HomeOffices & StaffG-1: ManpowerInstallation Personnel Admin. CenterInbound Branch
Marine Corps Base Quantico


Marine Corps Base Quantico

"Crossroads of the Marine Corps"

Inbound Branch

The Inbound Section serves as the single centralized inbound department for the units being serviced by IPAC Quantico.   All PCS, Low Cost PCS and Reservists ordered to active duty (unless reporting to the MOB Processing Center) processing will be accomplished at this location.  PCA within MCB Quantico will be handled by the Outbound Section.

Reporting Instructions

  All inbound personnel will report to the IPAC located aboard MCB, Quantico (Building 2006, 2nd Deck).  The Inbound Section conducts mass join audits at 0800 and 1300 Monday thru Friday.  Marines who report after the mass join session has started will be directed to return during the next available mass join session.  It is imperative that Marines return to conduct join audit in order to ensure pay and entitlements are started correctly.  Individual join audits will be conducted on a case-by-case basis only.


All military personnel conducting mass joins are authorized to be in the uniform of the day.


All personnel reporting after working hours are required to report to the IPAC the first work day, with the appropriate reporting endorsement from the Battalion’s/parent commands.

Marines reporting aboard the installation during non-working hours who would ordinarily be issued a meal card (i.e., single E-5's & below, and married E-5's and below not residing with their dependents [geographical bachelors]) are allowed to eat in the military dining facilities aboard the installation by presenting a copy of their PCS/PCA orders and military ID Card.   These personnel must report to the IPAC on the next available business day to be issued a meal card. 

  Check-In Sheet POLICY 

Due to the variation in command check-in requirements from organization to organization, the Inbound Section will not issue a standardized check-in sheet.  Each supported organization is responsible for developing, issuing and monitoring the check in process for their Marines and Sailors. 


Contact Information
(703) 784-4479
(703) 784-4194