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Marine Corps Energy Initiative


Marine Corps Energy Initiative

Marine Corps Base Quantico

Marine Corps Installations National Capital Region
Media Resources

These 5 posters can be printed and hung, handed out, or used online. "You Have the Power" is the slogan for the Energy Ethos campaign, emphasizing how important it is that each and every Marine participates in energy-saving behaviors.
You Have the Power Posters
These "5 Ways to Save" tip sheets provide instructions on how to save energy and water in different locations on an installation. They can be distributed in print or digitally, and demostrates simple steps that Marine and their families can take to be more energy efficient.

5 Ways to Save

Energy and water use on an individual level adds up - to large amounts of water and large sums of money. These flyers share energy facts and simple steps that should be taken, and can be posted near the point of interaction: by thermostats, lights, faucets, and plugs.

"Did You Know?" Posters

Quantico Resources

The Quantico Energy Master Plan outlines the current energy consumption, specific actions that are being taken to achieve the Marine Corps energy goals as well as describes the future energy plans for the base.

Energy Master Plan will be available upon authorized release,

The Marine Corps Installations Energy Strategy details the strategy to combat energy inefficiency throughout the entire Marine Corps.
     Installations Energy Strategy
MCBQ Energy Mission
Marine Energy Contact

Jeromy Range
Energy Manager
Public Works Branch
(703) 432-2590