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Teach Kids To Prepare For Disaster While Having Fun

Release date: 
August 17, 2009
Release Number: 

MARION, Ill. -- Welcome to FEMA for Kids, the Web site that is fun…and more.

Underneath all the games, stories and puzzles is good information that makes kids and their families better prepared in the event of a disaster. Even parents and teachers can get great curriculum or safety information to use in the classroom or at home. Activities geared toward youth of all ages are included, and trainers can download safety fact sheets.

FEMA for Kids is presented by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Go to and click on "Kids." Meet Herman the spokescrab and tag along on his search for a disaster-proof shell. Also meet Julia and Robbie, the Disaster Twins. Watch brother and sister get into - and out of - all sorts of close calls, learning along the way how to be better prepared, or how to avoid danger altogether.

The Web site shows disasters come in many shapes and sizes. Some are predictable -- like a hurricane. Some, like a flood, can be a surprise. Learning about the different kinds of disasters will help kids be better prepared. They can learn the best way to keep safe, and keep their families and pets safe, as they do what they like to do best - have fun!

FEMA for Kids is a tool for recovery as well as preparedness. Kids can find out about disaster kits and learn what they need before the danger happens. They can discover what they might feel during and after such an incident. They can read stories from other young people their age who have been through a disaster, or tell their own stories.

Disasters aren't fun, but knowing more about them can be helpful. Plus, there's a cool certificate that kids can print out and hang on their walls.

The Web site's resources for teachers and parents also contain a guide to help school personnel, parents and community members prevent or deal with potentially dangerous student behavior. It includes the early warning signs that relate to violence and other troubling behaviors and steps to intervene and get help for troubled children.

FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders and to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Updated: 
July 16, 2012 - 18:46
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