Marine Corps Base Quantico


Marine Corps Base Quantico

"Crossroads of the Marine Corps"

Noise Advisory



Residents in the immediate vicinity of Marine Corps Base Quantico may experience an increase in noise as an effect from ground/aircraft training/range clearance operations from Monday, November 7 through Monday, November 14.



Wednesday, November 9 – Demolition Training – 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Thursday, November 10 – Demolition and Live Fire Training – 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.



All questions regarding training should be directed to the Quantico Public Affairs Office at (703) 784-2741/2742.

Please Note: Aircraft supporting training or support to other agencies from the Marine Corps Air Facility at Quantico can also generate noise. The frequency and number of aircraft supporting training can occasionally generate higher volumes of noise. Additionally, atmospheric conditions can amplify aircraft noise volume and the distance sound travels.

All questions regarding this training should be directed to the Quantico Public Affairs Office at (703) 784-2741/2742.

For information on how to file training related damage claims please visit our legal services page and look for "Claims" in the right hand column.

Impulse Blast Noise Analysis Report
Advisory Cover

The adjacent image is a link to the "Impulse Blast Noise Analysis Technical Report". This document is the result of recommendations made during the Joint Land Use Study (JLUS). Implementation of several JLUS recommendations are partially dependent on the completion of this Blast Noise analysis.

The Technical Report is suitable for government staff and anyone who would like to dig deeper into the subject of military training noise at Marine Corps Base Quantico. This document is designed to allow government staff to make better informed land use decisions with regard to rezoning, special use permits, site plan reviews, etc. The report can also be used to provide land owners with a tool to help them make better choices regarding the highest and best use of their property.

Lost and found

There are many items that have been turned in to the Lost and Found section at MCB Quantico Security Battalion. If you have lost an item, call 703-784-2396 and speak to the lost and found custodian. Come to thePhysical Security Office at Building 2043 to claim the item.

Anyone claiming an item must be able to positively identify it.

Notice to employees represented by a labor union

The Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute requires that employees represented by an exclusive union be notified on an annual basis of their right to representation during examinations in connection with an investigative interview conducted by a representative of an agency.

The Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, at section 7114(a)(2)(B), requires the exclusive union to be given the opportunity to be present at any examination of an employee in the bargaining unit by a representative of the agency in connection with an investigation if:

The employee reasonably believes the examination may result in disciplinary action against the employee; and,

The employee requests representation.

Munitions Response Program

As the Crossroads of the Marine Corps, Marine Corps Base, Quantico has a rich and important military history training our Marine warfighters since World War I. Prior to that, it also played a part in Civil War history as it was the site of several Confederate encampments. Civil War-era military munitions can still be found aboard MCB Quantico as well as throughout this geographic area.

From World War I through World War II, much of the small arms and artillery training was conducted on the Main side of the Base, which is located east of I-95. During World War II, additional real estate was acquired west of I-95 and munitions training was moved to the West side (Guadalcanal area) during a major expansion of the Base.

Over time, the Main side of MCB Quantico became developed on sites that were former ranges, leaving behind reminders of what these areas once were. Many, if not most, of our nation’s military installations have a similar history. The Military Munitions Response Program was initiated to address these concerns at all DoD installations.


Spotlight & Advisories

Would you like to submit an announcement, event, or program update to this page?  Please contact the MCB Quantico Public Affairs Office.


Quantico Federal Job Opportunities

For a list of current job opportunities on Marine Corps Base Quantico click here.

Base Operating Status

Please check our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates to the base operating status, or call the MCBQ Hotline (703) 784-3638.

The Base Operating Status is defined as follows:

Code Green:  This is the "normal" base operating status. When the base operating status is code green the base is open and employees are expected to report to work on time. 

Code Yellow:  This base operating status is typically used when the impact of the winter weather event is minimal, but significant enough that normal operations may be affected. When the base operating status is code yellow, the base is open on time.  Reasonable delays for reporting to work are excused. Unscheduled leave is authorized. Emergency and essential personnel are expected to report to work. Personnel should contact their chain of command for specific command/activity guidance or direction.

Code Blue, XXXX:  This base operating status is typically used when the impact of the winter weather event is more significant and time is needed to conduct clearing operations before the base can support near-normal operations. When the base operating status is code blue, XXXX, the base is open at a specific time (XXXX). Reasonable delays for reporting to work are excused. Unscheduled leave is authorized. Emergency and essential personnel are expected to report to work. Personnel should contact their chain of command for specific command/activity guidance or direction.

Code Red: This base operating status is typically used when the impact of the winter weather is severe and it will take significant effort to restore the base to near-normal operations. When the base operating status is code red, conditions are severe and the base is closed for normal operation. Only emergency and essential personnel are expected to report to work. Personnel should contact their chain of command for specific command/activity guidance or direction.

The Base Operating Status will be disseminated as follows:

MCBQ website (http://www.quantico.marines.mil/UnitHome.aspx)

MCBQ Facebook site (www.facebook.com/officialmarinecorpsbasequantico)

MCBQ Twitter site (www.twitter.com/MCB_Quantico)

MCBQ Hotline (703) 784-3638

Local television and radio stations

As a reminder and in accordance with MCBO 11210.1D, tenant commands and activities are responsible for clearing their building entrances, walkways, and sidewalks. De-icer, salt, and shovels can be obtained through ServMart.

Personnel must not park on designated snow emergency routes until snow clearing operations are complete.