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Disaster Recovery Guide

When the immediate emergency is over, the healing can begin. Our guides will help you start the process of recovering your family’s physical, emotional and financial well being.

If you need immediate assistance, please contact your local Red Cross chapter.

Staying Safe After a Disaster

Learn the steps to take during and after most disasters or emergencies to help ensure your family’s safety. Be sure to check our Emergency Resource Library to learn how to respond to specific disasters.

Immediate Steps to Take

Check Your Home’s Safety

If you have had to evacuate, take these steps to evaluate whether it is safe to enter when you are allowed to return home.

Checking Structural Elements

Checking Utility Services

Recovering Emotionally

Find out about the special care you and your loved ones may need, long after the visible signs of the disaster have faded.

About Emotional Recovery – available in multiple languages

What You May Be Feeling

Actions You Can Take

If You Still Don’t Feel Better

Recovering Financially

Get important information on how to manage the financial impact of disaster, from handling insurance claims to replacing vital documents that may have been lost.

Restore Your Financial Well-Being

Emergency Resource Library

Tips and strategies for preparing, responding and recovering from disasters and emergencies.