Doom: Diet and Dedication

MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- A McConnell Citizen Airman recently out-performed world-class athletes in a national, televised fitness competition.

After watching the competition last year with his family, Maj. Brian Doom, 18th Air Refueling Squadron Assistant Director of Operations, decided to take his physical training routine to the next level.

“I was sitting at home watching this athletic competition on TV with my family, and one of my kids looked up at me and said ‘Daddy, you could do that,’” Doom said. “With their support, I decided to get fit enough to qualify for the next year’s competition.”

With an ironclad goal of applying for competition in less than a year’s time, Doom’s biggest challenge was finding time in his schedule to perform a well-rounded routine.

“I work more than a full 40-hour week and try to spend at least 16 hours a week flying. It’s a challenge finding spare time throughout the day to work out,” Doom said. “The biggest changes I’ve made, personally, are that I’ve converted my desk into a standing one, to spend more time on my feet. I also spend at least three lunches a week running and doing quick pushup or pullup sets while watching TV at home during commercials.”

During work hours, Doom made use of the variety of on-base facilities and assistance, such as the fitness center, outdoor running tracks and the 22nd Aeromedical Squadron Health Promotion Program.

“Most people aren’t aware of how the things they eat and drink affect their health,” said Maribeth Havran, 22nd AMDS HPP dietician. “You don’t reach fitness without some sort of guidance and a goal in mind.”
Citizen Airmen like Doom can benefit from actively managing their own fitness goals and using of all the services the installation has to offer as evidenced by Doom’s recent televised achievement in which he out-performed world-class athletes.

“The Program really helped me reach the levels I needed to compete. I used everything from their Bod Pod to their nutrition classes,” Doom said. “I even called them the day before the competition to find out what the best meal would be before the big day to stay energized the whole way through.”

The 22 AMDS HPP covers human performance, nutritional medicine and health promotion to keep Airmen fit to fight. Whether Airmen need to correct musculoskeletal or exercise dysfunctions, gain a better understanding of nutrition from a licensed dietician or even stop smoking, the program provides classes and consultations to keep Airmen in the best health achievable.

Like Doom, McConnell Citizen Airmen can increase their fitness levels by actively using on-base facilities and assistance.

“You need to be proactive about your health with self-awareness and a plan,” Havran said. “You can’t stay fit while flying by the seat of your pants.”

For more information regarding fitness programs and facilities on base, contact the 22nd Force Support Squadron Fitness Center at (316)759-4009.