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Welcome to the Department of the Navy
Assistant for Administration (DON/AA)

  • It's getting down to the wire for the 2012 Combined Federal Campaign. The official end of the contribution season is this Saturday. Department of the Navy Assistant for Administration, SES Carla E. Lucchino, discusses the Navy's giving goals this year with Federal News Radio.


  • Department of the Navy Assistant for Administration, SES Carla E. Lucchino, shares a touching story about her grandfather and why it is so important for her to donate to the Combined Federal Campaign. Donating to a charity is a very personal decision that can positively affect the lives of many people. Hear her story.
  • Department of the Navy Assistant for Administration, SES Carla E. Lucchino, discusses the importance of contributing to the 2012 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Contributions can be made as a payroll deduction or a one-time payment. Please be generous and make a difference!

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