Donald J. TrumpTài khoản được xác nhận


President-elect of the United States

New York, NY
Đã tham gia tháng 3 năm 2009

@realDonaldTrump bị chặn

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  1. Happy 241st birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps! Thank you for your service!!

  2. Such a beautiful and important evening! The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before

  3. Watching the returns at 9:45pm. 🇺🇸

    , , 7 người khác
  4. Such a surreal moment to vote for my father for President of the United States! Make your voice heard and vote!

    , , 2 người khác
  5. Join my family in this incredible movement to !! Now it is up to you! Please for America!

  6. FINAL PUSH! Eric and I doing dozens of radio interviews. We can win this thing! GET OUT AND VOTE!

  7. Don't let up, keep getting out to vote - this election is FAR FROM OVER! We are doing well but there is much time left. GO FLORIDA!

  8. Just out according to : "Utah officials report voting machine problems across entire country"

  9. I will be watching the election results from Trump Tower in Manhattan with my family and friends. Very exciting!

  10. We need your vote. Go to the POLLS! Let's continue this MOVEMENT! Find your poll location:

    Go VOTE!
  11. VOTE TODAY! Go to to find your polling location. We are going to Make America Great Again!

    Vote Today!
    Visit to find your polling location.

  13. Today we are going to win the great state of MICHIGAN and we are going to WIN back the White House! Thank you MI!

  14. Unbelievable evening in New Hampshire - THANK YOU! Flying to Grand Rapids, Michigan now. Watch NH rally here:

  15. Big news to share in New Hampshire tonight! Polls looking great! See you soon.

  16. Today in Florida, I pledged to stand with the people of Cuba and Venezuela in their fight against oppression- cont:

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