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Military Families

Supporting America's Military & Veteran Families. Serving those who serve our nation.

Our Commitment Never Wavers

The Red Cross helps members of the military, veterans and their families prepare for, cope with, and respond to, the challenges of military service.

The Red Cross has served more than 1 million military families since 9/11:

  • Volunteers provide home comforts and critical services on bases and in military hospitals around the world
  • We support military families during deployments and emergencies
  • We continue serving our nation’s veterans after their service ends
  • Every day, the American Red Cross provides 24/7 global emergency communication services and support in military and veteran health care facilities across the country and around the world.

    Here's a brief look at the reach our services have had this year and in the last day.

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    Military service members and dog

    Soldier’s Best Friend

    By Sergeant V. Michelle Woods, 1st Sustainment Brigade, US Army

    "I was deployed to Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn in 2010-2011. The days were extremely long, the weather was suffocatingly hot… it was very easy to become depressed and homesick over there. I'll never forget the day I walked into our command tent and saw an American Red Cross volunteer holding a Red Cross dog. The dog's sole purpose was to boost our morale. As an animal lover, I could not stop petting and hugging this sweet, friendly dog. It was so comforting seeing a pet there, after going so long without seeing anything other than camels! I remember thinking, ‘I can't believe this woman left our great country to just volunteer her time to support the troops in this hell hole. She must be a saint.’ I wondered if she and the dog knew how much I appreciated their visits because no words could truly describe how grateful I was. Thank you American Red Cross for all of your efforts, both great and small. You are truly appreciated.”

    From the First Day of Enlistment, service members and their families are eligible for Red Cross assistance

    American Red Cross staff and volunteers serve alongside the troops in both war and peace.

    Learn about the Red Cross history of partnering with our Armed Forces

    Donate Now

    Support all the urgent humanitarian needs of the American Red Cross.

    $10.00 is the minimum online donation amount. All donations are tax deductible.