Main Content

Training and Exercises

The following FEMA training and exercise resources may enhance the disaster preparedness – and response and recovery capabilities and capacity – of FEMA voluntary, faith-based, and community partner organizations, staff, and volunteers.  Offerings also support mutual understanding and integration across the non-profit, public, and private sectors.

Independent Study

FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute offers over one hundred independent study courses online.

Voluntary, Faith-Based, & Community Organizations

Volunteer & Donations Management

Key Groups & Vulnerable Populations

Individual Assistance & Mass Care/Emergency Assistance

Communications and Partnerships

Emergency Management

Additional Topics

Additional resources for citizens, employees, and workplaces include:

Classroom Training

FEMA’s EMI offers classroom instruction on-campus and in coordination with partners nationwide.  Please note that course audience, prerequisites, and delivery vary.

Voluntary, Faith-Based, & Community Topics

Communications and Partnerships

Plans & Exercises

Please note that course audience, prerequisites, and delivery vary.

Collections and Courses of Study

Additional Sources

Additional related resources (on, unless otherwise noted) include:

Additional Information

Learn more and connect with FEMA VALs and our community of partners!


The Voluntary Agency Liaison mission is to establish, foster, and maintain relationships among government, voluntary, faith-based, and community partners to strengthen capabilities and support the delivery of inclusive, equitable services by empowering communities to address disaster-related unmet needs.

FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Disclaimer: FEMA does not endorse any private or non-profit entities, but provides this data on its web site for informational purposes only.

Last Updated: 
03/31/2016 - 10:15