - Distribution of Powers

§ Article 4 section 1. Departments of government - Separation and distinction

Article 5 - Legislative Department

Initiative and Referendum

§ Article 5 section 1. Legislature - Authority and composition - Powers reserved to people

§ Article 5 section 2. Designation and definition of reserved powers - Determination of percentages

§ Article 5 section 3. Petitions - Veto power - Elections - Time of taking effect - Style of bills - Duty of legislature

§ Article 5 section 4. Referendum against part of act

§ Article 5 section 5. Reservation of powers to voters of counties and districts - Manner of exercising

§ Article 5 section 5a. Township organization or government - Abolition and restoration

§ Article 5 section 6. Subsequent proposal of rejected measure

§ Article 5 section 7. Powers of Legislature not affected

§ Article 5 section 8. Prevention of corruption

The Senate

§ Article 5 section 9. Repealed

§ Article 5 section 9(a). Repealed

§ Article 5 section 9(b). Repealed

§ Article 5 section 9A. Senatorial districts - Tenure

The House of Representatives

§ Article 5 section 10. Repealed

§ Article 5 section 10A. House of Representatives - Number of members - Formula - Tenure

Legislative Apportionment

§ Article 5 section 11. Repealed

§ Article 5 section 11A. Legislature to apportion Legislature - Failure to make apportionment - Apportionment Commission

§ Article 5 section 11B. Order of apportionment rendered by Commission

§ Article 5 section 11C. Review of apportionment orders - Failure to seek review

§ Article 5 section 11D. Determination by Supreme Court

§ Article 5 section 11E. Compelling Commission to act - Consolidation of proceedings

§ Article 5 section 12. Repealed

§ Article 5 section 13. Repealed

§ Article 5 section 14. Repealed

§ Article 5 section 15. Repealed

§ Article 5 section 16. Repealed

Qualifications and Rights of Members

§ Article 5 section 17. Age - Qualified electors - Residence

§ Article 5 section 17A. Limitation of time served in the Legislature

§ Article 5 section 18. Ineligibility - Federal and state officers - Conviction of felony

§ Article 5 section 19. Expelled member ineligible - Punishment not to bar indictment

§ Article 5 section 20. Vacancies

§ Article 5 section 21. Conflict of interests prohibited - Board on Legislative Compensation

§ Article 5 section 22. Privileges - Arrest - Speeches or debates

§ Article 5 section 23. Ineligibility to appointment to office - Interest in contracts

§ Article 5 section 24. Disclosure of personal or private business

Sessions of Legislature

§ Article 5 section 25. Duration of first session

§ Article 5 section 26. Regular sessions

§ Article 5 section 27. Special sessions

§ Article 5 section 27A. Calling special sessions

Organization and Rules

§ Article 5 section 28. Senate - President pro tempore - Standing committees

§ Article 5 section 29. Speaker of House of Representatives

§ Article 5 section 30. Judges of election of members - Quorum - Rules - Disorderly behavior - Journal

§ Article 5 section 31. Elections by Legislature - Voting and entry in journal

§ Article 5 section 32. Special and local laws - Notice of intended introduction

§ Article 5 section 33. Revenue Bills - Origination - Amendment - Limitations on passage - Effective date - Submission to voters

§ Article 5 section 34. Reading and passage of bills - Yeas and nays entered on journal

§ Article 5 section 35. Signing bills and resolutions - Entry on journal

Powers and Duties

§ Article 5 section 36. Extent of legislative authority - Specific grants not limitations

§ Article 5 section 37. Printing plant and state printer

§ Article 5 section 38. Geological and Economic Survey

§ Article 5 section 39. Boards of Health, Dentistry and Pharmacy - Pure Food Commission - Present practitioners

§ Article 5 section 40. Militia

§ Article 5 section 41. Firemen's pensions

§ Article 5 section 42. Contempt, disobedience of process and disorderly conduct

§ Article 5 section 43. Decennial revision of laws

§ Article 5 section 44. Unlawful restraints of trade

§ Article 5 section 45. Carrying Constitution into effect


§ Article 5 section 46. Local and special laws on certain subjects prohibited

§ Article 5 section 47. Retirement of officers

§ Article 5 section 48. Bureau of immigration

§ Article 5 section 49. Legislative employees - Number and emoluments

§ Article 5 section 50. Exemption of property from taxation

§ Article 5 section 51. Exclusive rights, privileges or immunities

§ Article 5 section 52. Revival of rights or remedies - Taking away cause of action or defense

§ Article 5 section 53. Release or extinguishment of debts or liabilities to state, county or municipality

Miscellaneous Provisions

§ Article 5 section 54. Repeal of statute - Effect

§ Article 5 section 55. Appropriations - Necessity and requisites

§ Article 5 section 56. General appropriation bills - Salaries - Separate appropriation bills

§ Article 5 section 57. Subjects and titles - Revival or amendment by reference - Extent of invalidity

§ Article 5 section 58. Time of taking effect of statutes - Emergency measures

§ Article 5 section 59. Uniform operation of general laws - Special laws when general law applicable

§ Article 5 section 60. System of checks and balances

§ Article 5 section 61. Pensions to police officers

§ Article 5 section 62. Retirement benefits for teachers and school employees

§ Article 5 section 63. Continuity of governmental operations in periods of emergency

Article 6 - Executive Department

In General

§ Article 6 section 1. Executive officers enumerated - Offices and records - Duties

§ Article 6 section 2. Supreme power vested in Governor

§ Article 6 section 3. Eligibility to certain state offices

§ Article 6 section 4. Terms of office - Succession

§ Article 6 section 5. Returns of election - Tie votes


§ Article 6 section 6. Commander-in-Chief of militia - Calling out militia

§ Article 6 section 7. Extraordinary sessions of Legislature

§ Article 6 section 8. Execution of laws - Intercourse with other states and United States - Conservator of peace

§ Article 6 section 9. Messages and communications to Legislature

§ Article 6 section 10. Reprieves, commutations, paroles and pardons

§ Article 6 section 11. Approval or veto of bills - Passage over veto - Failure to return bill

§ Article 6 section 12. Appropriation bills - Approval or disapproval - Emergency bills

§ Article 6 section 13. Officers' commissions - Vacancies

§ Article 6 section 14. Adjournment of Legislature - Changing place of meeting

Lieutenant Governor

§ Article 6 section 15. Qualifications - President of Senate - Impeachment, etc., during vacancy in Governor's office

§ Article 6 section 16. Devolution of powers and duties of Governor upon Lieutenant Governor

Secretary of State

§ Article 6 section 17. Duties generally

§ Article 6 section 18. Custody and use of seal - Designation

State Auditor and Inspector

§ Article 6 section 19. Qualifications, powers and duties

Commissioner of Labor

§ Article 6 section 20. Department created - Duties

§ Article 6 section 21. Board of Arbitration and Conciliation

The Insurance Commissioner

§ Article 6 section 22. Insurance Department established - Function

§ Article 6 section 23. Commissioner - Election - Terms of office - Qualifications

§ Article 6 section 24. Bond of commissioner - Additional duties and qualifications

Department of Mines

§ Article 6 section 25. Creation of office - Term and qualifications - Duties, oath and bond

§ Article 6 section 26. Repealed

Commissioner of Charities and Corrections

§ Article 6 section 27. Repealed

§ Article 6 Section 28. Repealed

§ Article 6 Section 29. Repealed

§ Article 6 section 30. Repealed

Board of Agriculture

§ Article 6 section 31. Creation and membership - Status, authority and duties

§ Article 6 section 31a. Board of Regents for agricultural and mechanical schools and colleges - Members - Vacancies - Removal - Terms

Commissioners of the Land Office

§ Article 6 section 32. Membership and functions

§ Article 6 section 33. Accounts and reports of officers and commissioners

§ Article 6 section 34. Compensation of officers

Seal of the State

§ Article 6 section 35. Description of seal

Article 7 - Judicial Department

§ Article 7 section 1. Courts in which judicial power vested

§ Article 7 section 2. Supreme Court Justices - Number - Terms - Vacancies - Qualifications - Chief Justice - Vice Chief Justice

§ Article 7 section 3. Election of Justices and Judges - Vacancies

§ Article 7 section 4. Jurisdiction of Supreme Court - Writs

§ Article 7 section 5. Sessions - Quorum - Intermediate appellate courts - Form of decisions - Clerk of Supreme Court

§ Article 7 section 6. Administrative authority - Director and staff

§ Article 7 section 7. District Courts - Jurisdiction - Courts abolished - Transfer of jurisdiction, files etc.

§ Article 7 section 8. Classes of District Court Judges - Selection - Terms - Jurisdiction - Qualifications

§ Article 7 section 9. Election of District Judges and Associate District Judges

§ Article 7 section 10. Judicial Administrative Districts

§ Article 7 section 11. Salaries and expenses - Retirement

§ Article 7 section 12. Continuing provisions

§ Article 7 section 13. Savings clause

§ Article 7 section 14. Effective dates - Implementing acts

§ Article 7 section 15. Jury trials - Verdicts

§ Article 7 section 16. Repealer

Article 7A - Court on the Judiciary

§ Article 7A section 1. Removal of judges from office - Compulsory retirement - Causes

§ Article 7A section 2. Creation of Court on the Judiciary - Trial and Appellate Divisions - Jurisdiction - Membership

§ Article 7A section 3. Presiding judge - Rules - Meetings - Clerk - Powers

§ Article 7A section 4. Invoking jurisdiction by petition - Hearing

§ Article 7A section 5. Appeal to Appellate Division

§ Article 7A section 6. Established rules to apply - Judge pro tem - Compensation

§ Article 7A section 7. Exclusive jurisdiction

Article 7B - Selection of Justices and Judges

§ Article 7B section 1. Governing provisions - Definitions

§ Article 7B section 2. Declaration of candidacy - Election

§ Article 7B section 3. Judicial Nominating Commission

§ Article 7B section 4. Vacancy in Judicial Office - Filling

§ Article 7B section 5. Terms and election

§ Article 7B section 6. Political activity prohibited

§ Article 7B section 7. Effective date

Article 8 - Impeachment and Removal from Office

§ Article 8 section 1. Officers subject to impeachment - Grounds - Suspension from office upon felony conviction - Reinstatement - Temporary judges

§ Article 8 section 2. Removal of officers not subject to impeachment

§ Article 8 section 3. Presiding officer in case of impeachment - Presentation of impeachment

§ Article 8 section 4. Oath or affirmation - Number concurring

§ Article 8 section 5. Judgment of impeachment

§ Article 8 section 6. Necessary laws to be passed

Article 9 - Corporations


§ Article 9 section 1. Corporation - Company - Charter - License

Railroad, Transportation, Transmission and Public Service Corporations

§ Article 9 section 2. Rights as to construction of lines

§ Article 9 section 3. Receipt of cars, tonnage and passengers from other lines

§ Article 9 section 4. Oil pipe line companies - Regulation - Duties

§ Article 9 section 5. Telegraph and telephone companies - Transmission of messages - Physical connections to lines

§ Article 9 section 6. Railroads as public highways - Offices - Meetings - Reports - Enforcement

§ Article 9 section 7. Movable property as personal property - Liability of property to execution

§ Article 9 section 8. Consolidation of public service corporations - Common officer

§ Article 9 section 9. Sales and leases - Additional restrictions on consolidation

§ Article 9 section 10. Street railroads - Consent to construction and operation.

§ Article 9 section 11. Acceptance of provisions of Constitution

§ Article 9 section 12. Transportation of railroad's own commodities

§ Article 9 section 13. Free transportation of passengers

§ Article 9 section 14. Repealed

Corporation Commission

§ Article 9 section 15. Creation - Terms of office - Vacancies

§ Article 9 section 16. Qualifications of commissioners

§ Article 9 section 17. Oath of office - Additional oath

§ Article 9 section 18. Powers and duties - Notice before taking action - Process for witnesses - Authority of Legislature - Municipal powers

§ Article 9 section 18a. Organization - Quorum - Necessary vote

§ Article 9 section 18b. Company defined

§ Article 9 section 19. Powers of court of record - Additional powers - Failure or refusal to obey orders

§ Article 9 section 20. Appeals to Supreme Court - Other courts to have no jurisdiction - Mandamus and prohibition

§ Article 9 section 21. Supersedeas - Security - Accounts - Refunds - Precedence of appeals

§ Article 9 section 22. Statement of reasons for action - Cause heard on record - Certification of facts and evidence - New or additional evidence

§ Article 9 Section 23. Repealed

§ Article 9 section 24. Rights of action not affected - Questioning action of Commission

§ Article 9 section 25. Reports and recommendations

§ Article 9 section 26. Railway depots and depot buildings

§ Article 9 section 27. Railroad crossings at grade

§ Article 9 section 28. Inspection of books and papers - Examination of officers and agents

§ Article 9 section 29. Record of financial transactions

§ Article 9 section 30. Greater charge for less distance

§ Article 9 section 31. Foreign corporations - Eminent domain - Restrictions on exercise

§ Article 9 section 32. Through rates - Investigation - Notice - Application to Interstate Commerce Commission

§ Article 9 section 33. Switches to mines, mills, elevators and industries

Construction of Laws - Power of Legislature

§ Article 9 section 34. Definitions - Avoidance of conflicts with U. S. Constitution

§ Article 9 section 35. Power of Legislature

§ Article 9 section 36. Common law doctrine abrogated - Liability for acts of receivers - Power of Legislature


§ Article 9 section 37. Repealed

Private Corporations

§ Article 9 section 38. Creation or licensing - Necessity of general law

§ Article 9 section 39. Restrictions on issuance of stock

§ Article 9 section 40. Influencing elections or official duty

§ Article 9 section 41. Banks and trust companies - Restriction on controlling other stock

§ Article 9 section 42. Arbitration of differences with employees

§ Article 9 section 43. Foreign corporations - Designation of resident agent - Service - Place of suit

§ Article 9 section 44. Foreign corporations subject to same restrictions and requirements as domestic corporations

§ Article 9 section 45. Monopoly or destruction of competition - Discrimination prohibited

§ Article 9 section 46. Grants of special or exclusive privileges

§ Article 9 section 47. Power to alter, amend or repeal charters or franchises

§ Article 9 section 48. Penalties and regulations

Article 10 - Revenue And Taxation

§ Article 10 section 1. Fiscal year

§ Article 10 section 2. Tax to defray state expenses

§ Article 10 section 3. Tax to pay deficiency

§ Article 10 section 4. Levy to pay state debt

§ Article 10 section 5. Surrender of power of taxation - Uniformity of taxes

§ Article 10 section 6. Property exempt from taxation - Property exempt under territorial law - Certain property exempted for limited time - Special election to determine whether certain property exempt

§ Article 10 section 6A. Intangible personal property exempt from ad valorem or other tax

§ Article 10 section 6A. Tangible personal property moving through state - Situs

§ Article 10 section 6B. Qualifying manufacturing concern--Ad valorem tax exemption

§ Article 10 section 6C. Tax relief for historic preservation, reinvestment, or enterprise areas - Economic stagnation or decline - Use of local taxes and fees for public investments - Development or redevelopment of unproductive, etc. areas

§ Article 10 section 7. Assessments for local improvements

§ Article 10 section 8. Valuation of property for taxation

§ Article 10 section 8A. Approval of exemption of household goods of heads of families and livestock employed in support of family - Adjusted millage rate - Computation procedure - Maximum rate

§ Article 10 section 8B. Limit on percentage of fair cash value of real property

§ Article 10 section 8C. Limit on fair cash value on homestead

§ Article 10 section 8D. Household personal property exemption - Permanently disabled veterans

§ Article 10 section 8E. Homestead exemption - Military service disability

§ Article 10 section 8F. Homestead exemption - Surviving spouse of military service members who died in the line of duty

§ Article 10 section 9. Amount of ad valorem tax

§ Article 10 section 9A. Additional county ad valorem tax levy for department of health

§ Article 10 section 9B. Technology center school districts for technology center schools - Tax levies

§ Article 10 section 9C. Emergency Medical Service Districts

§ Article 10 section 9D. Solid waste management services

§ Article 10 section 10. Increased rate for public buildings or for building fund for school districts - Permanent levy

§ Article 10 section 10A. Tax levy for cooperative county libraries and joint city-county libraries

§ Article 10 section 10B. Municipal-owned hospitals - Operation and maintenance - Tax levy

§ Article 10 section 11. Officer receiving interest, profit or perquisites

§ Article 10 section 12. Special forms of taxation - Amounts - Reference to Federal taxation

§ Article 10 section 12a. Common school taxes on property of public service corporations

§ Article 10 section 13. Independence of state taxation

§ Article 10 section 14. Levy and collection by general laws and for public purposes - Assumption of debts

§ Article 10 section 15. Pledge or loan of credit - Donation - Exceptions

§ Article 10 section 16. Borrowing money - Specification of purpose - Use.

§ Article 10 section 17. Aid to corporations, etc., by counties, cities, towns, etc.

§ Article 10 section 18. Repealed

§ Article 10 section 19. Specification of purpose of tax - Devotion to another purpose

§ Article 10 section 20. Taxes for county, city, town or municipal purposes

§ Article 10 section 21. State Board of Equalization - Assessment levels

§ Article 10 section 22. Classification of property

§ Article 10 section 22A. Ad valorem tax exemption - Prohibition on filing for years prior to original application

Public Indebtedness

§ Article 10 section 23. Balanced Budget - Procedures

§ Article 10 section 23a. Surplus accruing to General Revenue Fund - Payment of bonded indebtedness - Investments - Appropriation of surplus

§ Article 10 section 23b. Contracts for incarceration of state inmates with counties and municipalities

§ Article 10 section 24. Debts in case of invasion, insurrection, or war

§ Article 10 section 25. Authorization of debt - Annual tax - Submission to voters - Final passage

§ Article 10 section 26. Indebtedness of political subdivisions - Assent of voters - Limitation of amount - Annual tax

§ Article 10 section 27. Indebtedness for purchase, construction or repair of public utilities

§ Article 10 section 27A. Municipal water and water facilities - Financing

§ Article 10 section 27B. Political subdivisions - Public utilities financing - Indebtedness

§ Article 10 section 28. Revenue for sinking fund - Uses to which applied

§ Article 10 section 29. Bonds and evidence of indebtedness - Certificates as to compliance with law

§ Article 10 section 30. System of accounting

§ Article 10 section 31. Indebtedness for construction, equipment, etc., of state buildings - Use of part of cigarette tax for payment

§ Article 10 section 32. State public common school building equalization fund

§ Article 10 section 33. Indebtedness for construction of buildings and other capital improvements - Restrictions - Term - Sources of payment

§ Article 10 section 33A. State Industrial Finance Authority

§ Article 10 section 34. Indebtedness for capital improvements to institutions of higher education - School and hospital for mentally retarded children

§ Article 10 section 35. Municipal and county levy for securing and developing industry

§ Article 10 section 36. Indebtedness for capital improvements - University Medical Center

§ Article 10 section 37. Bond issue for capital improvements at state institutions

§ Article 10 section 38. Indebtedness for capital improvements at state institutions

§ Article 10 section 39. Water resources and sewage treatment programs - Funding - State financial assistance - State liability

§ Article 10 section 39A. Water Infrastructure Credit Enhancement Reserve Fund - Creation, purpose, and administration - Authority to issue bonds

§ Article 10 section 40. Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund

§ Article 10 section 41. Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund

§ Article 10 section 42. Economic development credit enhancement reserve fund - General obligation bonds

§ Article 10 section 43. State construction, remodeling or other capital improvements - Amount of indebtedness - Payment and discharge of debt - Issuance of bonds

Article 11 - State And School Lands

§ Article 11 section 1. Acceptance of grants and donations - Pledge of faith of state

§ Article 11 section 2. Permanent school fund - How constituted - Use - Reimbursement for losses

§ Article 11 section 3. Interest and income - Use and apportionment

§ Article 11 section 4. Sale of lands for charitable, penal, educational and public purposes

§ Article 11 section 5. University and college lands - Control of institutions - Diversion of funds

§ Article 11 section 6. Investment of permanent common school and other educational funds

§ Article 11 section 7. Grants of commercial and agricultural leases in trust property

Article 12 - Homestead And Exemptions

§ Article 12 section 1. Extent and value of homestead - Rights of Indians

§ Article 12 section 2. Exemption from forced sale - Consent of spouse to sale - Mortgages

§ Article 12 section 3. Statutes nullified - Exemption as to purchase price restricted - Incumbering personal exemptions - Change or amendment of article

Article 12A - Homestead Exemptions From Taxation

§ Article 12A section 1. Exemption from ad valorem taxation authorized

§ Article 12A section 2. Duration of exemption - Increase of homestead

Article 13 - Education

§ Article 13 section 1. Establishment and maintenance of public schools

§ Article 13 section 1a. Appropriation and allocation of funds for support of common schools

§ Article 13 section 2. Institutions for deaf, deaf and mute, or blind

§ Article 13 section 3. Repealed

§ Article 13 section 4. Compulsory school attendance

§ Article 13 section 5. Board of Education

§ Article 13 section 6. Textbook system for common schools - Official multiple textbook lists

§ Article 13 section 7. Instruction in agriculture, horticulture, stock feeding and domestic science

§ Article 13 section 8. Board of Regents of University of Oklahoma

Article 13A - Oklahoma State System Of Higher Education

§ Article 13A section 1. Oklahoma State System of Higher Education

§ Article 13A section 2. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education - Establishment - Membership - Appointment - Terms - Vacancy - Powers as coordinating board of control.

§ Article 13A section 3. Appropriations - Allocation

§ Article 13A section 4. Co-ordination of private, denominational and other institutions of higher learning

Article 13B - Board Of Regents Of Oklahoma Colleges

§ Article 13B section 1. Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges - Creation, members, terms, etc.

§ Article 13B section 2. Powers and duties of Board - Officers, supervisors, etc.

§ Article 13B section 3. Successor to existing governing boards - Records, papers, etc.

§ Article 13B section 4. Salaries and expenses - Allocation of funds for payment

Article 14 - Banks And Banking

§ Article 14 section 1. Banking department

§ Article 14 section 2. Classification of loans and lenders - Licenses - Maximum rates of interest

§ Article 14 section 3. Excessive rate - Forfeiture of interest - Recovery of double interest

Article 15 - Oath of Office

§ Article 15 section 1. Officers required to take oath or affirmation - Form

§ Article 15 section 2. Administration and filing of oath - Refusal to take - False swearing

Article 16 - Public Roads

§ Article 16 section 1. Powers of Legislature respecting highways

§ Article 16 section 2. Acceptance of lands granted or reserved for highway

§ Article 16 section 3. System of levees, drains, and ditches and irrigation

Article 17 - Counties

Counties and Townships

§ Article 17 section 1. Counties to be bodies politic and corporate

§ Article 17 section 2. County and township offices

§ Article 17 section 3. Provision for persons in need

Creation and Alteration of Counties

§ Article 17 section 4. Legislature to provide for creation or alteration - Submission to vote - Area, population and taxable wealth

§ Article 17 section 5. Disorganization of county

Removal of County Seat

§ Article 17 section 6. Procedure for removal of county seat

§ Article 17 section 7. Bribery.

County Seats and Counties

§ Article 17 section 8. Description of counties - Designation of county seats

Article 18 - Municipal Corporations

§ Article 18 section 1. Creation - General or special laws - Classification

§ Article 18 section 2. Existing municipal corporations continued - Rights and powers

City Charters

§ Article 18 section 3(a). Framing and adoption of charter - Approval by Governor - Effect - Record - Amendment

§ Article 18 section 3(b). Election of board of freeholders

§ Article 18 section 4(a). Reservation of powers

§ Article 18 section 4(b). Petition - Signatures - Filing

§ Article 18 section 4(c). Presentation of petition to legislative body - Submission to voters

§ Article 18 section 4(d). Submission to referendum vote

§ Article 18 section 4(e). Submission of amendment to charter


§ Article 18 section 5(a). Grant, extension or renewal - Approval by voters - Term

§ Article 18 section 5(b). Petition - Calling election - Result of election

§ Article 18 section 6. Right to engage in business or enterprise

§ Article 18 section 7. Control and regulation not divested - Surrender of powers - Exclusive franchises

Article 19 - Insurance

§ Article 19 section 1. Foreign insurance companies - Conditions of doing business

§ Article 19 section 2. Entrance fees - Annual tax

§ Article 19 section 3. Non-profit insurance organizations

§ Article 19 section 4. Fees paid to State Treasurer

Article 20 - Manufacture And Commerce

§ Article 20 section 1. Manufacture or sale of denaturized alcohol

§ Article 20 section 2. Flash test and specific gravity test for kerosene oil

Article 21 - Public Institutions

§ Article 21 section 1. Establishment and support

Article 22 - Alien And Corporate Ownership Of Lands

§ Article 22 section 1. Aliens - Ownership of land prohibited - Disposal of lands acquired

§ Article 22 section 2. Corporations - Buying, acquiring or dealing in real estate

Article 23 - Miscellaneous


§ Article 23 section 1. Hours of labor on public work

§ Article 23 section 1A. Participation in labor organization as condition of employment prohibited

Convict Labor

§ Aricle 23 section 2. Contracting prohibited

Child Labor

§ Article 23 section 3. Children under fifteen

§ Article 23 section 4. Employment underground in mines - Hours of labor underground

§ Article 23 section 5. Health and safety of employees

Contributory Negligence

§ Article 23 section 6. Contributory negligence - Assumption of risk - Questions for jury

Personal Injuries

§ Article 23 section 7. Right of action - Amount of recovery - Exclusiveness of remedy under Workers' Compensation Law

Waiver of Rights

§ Article 23 section 8. Contracts waiving benefits of constitution invalid

§ Article 23 section 9. Stipulation for notice or demand

Salary or Emoluments of Public Officials

§ Article 23 section 10. Change of salary during term - Extension of term - Continuance until qualification of successor

Races Defined

§ Article 23 section 11. Repealed

State Agency Retirement Systems

§ Article 23 section 12. State Administered Retirement Systems - Limitation on Use of Monies

Article 24 - Constitutional Amendments

§ Article 24 section 1. Amendments proposed by Legislature - Submission to vote

§ Article 24 section 2. Constitutional convention to propose amendments or new constitution

§ Article 24 section 3. Right of amendment by initiative petition not impaired

Article 25 - Social Security

§ Article 25 section 1. Relief and care of needy aged and disabled persons - Co-operation with Federal Plan

§ Article 25 section 2. Repealed

§ Article 25 section 3. Repealed

§ Article 25 section 4. Repealed

§ Article 25 section 5. Effect of legislation contemporaneously adopted

§ Article 25 section 6. Authority of Legislature to create department to administer and execute laws enacted pursuant to Section 1 of Article 25

Article 26 - Department Of Wildlife Conservation

§ Article 26 section 1. Creation of Department - Wildlife Conservation Commission - Membership - Appointment - Tenure - Vacancies - Oath and Bonds

§ Article 26 section 2. Game and fish laws not repealed - Acquisition of property

§ Article 26 section 3. Director of Wildlife Conservation

§ Article 26 section 4. Disposition of funds

Article 27 - Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Board [REPEALED]

§ Article 27 sections 1-11. Repealed

Article 28 - Alcoholic Beverage Laws And Enforcement

§ Article 28 section 1. Creation of Commission - Appointment - Membership - Powers - Tenure

§ Article 28 section 1A. Transition from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to the Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission

§ Article 28 section 2. Exclusion of beer or cereal malt beverages containing not more than 3.2% of alcohol by weight

§ Article 28 section 3. Enactment of laws by Legislature - Nondiscrimination in sales to licensed wholesale distributiors - Sales by winemakers

§ Article 28 section 4. Retail sales by package stores and by the individual drink

§ Article 28 section 5. Prohibition of sales to certain persons - Limitation on advertising - Penalties

§ Article 28 section 6. Prohibition of sales on certain days - Penalties

§ Article 28 section 7. Taxation and licensing - Distribution of funds

§ Article 28 section 8. State and political subdivisions prohibited from engaging in business - Exceptions

§ Article 28 section 9. Occupation Tax

§ Article 28 section 10. Restrictions on issuance of licenses

§ Article 28 section 11. Repealer

Article 29 - Ethics Commission

§ Article 29 section 1. Ethics Commission - Appointments - Qualifications - Terms - Vacancies - Quorum

§ Article 29 section 2. Appropriation - Compensation - Staff

§ Article 29 section 3. Ethics Rules

§ Article 29 section 4. Investigation - Decision - Subpoena Power

§ Article 29 section 5. Ethics Interpretations

§ Article 29 section 6. Criminal Penalties

§ Article 29 section 7. Removal

Article 30 - Official Actions of the State of Oklahoma

§ Article 30 section 1. Official actions of State - English language


§ Preamble.

§ 1. Existing rights, actions, proceedings, contracts, claims, and processes

§ 2. Laws of the Territory of Oklahoma – extended and to remain in force

§ 3. Debts, fines, penalties and forfeitures accruing to theTerritory of Oklahoma

§ 4. Constitution takes effect and force - when

§ 5. Notaries public - Continuation of duties of office

§ 6. Female persons as notaries - Females eligible to office of County Superintendent of Public Instruction

§ 7. Property, credits, claims, and choses in action belonging to Territory of Oklahoma

§ 8. Judgments and property records in Indian Territory and Osage Reservation effectual to impart notice

§ 9. Judgments and property records of Oklahoma Territory effectual to impart notice

§ 10. Continued corporate existence of cities and towns - Officers - Ordinances

§ 11. Taxes assessed or due in incorporated cities and towns

§ 12. Local improvements and public buildings being made or constructed in Indian Territory

§ 13. Congressional acts concerning mining - Chief Mine Inspector to perform duties of Oil Inspector

§ 14. Licensure of dental surgeons

§ 15. Compensation of certain state officers

§ 16. Salaries of Supreme Court Justices and judges of District Court

§ 17. Compensation of other State officers

§ 18. Terms, duties, powers, qualifications, and compensation of county and township officers

§ 19. Boards of Regents of certain colleges, schools, and universities

§ 20. Division of property, assets and liabilities among existing and new counties

§ 21. Property, credits, claims, choses in action, and liabilities of Day County

§ 22. Procurement, sufficiency, and necessity of official seals

§ 23. Transfer of books, records, papers of county probate courts

§ 24. Seal of probate courts and county courts

§ 25. Indebtedness of county, city, or other municipality

§ 26. Transfer of papers, records, proceedings, and seal to Supreme Court of State

§ 27. Transfer of cases from District Court of the Territory to District Courts of the State

§ 28. Amendment of Enabling Act accepted

§ 29. Eligibility to be elected judge of District Court

§ 30. Eligibility to be elected to State office

§ 31. Osage County - Taxation - Assessments, tax books, records, collections

§ 32. New and existing school districts – Equitable division of property, assets and liabilities

§ 33. Licensed attorneys - Eligibility to practice without examination

§ 34. Newspapers entitled to publish legal notices, advertisements, etc.

§ 35. Debts of Constitutional Convention - Expenses of holding ratification election

§ 36. Ordinance of Constitutional Convention - Ratification and validity

§ 37. Illegal or invalid indebtedness not legalized or made valid

§ 38. Jurisdiction to make equitable division of county property, assets, and liabilities

§ 39. Superintendents of public instruction in Indian Territory and Osage Reservation

§ 40. Terms of officers of State government

§ 41. Qualification of Constitutional officers - Oath and bond

§ 42. Officers elected at time of adoption of Constitution - Official bonds

§ 43. Filing and preservation of Constitution - Secretary of State

§ Attestations.