Government of Saskatchewan
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    Thursday, November 03, 2016
Minister of Finance

Interjurisdictional carriers pay registration fees, sales tax and fuel tax based on the proportion of distance traveled in Saskatchewan compared to the distance traveled in all jurisdictions. 

The Prorated Vehicle Tax (PVT) allows for the payment of tax by all registrants of an interjurisdictional vehicle, based on their proportionate travel in Saskatchewan.
Carriers operating in Saskatchewan are required to pay tax on the fuel consumed in the Province. This is done under the provisions of the International Fuel tax Agreement (IFTA).

The International Registration Plan (IRP) provides for the apportionment of vehicle registration fees and is administered by Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI).  The Revenue Division has the responsibility to conduct distance audits on behalf of the Province under this program.  The IRP is a reciprocal agreement which requires member jurisdictions to ensure that their interjurisdictional carriers are allocating vehicle registration fees accurately among the various jurisdictions across North America in which they are registered to operate.


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