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Honorary Titles Revoked From DNA Pioneer James Watson Over Racist Views

Nobel Prize recipient, James Watson, still maintained debunked notions of Blacks and inferiority.

Dr. James Watson at the CSHL.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York State has revoked every title and honor given to 90-year-old DNA pioneer, James Watson.

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Ignorance is Driving Trump Support

Most Americans don't know that the overwhelming majority of U.S. immigrants are legal. A Pew report explains immigration.

As the partial shutdown of the federal government continues, it has now become the longest funding lapse in U.S. history. President Trump is demanding that Congress approve $5.7 billion in funds to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Meanwhile, on Friday, at least 800,000 federal workers did not receive paychecks.

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Update: Son of Black Man With Mental Illness Killed by Portland Police Plans to File Lawsuit

Meanwhile, the hospital that Andre Gladen was at hours before he was shot has made no comment.

Andre Gladen, a father of five who suffered from schizophrenia, was shot dead on Sunday by Officer Consider Vosu of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB), after an altercation in a home. Records confirm that he visited the emergency room of Adventist Medical Center in Southeast Portland a few hours before his death.

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High School Wrestler's Hair Remains 'Unrelenting Fixation' for Officials

Andrew Johnson was forced to cut his dreadlocks and he's still under scrutiny by wrestling officials, said his attorney, Dominic Speziali.

Andrew Johnson, a wrestler attending Buena Regional High School in New Jersey, was forced by referee Alan Maloney to cut his dreadlocks or forfeit a match, which sparked outrage around the country last month. This week, another referee wanted Johnson to cover his now shorter hair for a match.

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Rep. Steve King's White Supremacy Remark Just Shows His True Colors

King's remarks are "abhorrent and racist and should have no place in our national discourse," tweeted Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) wants to know why white nationalists and white supremacists are getting a bad rep.

"White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?" King asked in an interview with The New York Times published on Thursday. "Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?"

The far-right lawmaker is at the forefront of supporting the Trump administration's anti-immigration policies and the push to end birthright citizenship. As a matter of fact, King credits himself with getting Trump onboard.

"Donald Trump came to Iowa as a real non-ideological candidate," King said, in the Times interview. He said he told Trump, "I market-tested your immigration policy for 14 years, and that ought to be worth something."

King has previously, on the House floor, shown a model of a 12-foot border wall he had designed.

Thursday afternoon he released a statement on Twitter "clarify" his comments on white supremacy and white nationalism.

"I want to make one thing abundantly clear; I reject those labels and the evil ideology" represented by those terms. "I am simply a Nationalist," he wrote.

"I condemn anyone that supports this evil and bigoted ideology which saw in its ultimate expression the systematic murder of 6 million innocent Jewish lives." Like the Founding Fathers, he wrote, "I am an advocate for Western Civilization's values."

But let's look at King's track record.

In the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, consumers and employees pushed back against companies donating to King's campaign in November. He is known for his association with white nationalists, even retweeting a Nazi sympathizer.

(But residents of Iowa still re-elected him for another term.)

King endorsed, Faith Goldy, an openly white supremacist candidate for mayor of Toronto. He often praises far-right politicians and groups in other countries.

In September, during a European trip financed by From the Depths — a Holocaust memorial group — King actually met with members of a far-right Austrian party with historical ties to Nazis for an interview on their anti-Semitic propaganda website. The meeting was just a day after ending a five-day trip to Jewish and Holocaust historical sites in Poland, including the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp.

"In an interview with a website associated with the party, King declared that 'Western civilization is on the decline,' spoke of the replacement of white Europeans by immigrants and criticized Hungarian American financier George Soros, who has backed liberal groups around the world," according to The Washington Post.

In December 2017, King shared a story on Twitter written by the Voice of Europe and quoted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who said, "Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one."

King added to the tweet: "Diversity is not our strength."

Members of Congress are condemning his recent comments.

"Everything about white supremacy and white nationalism goes against who we are as a nation," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, (R-Calif.), said, in a statement. "Steve's language is reckless, wrong, and has no place in our society. The Declaration of Independence states that 'all men are created equal.' That is a fact. It is self-evident."

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney tweeted that King's remarks are "abhorrent and racist and should have no place in our national discourse."

"Dear Steve King (@SteveKingIA): FYI this is one reason you get bad search results when people type your name in Google," Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), tweeted.

Milwaukee Mayor Whitesplains After Unarmed Black Man is Shot by Police

Meanwhile, an assault rifle-armed white man was not shot. Is it OK to compare the outcomes?

Brandon Moore and Jerry Smith, Jr. were both arrested by the Milwaukee Police. One was unarmed and shot three times while the other was armed with an AR-15 rifle and fired up to 15 shots and was left unscathed.

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Restaurant Manager Throws Chair at Black Teen

Matthew Fezzey blamed his actions on "past issues" with Black men.

Matthew Fezzey, a manager, has been suspended from Poke Poke in Chicago, Ill., after he admitted throwing a chair at a young, Black male customer in his restaurant.

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Chief Meteorologist Fired After Using Racial Slur in Reference to MLK

Jeremy Kappell claims it was a mistake. "Unfortunately, I spoke a little too fast when I was referencing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.," he said.

During a Friday night broadcast, meteorologist Jeremy Kappell referred to a park in downtown Rochester, N.Y., named after slain civil rights hero Martin Luther King as "Martin Luther Coon Park."

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